Monday, December 19, 2005


Do you know anyone who's dated for 10 years? Greg and Holly started dating in High School. They made it through the long distance relationship when one went to Davis and the other to Cal Poly. After graduation, one worked in Sacramento and the other stayed in the South Bay. Through ups and downs, dips and valleys, they've worked through all the kinks of their lives. And on their 10th anniversary as a couple, Greg finally seals the deal and asks for Holly's hand in matrimony. May the Lord bless them with an abundance of grace and love.

On a different note, congratulations to me also!! Spent almost the entire weekend working on my shower. That's the problem with buying an old home. Everything is either broken or close to breaking. Most of the things are beyond repair. Some parts are impossible to replace cuz it's obsolete. And then there's just the old factor.

Started with Joycie asking me to unclog the drain and scrub down the walls. Then I realized that the drain cap was loose...the screw heads came off but the screws were intact. Greattttttt.... nothing like removing an unremovable screw. I asked the Home Depot guy how to remove the screw. His advice, "Sell the house. It'll be easier."
The faucet handles were leaking so I needed to work on those. There were so much grime and rust...most of my time was spent taking things apart! I got to a point where I was Repairing by Destruction. Bought a cobalt drill bit and started ripping everything in sight!! ARGH ARGH ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But 830PM Sunday night, the leaking stopped ,the drain was secured. And Joycie had a hot pasta dinner with salad waiting. Yet again, I'm convinced that my future offsprings will either be a doctor, lawyer or plumber.

Saturday, December 17, 2005


Moments after I post about my troubles with 1941, I solved it!!! WOOHOO!!! Nexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxt............

down but not out...

My addiction to Freecell quickly became annoyance ie I got bored of it really fast. So then I did a search on Google to see what other people have written about it...and lo and behold, I find out that game #11982 for Win95/98 is UNSOLVABLE!!! and there are 8 games in 1 million deals for XP that can't be solve either.

Of the 1 million games, the following have been posted as being the most difficult:
617 and others.....

It's been a day and a half and I'm still stuck on 1941. I'm tickled pink at this new challenge, but at the same time, a little discouraged at how difficult it really is!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


There's a term we used back in the 80's called "flipping a game" - which means beating the game, winning a game, killing the big boss, finish all the levels. In recent days, my Cuz from NY got me re-addicted to the simple yet mind-boggling game, Freecell. Did you know there are 1 million possible games out there? And each of the games have a solution, unlike Solitarie. And with Minesweeper, it's really hit or miss to have a good start; more guessing than skills, unless someone shows me a strategy. Back to Freecell, if I were to play 5 games (and win those games) everyday for the rest of my life, it'll take me 200,000 days. There are 365.25 days in a it'll take me 547 years to "flip Freecell!!" If I double the games I play every day to 10, it'll still take me 273 years. Okay... I started playing Freecell since 1995 when it came out with Windows 95. Given the benefit of the doubt, I've played 1,000 games. That's still 999,000 games I have yet to play.

So starting from today, if I play 80 games a day, I'll successfully finish Freecell in 35 years. Great!! Reality!! But wait... 80 games a day??? On average, it'll take me 5 minutes to finish a game. That's 400 minutes or a good 6-7 hours! Which is a full time job!!

Maybe I can get Bill Gates to sponsor me for the next 38 years....

Monday, December 12, 2005

Calling pitchers and catchers...

Last year around this time, I wrote a journal entry on the dismal performances of the Niners and my longing for baseball season to start. This year the pain isn't as blaring, with the Warriors and Sharks showing signs of competitiveness and perhaps even a playoff run. Another two weeks of suffering through the 2006 season and we'll be in the Reggie Bush Bowl. Maybe that game will have the highest rating of the year when we go up against Houston for the worst record in football. Knowing the Niners, we'll probably win the game and hand the #1 draft pick over to the Texans. Or...if we lose and we get the #1 pick, Reggie Bush will decide to play another year in college. Boy am I glad I was cognizant during the 80's.

On a more wishful note...the Giants just signed Matt Morris to secure the #2 spot in our rotation. Is this it?? Will this be our going in position to the 2007 season? We bolstered our bullpen and strengthened our start rotation...but what about offense? Guess we'll be limping into Spring Training again...with all our hopes and riding on Bonds' shoulders.

Sigh, sometimes it just hurts to be a San Francisco Sports fan....

Friday, December 09, 2005

the little things in life...

Sometimes, those little things in life make you feel warm and fuzzy inside. Went to Dish Dash with a coworker today. While we're in there, the Manager needs to move us to another table to make room for a bigger party. And she voluntarily buys us dessert. I would've rather her buy us lunch, but hey! it's free dessert.

Not really sure what she bought us tho...
A sweet and special Middle Eastern dessert: Shredded filodough with sweetened cheese in stairated rose water with a garnish of pistachios. Freshly made, so please allow 10 minutes.

Then went over to a used book store to look for this out of print book. Perusing, perusing and suddenly, "BINGO! There it is!!" (VICTORY) But wait...d'oh!!! Same title, different author. Darnit!!!! (DEFEAT) Oh well...I guess I might just have to do what the title told me to do...wait till next year.

So if anyone reading this is ever in a used bookstore and come across WAIT 'TILL NEXT YEAR by William Goldman and Mike Lupica (not Doris Kearns), snatch it. I'll take it, even if 10 people get it for me. On Amazon, it's going for $400. On ebay, last checked, it was going for $85.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

more bathroom jabber...

So I'm sitting in the men's room today, doing my own thing, minding my own business. In comes a man. I immediately recognize his voice because he was in the bathroom the same time I was, yesterday. This time he's with a different friend, no less. He goes into a stall and begins the same speech I heard him give yesterday.

"Hey <>, In all my 50+ years of going to public restrooms, I've never seen one designed quite like this one. I'm amazed! This is the first bathroom I've been in where they have stalls perpendicular to each other. Usually they are just parallel, side by side. Sometimes facing each other. But this person really had to think outside of the box."

Two days in a row...same speech. And both times, while that guy is sitting in a stall talking to a friend. What are the chances...?

Monday, November 28, 2005

Exiled from my own home...

Wonderful 4-day weekend. Perfect timing for us to recover from our jetlag and reaccustom ourselves with California's laid back lifestyle. Mmm Mmm Good!

Friday morning, we unorthodoxly woke up at 5AM to go to Macy's at 6AM. All that for a rice cooker - we were hoping for some kind of super duper sale. We came home with our tail between our legs. There was no sale!! Luckily, we didn't have to cook that day...

Saturday we slept in until 3PM. That's 15 hours of sleep. I did get up once to go wee-wee. We had our hearts set on fixing the broken pipe too. Oh well..guess that'll have to wait. After having breakfast/lunch/afternoon tea...whatever you wanna call it, we "cleaned house." Went through all our boxes and clawed through everything that even slightly resembled evilness. Threw away a bunch of charms my dad got for me at Wong Dai Sin, a charm Gracie got for us from Japan, my 招財進寶 piggy bank, volumes upon volumes of so-called "literature." It felt really good! Probably the hardest thing to do was to throw away were Joycie's 龍鳳扼. We were contemplating melting it and reusing the material for something else...but since we couldn't think of anything, and honestly, no one is going to miss it, we hurled it into the trash. Sayonara!

Sunday was oh so cold. We get home around 4PM to watch the 4th quarter of the Cardinals/Jaguars game, then decide to head off to Barnes and Noble cuz it's warmer there. We figure a $2 cup of coffee is cheaper than turning on the heat.

During the summer, we go to Barnes and Noble to stay cool. During the winter, we go to Barnes and Noble to stay warm!! Anything wrong there??

Saturday, November 26, 2005


Winter is officially here for retailers. Tomorrow will be the biggest shopping day of the year. Places like Walmart and Circuit City are selling laptops plus printers plus Wireless cards for $200. That's insane. INSANE!!!

Joyce and I decided to spend Thanksgiving this year with her dad. We rarely spend time with this side of the family. But the time we spend together is definitely worth cherishing. They were so surprised that we had lunch and dinner with them. Almost unexpected. The day went by quickly. We finished Thanksgiving dinner by 630PM -- when most families start to have dinner. Instead of heading over to the Louie's for dessert, we decided to rest up for shopping tomorrow. I'm actually gonna hit up Macy's at 6AM. I can't help it!! Our rice cooker broke and we need a new one. Hahahahhaa... amazing huh? A chinese family w/o a rice cooker is like a football game w/o a football.

Monday, November 21, 2005

There's no place like home...

As flight SQ002 skidded back onto the runway at San Francisco International Airport and with clicking of seatbelts before the captain turns off the Fasten Seat Belt sign, our honeymoon officially came to an end. Two weeks of hustle and bustle culminated anti-climatically in an abnormally warm autumn evening in the Bay Area. Compared SFO to Hong Kong's airport is like comparing a bowl of white rice to a Filet Mignon. There's no comparison. As leaders of the free world, you'd expect some order within the confinements of the customs. Au Contraire, mon Fraire. Minimum wage in California is too high for the government to afford a few more people to help direct traffic. We skip through customs and the luggage belt with no problems. Since I didn't sleep a wink on the plane, I think I can sleep tonight and head straight into work. I'm sure people at work will be understanding if I'm glassy eyed. Hahahaha.. not like it's anything different eh?

不到長城非好漢 -- 毛澤東

The home of the 2008 Olympics. The capital of several centuries of Chinese emperors. The birthplace of 北京田鴨。 When astronaut John Glenn first orbitted the earth, he saw two things from of them being the Great Wall of China, located north of Beijing on the border of Mongolia. Joycie and I were planning to go to Phuket, Thailand for the second leg of our honeymoon. We even packed all but shorts and t-shirts. Huda guessed instead of travelling to 80 degrees weather, we'll be going to 20 degree weather. But God was watching out for us and preparing us every step of the way. Climax of our trip to Beijing came on day 3 of 5. Our bus arrived at the Great Wall of China. As we stepped off the tour bus..I uncontrollably started weeping and humming 中華民國頌 (much to Joycie's annoyance).

青海的草原 一眼看不完
喜瑪拉雅山 峰峰相連到天邊
古聖和先賢 在這裡建家園
風吹雨打中 聳立五千年
中華民國 中華民國 經得起考驗
只要長江和黃河的水不斷 千秋萬世,直到永遠

But I couldn't help it. This was the main reason we chose Beijing. To be at the very place that our forefather's labored so intensely for the protection of the rest of China. Someone shoulda told them to build it not just North, but on all four directions. China finally fell to the Invasions of the Eight Nations - but we'll leave that for the history books.

Then the next day, we went to Tiananmen Square, the place where so many students were massacred for the price of Freedom and Democracy. There happened to be a bunch of students there on a field trip. I looked upon them and imagined this square, the world's largest square. Filled with students. It's not hard to imagine why Deng Xiao Peng ordered troops upon them. If the students decided to start an uproar, with their size and their heart, there was no telling what they could've done. Despite the melancholy, I was standing in the center of the captial of my mother country. I haven't even been to Washington DC!!! But here I was, in between the Tomb of Mao, the Great Hall of the People, the Beijing Museum, and the Forbidden City. I couldn't help but whistle and hum the Chinese National Anthem. I surge of national pride came pouring out of me.

Press me!!


Most imporantly, Beijing is a place full of evilness and temptations. PCS definitely was able to prepare us for this sin-filled place. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we were capable of protecting each other. A very curious thought of what the 1 Billion Chinese people are doing in their ignorance... my heart grows sad.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

PCS 2005

Day 1: "Buckle up"
Day 2: "Come out!"
Day 3: "Chop! Chop!"
Day 4: "Think!"
Day 5: WHOA.......!

Highlights from my 5 days:

1) Sisters outnumbered brothers 4 to 1. Come time to voluntarily give testimonies: 4 brothers vs 2 sisters. Yeahhhhhhhhhh.....

2) Some older brothers taught me 三句三字經. Three phrases to a healthy marrige:

對 0吾 住 -- I am sorry
係 我 錯 -- I am wrong
我 愛 你 -- I love you

3) SoChi, Becca and Susan.

4a) Second night, after receiving the Holy Spirit and returning to our room, I asked Joyce, "Do I look different?" She says, "Nope. But your skin feels smoother." I reply, "That's cuz I just shaved."

4b) A sister runs up to me the next day and says, "Your face really changed. God bless you." Hrm....

5) Pastor SARS - Simon Tse.

6a) During worship, all the sisters are jumping up and down with their hands raised. Like a group of teenage girls in a moshpit in a concert, trying to shake hands with their idols. These sisters are trying to reach and grab a hold of Jesus. All the brothers on the otherhand, at most, have two hands raised. Some clap, one particular one jumped up and down. I guess we have different ways of expressing ourselves.

6b) An older gentlemen in my cell group was extremely reserved throughout the entire week. He never clapped or raised his hand or showed any emotions during worship. On the last session on the last day, when 95% of the people were up and dancing in a conga line during worship, the Holy Spirit invited him out with everyone.

7) My brother, Kelvin.

8) The ministers were a little understaffed and Amy had to sing solo for over an hour before someone came to relieve her. She was weeping but couldn't reach for a tissue cuz her hands were tied to the keyboard.

9) $7 HK Milk Tea

10a) Leaving Breakthrough Village, we were in a huge hurry to get to Kong Oh Pier. The bus won't leave Breakthrough for another hour and the little vans were pretty full. One of the sisters was wise enough to call for a taxi -- was willing to share it with us (thereby fitting 6 ppl in a car) and even paid for the trip. Good Samaritans are everywhere.

10b) All the girls piled into the backseat of the taxi and I'm last to get in. So I run to the passenger side of the taxi, open the door and see a steering wheel!?!? Whoops...ain't in America no more! Hahhahaha

As the saying goes, "You give a man a fish, he eats for a day. You teach him how to fish, he eats for his entire life." Like what my friend Chris said about PCS... it's not about a life changing experience within the five days inside the confides of Breakthrough. PCS is about arming you with the necessary weapons and knowledge that'll continue to protect yourself against the world's challenges and temptations.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

After an 8-year hiatus...

What happened to Hong Kong? It's nothing like what I remember from 8 years ago? Where'd all these people come from? And why are they in such a rush? What are they in a rush for? First two days back in Hong Kong and I'm ready to go. Seriously!! There's nothing worth sight-seeing. We have nothing to buy. Anything that we need to buy, we can get it back home. Maybe we're just ignorant and don't know where to go or what to do.

Saw grandma today. She's 98 yrs old and going strong. Our guess is we'll be back in two years to celebrate her centennial. We also got lost and ended up retracing Joyce's childhood. The place she lived, the school she went to, the hospital she was born in. I guess we didn't get lost, we were just pushed to go into this direction. Everything happens with a reason...

After a 14 hour flight...I end here. sad. Can't wait to get into Breakthrough Village and escape from the hustle-n-bustle.

So this is our honeymoon huh???

Thursday, November 03, 2005


Where would we be without the internet? Email? Mapquest? Google Earth? Still remember back in 1997, 80% of the Superbowl commericials were all dot com commericials. The last few years, we've had a setback, a recession even. But there are still dot com's popping up here and there. One of which is Friendster.

I mozied on to Friendster about 2 years ago when a buddy invited me on. I thought it was another scam, another junk mail bait. So signed up and created a junk account just to entertain that "friend." A year later, I traverse back and lo and behold -- EVERYONE and THEIR MOTHERS are ON FRIENDSTER!!!!! That night, I spent about 4 hours going through everyone's network finding long lost friends. A great night that was. Then the novelty wore off.

Yesterday, I crawled back onto the world of FRIENDSTER and EVERYONE and THEIR MOTHERS and THEIR MOTHERS' MOTHERS are on it!!!! People I haven't seen or heard from in years. Everyone is so different now. No longer are they the screwups and the immatures. Some are doctors, business owners, mothers and fathers. A part of me want to oh-so-bad contact these "friends." Yet.... another part of me is tugging my ear saying, "Let it go.... it's in your past."

And today...out of the blue, I receive an email from a friend. And there on the cc-list was her email address. Long have I forgotten this person. And now, I have proof she's still around. That's probably enough for me to know. All good things must come to an end... and even things that aren't good must come to an end.

Weight check: Before Hong Kong - 165lbs. Let's see how much I weigh when I come back. =)

Hong I come.

Monday, October 31, 2005

inching closer and closer...

Spent the entire weekend working on the house. Haven't been in "house-working" mode for about 2 months now. Our buddies who bought their house the same day we bought ours is almost done!! So Saturday, we primed and prepped our den and Saturday we glazened another shade of beige - bleached almond. We've had several guests over but never had that proverbial Housewarming party.
It was first suppose to be Housewarming + Joycie's Bday...
then it became Housewarming + July 4th...
then it becamse Housewarming + my Bday...
then it became Housewarming + Bridal Shower...
then it became Housewarming + Wedding BBQ...
then it became Housewarming + Niners Opening Weekend (which sorta happened).
We don't think we'll make it in time for Housewarming + Thanksgiving.
So naturally, we'll have to push it back to Housewarming + Christmas.
Pretty soon, it'll be Housewarming + Baby Shower!
....Housewarming + retirement maybe??

Just four more days till I head back to Hong Kong. SO EXCITED!! Glee is just oozing out of me!!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


88 years later, the White Sox are once again champions. Going wire to wire and a 11-1 postseason record, Shoeless Joe's infamous Chicago Black Sox can finally retire into memory lane. They won it the same way they've won games all year long, by inches, because baseball is a game of inches. Sunday night we saw an old White Sox fan on TV bearing the sign, "I've waited 92 years for this."
The obvious question is, will I be like that old lady? Will I be bearing that sign when I'm in my 70's, 80's or even 90's??

When will my Giants finally win the World Series!?!?!?!??!

Congratulations Chicago.


Did Adam have a belly button?

Monday, October 24, 2005

Course 101 - Art of Hearing God

自古, 軍以民為貴, 民以食為天.
The five of us did not challenge this saying at all. As we headed up to San Francisco Thursday evening, we decided to grab a “quick dinner” before going to class. Needless to say, we were late. Friday wasn’t any better. Our thirst for a cup of java and my horrible directions made us 30 minutes late. Friday night, we had some salivating Macau food – but were once again late for class. How embarrassing. Not only were we late, we infested our friends from English Congregation and made them late also. If the previous group were famous for falling asleep, this time we must be famous for being late. So much for integrity…

What was so cool about this class? Well, let’s just say I know of some parents who look forward to nothing more than for their sons or daughters to call home – especially those who have gone off to college overseas. Parents love to talk to their children. In the same way, God loves to talk to us. He’s talking to each and everyone of us all the time...but do we have the right equipment set up to listen? Are we in tuned with His frequency? Do we have the necessary character-istics to actually hear God? That’s what we learned this weekend... two and a half days of drinking from a fire hydrant and we come away, not with a silver bullet but with the blue prints on designing this silver bullet. Course 101 is what it says it’s just the first of many courses.

Then there was the impartation. Oh so mysterious and wonderful...

A rather interesting fact:
In many of our group exercises, the gender ratios were about 4 women to 1 man. Where did all the father’s go? If all the women there can bring her husband, boyfriend, brother, son…the population would double or even triple!!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Bathroom Etiquette

There are some things in every day life that really gets to me... some things that, if I were some monarch in a desolate country off the coast off Timbuktu, I would most certainly ratify as LAW. One of these things is public bathroom etiquettes. What you do in the privacy of your own home is your business. Your wife says, "Put the seat down" but you refuse to budge, that's your business. But in the arena where we share this Mansion of Solitude Confinement, common courtesy must take into effect. And all I can talk about are Men's Room. Ladies' Room is a whole other planet. I've been in a ladies room maybe twice since I've turned 3. Once was cuz the men's room was busted at the Chevron off of Hwy 5 in the middle of nowhere (and oh IS a lot nicer in there) and the other time was clearly CLEARLY effects of taking Nyquil and waking up too early for an 8AM Midterm. It wasn't even till last month did I realize ladies restrooms have breastmilk pumping stations!! (It wasn't till last month did I realize ladies could pump breastmilk...) Kudos to Women's Rights! Back to the main topic here...

1) You are what you eat. Guys...if you're not going to wash your hands, at least pretend to turn on the faucet. There are people in there with you! We see what you've done (for the most part) and we hear what just happened. Those hands!! Those hands are going to touch the door handle that I'm going to touch. Those hands are going to grab the coffee pot handle I'm going to grab. Those hands are going to be shaking hands with our customers - who may possibly well be a Major or Captain. Those hands are the very same hands that'll be holding your little kid tonight! Those very hands will be caressing that Bacon Cheesburger you're having for lunch.

2) Practice double flush. After you're done...flush once and look back. Make sure you're not leaving a mark. We're not animals, we don't need to mark our territories. I can't count how many times I've walked into a stall to see what resembles a hurriance of chocolate cake and vanilla pudding.

3) The courtesy flush. Every now and then (and for some, every now and now) we get the runs. The unassuming, non-alerting explosion that makes you wonder, where did it all come from?! And how do you know it's really bad...when you can smell your own work-of-art. That's when it's REALLY REALLY bad. You go in there for a quick #2, and you find yourself vomiting from the stench of your own creation. But c'mon...if you smell it, so does the guy next to you!! And the guy coming in after you! Get rid of what's floating and start out with a fresh bowl of water. This isn't an airplane, gas masks don't automatically fall from the ceiling.

4) I read what I want, not what You want. I like reading in the bathroom. Short enriching articles that allow me to escape from my cubicle and conference rooms. Sharing newspapers isn't a bad idea either (especially Fry's ads) if done santitarily. Just don't print out your emails with your name on them and leave the hardcopies behind!! I don't want to know you've been in here before me. I don't want to know what you're reading. And I certainly don't want to get hooked into your personal life of being an Animal Psychologist at the Puppy Pound Grooming Salon!

5) An office is an office except when it's not. Males have a hard time bonding. We hardly ever have afternoon tea where we just talk. We always have to be doing something. Playing golf, throwing darts, watching a baseball game.... If you happen to go in there with a friend, don't feel obligated to bond. A few minutes of silence is NOT awkward. Know that your companion isn't in there to bond with you. Oh...and please don't shout over stalls to one another. Have the decency to respect other people's few moments of solitude. How many times do you need to watch Seinfeld to know that whoever you talk about inside a bathroom, is probably sitting in the stall that's closed.

6) He turns, he shoots and he scores!! We all do it...we all think we're Michael Jordan. Especially with the basket being 20 times bigger than your wad of paper towel. But you're NOT Michael...and you WILL miss. Look when you shoot and don't be like Mike...but for once, be like Rodman. Grab your rebound...pick up your wet towel and make life easier on the dude who's picking up after you.

7) Can't really help it. This isn't something we can do on our own...but have you ever wondered what's the grungiest, dirtiest, most sickening place is in the bathroom?? It's the COLD water faucet handle on every sink. Anyone who's just been done with their deed comes out and first thing they do, turn on the faucet. With which hand?? (That really depends on you) Everyone gets a turn on that handle and when you're done soaping up and sanitizing, what do you do?? You recontaminate yourself by turning it off. Then you reach over to the paper towel dispenser and pull on the knob that's equally contaminated. Hrm..... maybe the guys who don't wash their hands are 1-Up on us. Impore your companies to install Sensor Operated Sinks and Towel Dispensers.

8) Lastly....and this is probably the most sensitive of all, Keep yours eyes looking straight ahead. Enough said.

Monday, October 17, 2005 say the least.

I've always been dubbed - mature. I act (for the most part) ahead of my age. Tears of joy streamed down my face when one of the kids in the tutoring program said I looked 18. Okay, maybe a little too melodramatic - but kids don't lie, right? The events this past week though have transcribed into a very disturbing revelation!!

I have an older brother (pictured here) who's a couple of years my elder. But at my wedding and at dinner this past week, both relatives and friends have addressed him as my little brother!

This past Friday's cell group at the Louie's, we welcomed a new friend. I was sitting in the TV room with little Samuel (below). The new friend comes over and asks, "Oh, is he your son?"

Do I look old enough to have a son this big?!?!

Finally...on Saturday, I looked in the mirror and didn't see myself. I saw a reflection of a stressed out, overworked, shadowy-eyed, senile senior citizen with male patterend baldness. I quickly stole some of Joycie's cream and put a mask on myself. Maybe I'll go get some cucumbers for the eyes. So this is what being married will do to ya....

Friday, October 14, 2005

The woes of home ownership...

For the past month, we've noticed a puddle of water in front of our house. It never goes away and we've attributed to over watering the front yard. So we toned down our sprinklers from 5 minutes to 3 minutes to 2 minutes. Then we went from daily to every other day to twice a week. This morning, we noticed the puddle is slowly becoming a pond. Crud... there's gotta be a leak somewhere. As we walk home tonight, in the quiets of the evening, we hear water gushing out from the ground... as if someone left the sink running. Upon further investigation (ie flashlight inside the bushes) we indeed found a leak. what?!? We're not even sure where the sprinkler valve is. After another 5 minutes of poking, we found "a" valve. Not knowing what it is...we shut it off and the leaking stopped!!! PHEW..... Go back in the house. 5 minutes later, Joycie comes out saying, "We have no water." CRUD, again. We turned off the main valve!! So we had to go out and search for another valve. Tomorrow, we'll have to dig up the pipe to see if it's fixable. Honestly, I have no idea what's fixable and what's not. Sigh.....home ownership. Why bother??????????

Friday, October 07, 2005

Walk on water...

My company uses the 9x80 work schedule, where employees get every other Friday off as long as they work 80 hours within the first nine days. So I came into work expecting to have a relaxing day. Catch up with some emails, make some phone calls, work on my tare, blah blah blah.... My manager comes over and says, "You gotta have your self assessment in by COB today."


I dread this time of the year more than any other time (with the exception of Valentine's Day). It's the time of the year where I have to bust out with 6-syllable words that no one ever uses and advertise myself as the best employee ever to have worked here. Why do we even do self assessments? No one's gonna admit to being subpar. And even if you have the best self assessment, who cares?!? It's not like your raise will be any higher or lower!!! I of these days, I'm gonna put,
"STRENGTHS: Walk on water and my feet don't even get wet."

things I like..things I hate...

Hate is a strong word. There are only a few things I hate. One of it being bad service in a restaurant.
I flew over to Maryland this Tuesday for a meeting. Tuesday night, I had dinner at a wonderful seafood restaurant called Obrycki's where you use a hammer to break open the crab shells. Food was great, atmosphere was awesome, service was acceptable. LIKE
Then on Wednesday night, we went over to Shula's - the self proclaimed top-5 steakhouse in the nation. Not only was my steak overcooked, it was cold!!! The steak must've sat there for at least 15 minutes!!!HATE
The service was horrible!!! HATE Our dinner lasted us 2 hours when it could've been over in one. HATE
Thursday afternoon, I had my best Calzone EVER!!! at Cantina Mamma Lucia. And it was under $5!!!! LIKE
Then Thursday night, I flew 8 hours to get back to San Jose from Baltimore. HATE

Monday, October 03, 2005


So today, Joycie and I took VTA transit for the first time. Hee romantic. We get to sit at the bus stop, necks extended, looking for the next bus, while cuddling up with each other cuz it's so cold and sucking in the polluted air from all the other suckers who are driving. The bus stops about 2 minutes from our house and is very convenient to both of us! WOOHOO!!! Gas prices are just way too high. Why don't they just "eat my car....?"

Checks and Balances

From the day I learned about Civics and US Government, I've always felt the Judical branch carried the most power of the three branches. Mainly because they didn't have a servitude term, nor did they have to be elected by the people (which is very undemocratic). We are living in a time of political fertility. Fertility in the sense where things are actually getting done (whether I like it or not) and not met with strong opposition.
The man in the White House is a Republican. The Senate and Congress are controlled by the GOP. And the Supreme Court will now be made up of Republican appointed Justices. Just a google away....

John Paul Stevens - Ford
Sandra Day O'Connor - Reagan
Antonin Scalia - Reagan
Anthony M. Kennedy - Reagan
David H. Souter - Bush
Clarence Thomas - Bush
Ruth Bader Ginsburg - Clinton
Stephen G. Breyer - Clinton
John Roberts - - Dubya

Just this morning...I see on the headlines that Bush has nominated Harriet Mirers to replace Sandra Day O'Connor. O'Connor was nominated by Reagan, but amazingly has been the voice of liberals on a lot of the most controversial cases in our recent history: capitol punishment, affirmative action, Roe v Wade.

Historically, you can't relate the political sidings between a Supreme Court justice and their nominator. As a true bipartisan, you're suppose to have no affiliations. But one can't help but notice that 7 out of the 9 justices will be Republican Nominated. What will happen to our country? Even if Mirer isn't nominated...Dubya will just pick another one of his lackeys.

Dubya has another 3 years in office...will he appoint the successor to John Stevens also?? If so...the majority of the Supreme Court will be "Bush" nominated. Sigh....I need a vacation.

Friday, September 30, 2005

Now what??

People have their honeymoons right after the wedding for a reason - well, two reasons. I'll just talk about one, and that's to relax and recuperate from your wedding day! My goodness, it's almost been two weeks and I'm still tired. So now, we're planning our honeymoon in November. For the longest time, we couldn't even tell people where we were going....and we still can't!! Almost for certain we were going to China (Beijing, Shanghai, Shuzhou, Hangzhou, etc....) but apparently November is Hong Kong's travel down time. So tours aren't guaranteed. Sigh.... the uncertainties of life. On a brighter note, we secured some rather cheap tickets back to Hong Kong. WOOHOO!!!

Wednesday night, my Giants were officially eliminated from postseason play. The game epitomized the Giants' season. We jump out to a 3-0 lead (HR by Bonds to say the least) and give the lead up. Then we come back...only to lose the lead again. We give the ball to the bullpen and they give up a grandslam. Only thing missing was someone pulling a hamstring. I guess it was all too optimistic that the Giants will win the west. Another year of being sucked in and enduring massive disappointment and depression. At least the Niners aren't teasing me as much. So we upset the Rams. We then get crushed 41-3....and then we lose the game of the year against the much hated Bill Parcells and the even more hated Cowboys. Bay Area Sports is moving deeper and deeper into the Dark Ages.

Tutoring highlight of the week:
Jantha, a former student who became a tutor, is moving to Texas this coming December. He's been here for a total of 8 years!!
Jantha, "Yeah, I'm totally gonna miss you guys. I want a picture of all you. Oh...and if you guys wanna go behind my back and plan a surprise party for me, go for it!"

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Wedding Cards - AWARDS!!!

A week after our wedding, we finally had time to sort out our cards and gifts. We easily received over 150 cards. And like the Oscars, Emmys, Grammys....we have our own awards and acknowledgements:

Most Modern Looking Card

The 3-D Cards

The Most Artistic Card - The picture doesn't do it justice. The card is a simple orange card with indented dots. Definitely one of a kind!!

The next two were very simple - but sometimes, more is less (and vice versa). The simplicity captured more than something very flowery.

The Loveliest Cards - Runner up to being my Favorite

If you thought those two looked "alike", here's the Doppleganger award. We easily got over 150 cards and only had two doubles!

My last name is "Leung" and these cards are definitely very "Leung." Don't get me wrong...I love them!! If for any reason...because they are so "梁!"

Lastly...after siphoning through all the beautiful cards, whether they were funny, touching, artistic, romantic...this card took home the prize!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Big head shrimp

Man oh man oh man...

The lack of quality rest must be catching up to me. I've been so big head shrimp the past couple of days. Twice, TWICE, I walked into my company turnstile without badging in. The flesh ramming against metal. The winner, metal. Today at Starbucks, I picked up a coffee jar to check out the price...I end up knocking down all the mugs and saucers, breaking one of them. Luckily, the manager didn't make me pay. I step outside to drive back to work...the car alarm wouldn't work. I keep trying to unlock it, only to set off the alarm!! And I couldn't turn it off!


Saturday, September 17, 2005

This is the day the Lord has made...

"In the name of God, I, Henry, take you, Joyce, to be my wife,
to have and to hold from this day forward,
for better or worse, for richer or poorer,
in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish,
until we are parted by death.
This is my solemn vow."

Special thanks to:
My wife: for saying "YES"
Mom and Dad: for doing a stupendous job all these years
The in-laws: for welcoming me into your family
My Groomsmen: for enduring my temper
The Bridesmaids: for balancing out the ugly groomsmen with your beauty
Pastor Alan and Amy: for the weeks of PMC, prayers, guidance, blessings
Jackson, Angela and Samuel: for the love and caring and allowing us to use your car
Mission Fab Five: for being by my side all these years
MyChris and Mel: for being the unsung heroes from pre-engagement till now
Deacon Anthony: for speaking with an English accent
Edwin, Carole and Irene: for lugging around your gear to catch up to our crazy schedule
Brandon: for capturing the moments
Christie: for your demonstration of unending, unselfish love
Sandy: for accomodating and adjusting my imperfect plans to near perfection
Rebe-Guy: for being the voice and life of the party
Joyce: for your empathy
Roy: for appearing in my dream
Joey: for standing in the cold
Karen: for dealing with all those strangers
Candy: for that wonderful hairstyle
Andrew: for 終身美麗
Ken & SoChi: for transforming a typical restaurant into a palace
Peter & Stella: for catching the garter - CONGRATULATIONS!!!
DailoDaiDai: for pressing PLAY at the right moment
MoonChi: for being MoonChi
Carol & Baby: for shining with radiance
Simon: for spreading God's words to my non-English speaking relatives
Lor Shing for dressing up despite not liking to dress up
Vito: for being the man behind the man behind the man

and of course,

thank you Father FOR EVERYTHING!!!!!

T-minus 1 day

Went to bed at 3AM working on that darn slide show. I'm so close to getting it finished, yet so far from seeing the final product! Maybe I shouldn't be such a perfectionist. C'est la vie, y'know?

Got about 4 hours worth of sleep. Woke up and headed out to San Francisco for our wedding rehersal. Everybody arrived on time, which was amazing. I didn't realize the rehersal would be so intense. Deacon Anthony actually had us go through our vows. Embarrasingly...I choked up big time when I first heard myself say those words. I got about two phrases into my vow to God and to Joyce and I couldn't hold back the tears. The tears of joy came pouring out of throat was tied in knots, I couldn't even muster any words out. Funny thing is, I asked Gracie to prepare an emergency kit for Joyce: Kleenex, eyedrops, Shout Wipes, etc.... and it turns out I was the one who needed the emergency kit. I hope I don't start crying tomorrow, again. Then of course, Joyce blows through her vows and makes me look like a crybaby. LOL!!

After breakfast, we headed over to Koi Palace for our rehersal lunch. Oh was amazing to see our relatives again. If only I could do this everyday, go to a teahouse with my friends and family and just eat and share. Some of my groomsmen surprised everyone when they ordered 6 orders of Shrimp Dumplings. WHOAAAAAAAAAA..... and they finished it!!!!

When lunch was over, Joyce and her bridesmaid went off to her bachelorette party. Jeff and I went off to run our errands. Time was ticking away so quickly. I got back to San Jose around 6 and had to start working on the slide show - argh...that dreaded piece of thing!! Shoulda listened to Christie and ask someone to do it for us.

My groomsmen and a buddy who flew in from New York came over and we had piece and sodas for dinner. That was my last meal as a bachelor. =) How fitting that God brought them all there with me.

As time continued to tick away, I went over to spend a few hours with my spiritual family. To get away from all the planning, logistics, schedule, etc.....and be able to emerse myself into God's words. Amazingly, our cell group was studying one of my favorite verses in the bible, Psalm 139 - which also happens to be my favorite Streams of Praise song. The time of fellowship and worship and prayer brought me into a realm of peace and calm that only God can prepare for me.

Time doesn't stop to wait for you...I still had that slide show to tackle after coming home from the cell group. An all too familiar position. 2AM in the morning, and I was sitting in front of the computer, working on a program. Only, this wasn't some assignment I didn't want to turn in. This is my way of coining my relationship together in roughly 5 minutes. I can't let it be done sloppily.

3AM and things finally coming together. It's not done...but I really need to go to sleep now. And's 3AM!!!!


Monday, September 12, 2005

T-minus 6 days

Saturday night, I had my proverbial Bachelor's Party. I've always preferred to be out of the spotlight and didn't even want a party in my honor. A dinner with some friends would've been the way to go. But whatever...we had dinner at Vics Stewart in Walnut Creek - the steakhouse I've been dying to go to for over a year now. Since it was my last weekend in bachelorhood, I thought I'd go a little over the edge. So the guys bought me a 49oz bone-in porterhouse. Finish it I get my name engraved on the wall and officially become a member of the 49er club.
I must admit...I cheated a little. I handed off a piece or two to my friend....but I could've finished it without their help, I think. Meat was oozing out of every hole of my body by the time I was 70% done. Used all my might to keep the food from regurgitating.

It wasn't till we got back to Dave & Busters that I felt better. The guys bought me 4 rounds of drinks and I guess thanks to the 3 lbs of beef, I didn't even get a buzz. A bunch of the boys were disappointed we weren't going to have some naughty fun.

"But it's your bachelor's party!!"

"We won't tell Joyce."

"Dude....this is why we're taking you out."

I heard it all. Ah well... whoever said a bachelor's party needs to be naughty?

6 more days. Joyce and I just hammered out the seating charts and seating arrangements. We're getting so much help that we're overwhelmed, almost to tears, by everyone's kindness and eagerness. We didn't even had to ask for help really...everyone basically stepped up knowing we'll need all the help we can get. Only problem is...we have no clue on how to ever thank everyone enough. Fruit basket? Dozen roses? Or maybe a bunch of IOU's - whenever you need help, just gimme a call.

T-minus 6 days... and the one thing I'm stressing over right now isn't my wedding, but the fact that the Giants are 7 games back with 20 games left to play.

Friday, September 09, 2005

T-minus 8 days

Went to the dentist on Wednesday for a routine cleaning. And almost ended up getting a root canal!! Geez.... luckily, the dentist recommended trying a DEEP filling instead. If things worsen, then a root canal it is. Ugh.....

Wednesday night, Pastor Alan surprised everyone with some grim news. But I have faith that God will work miraculous things!!

After the prayer meeting, we had our first official Wedding Meeting. Goodness...we talked and talked and talked. If we weren't worried or stressed out before, we are now!! Maybe it's the way people at church have been doing things, everyone is SOOOO detail oriented. My style is to have a rough idea and then play things by ear. So the outcome of the meeting is a long list of "To-Do's" Hahahahahhaha...Thanks Christie and Chris for staying out so late lor.

Tutoring highlight of the week: I walk up to one of the new tutors and ask him....
H: Hey Raymond, I thought you weren't going to tutor this year. What made you change your mind?
R: Yeah, I wasn't going to sign up. But last week, Pastor Ted talked about this guy, I think his name was Peter. And he had enough faith to walk on water. It really had an effect in me.

Sunday, September 04, 2005



Ecclesiastes 9:9 Enjoy life with your wife, whom you love, all the days of this meaningless life that God has given you under the sun— all your meaningless days. For this is your lot in life and in your toilsome labor under the sun.

神將我同曉瑜帶在一起﹐ 是祂的應許。 生命不再是她的或是我的﹐ 而是神的。 新的生命﹐ 新的目標﹐ 新的“標竿。” 一起共創明天。 (Gee...why does that last phrase soundlike a TVB slogan?)

Saturday, September 03, 2005


The last couple of days TWA time has been quite enjoyable. I can't even pronounce the name of the book I'm reading: Ec·cle·si·as·tes. Heh... defines this as "Old Testament book consisting of reflections on the vanity of human life; is traditionally attributed to Solomon but probably was written about 250 BC."

This was written over 2000 years ago, so why does it still touch a sore spot with every verse I read? I only wish I'd read this a couple of years ago when I was going through my quarter-life crisis. "MEANINGLESS!! MEANINGLESS!!" In fact, I think this should be a pre-requisite to studying Purpose Driven Life. It really sets the tone of many people's mindframe regardless of which stage of life they're in. They can be recent college grads seeking out a career. They can be career oriented professionals feeling they're stuck in a rut. They can be retired naval officers without a purpose or meaning to their life now they're service is no longer needed.

So am I living my life to chase after the wind?

Friday, September 02, 2005


Day three of my East Coast trip and we went over the Ben Franklin bridge over to New Jersey for a meeting with a vendor. Meeting well exceedingly well and was over by 3:30PM. We initially were afraid the meeting may run over, so we decided to fly home Thursday instead of Wednesday night - don't want to rush. That meant, I had all of Wednesday evening to explore Philadelphia. And explore I did....

I walked from downtown Philly, all the way up Benjamin Franklin Parkway. On the way, I saw the City Library, the Rodin Museum, Ben Franklin Institute, a plethora of statues and sculptures and lastly the Philadelphia Museum of Art. For those who are unfamiliar with this may remember in Rocky II, when Stallone gets ready for his final fight with Apollo Creed, he runs around the neighborhood herding kids to the final destination - these stairs! THESE STAIRS! I was at those stairs!!

The walk lasted me about 1.5 hours. I started to head back to the hotel to meet up with Dale and Freida for dinner. The three of us walked towards the wharf, stopping by the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall - the birthplace of the US Constitution. Then we passed by the Tomb of the Unknown soldiers and a cemetery. How many of these souls gave up their lives so I can live in the freedom that I have today?? Then I think of the soldiers in Iraq and my heart weeps of sorrow. The night was full of perks and pinks. We basically walked through 200 years of history when we passed by those wonderful brick houses that we only see in history books. The streets were laid of bricks and cobblestones. One word to describe this all is "CHARACTER." You really can't find this anywhere else but the City of Brotherly Love.

A short black women, a medium built Irish and a tall skinny Chinese guy walks around Southern Philly.... and we all fit right in with the crowd. I had a great time. Thank you Father for letting me see your glory everywhere I go.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

playing catchup...

Last week was soooooooooooooo exhausting. LASIK surgery completely set my schedule back as far as homework is concerned. Had two programs I needed to write and turn in by last Sunday night cuz I was flying out to the East Coast on Monday morning. Friday, Saturday, Sunday night, I averaged about 3 hours of sleep. Alas, early Monday morning, I was able to finish, not to the best of my ability, the two assignments and mailed it in. ZIPPED, SENT, DONE. So Monday morning I went to bed around 2AM and got up at 4AM to catch my 630 flight. Barely made it the attendant was about to close the gate on me. The check in line at San Jose Airport can get extremely hairy. I was hoping to catch some shuteye on the plane, but I ended up staying awake for 90% of the trip. Got into Maryland at around 5PM EST and went to Baltimore for dinner with Dale, my manager. We parked, walked around, realized that the wharf was too big to conquer by foot so we paid $8 for a water taxi! That was quite refreshing, as we sped through the bay of Baltimore with the wind blowin in our face on a hot humid evening. Didn't go to bed that night until 2AM EST (11PM EST) but I had to get up at 530AM EST (230AM PST). Needless to say, with all the late nighters and the flight and jet lag, I completely overslept. Dale called me around 7AM and I jumped out of bed, got dressed and rushed down to meet up with them for breakfast. 230AM was too early for me to have breakfaast...I opted for a cup of coffee and off we were for our 9 hour meeting. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I wasn't the only one. All the west coast guys who flew east had jet lag and dozed off during the meeting. Quite embarrassing....

After the meeting, we drove up from Baltimore to Philadelphia - the city of Brotherly Love. Our hotel is in downtown Philadelphia...right in Chinatown actually. We checked in and instead of sitting in the hotel room enjoying the AC, I took a stroll outside and wandered around aimlessly. It felt just like San Francisco to me. The cultural mixture of all ethnicity, the smell of the sewage, the traffic, the endless number of No Left Turn signs and One Way streets. I loved it!!!! In fact, I was kinda lost in the streets of Chinatown when I came upon a 開平同鄉會. That's my village in Southern China!!! I wasn't alone out in the East Coast!!! All my "cousins" were here too. =)

Grabbed a cup of coffee from a Dunkin' Donut. Then I walked around some more...found the City Hall - which was beautiful!! Architecturally stunning!!! It even rained on me a little - quite refreshing since it was soooo humid. Unfortunately, the rain was a result of Hurricane Katrina pushing upwards towards the northern part of the US. So sad to see the devastation that natural disasters can leave behind. Are all these natural disasters a sign from God?? What's going to happen next??

Prayers going out to Southern US!!!

Monday, August 22, 2005

The day after the day after...

Monday morning, I'm stuck on a telecon with people coming in late and asking the same questions. "Where are the powerpoint slides? Why can't I sign in to NetMeeting?" People, the meeting started at 9AM. Had you been here at 9, you would know the logistics. So it's approaching 9:25...and we're just about to start.
Kinda surreal....we have about 10 people in the same office in the same meeting. And everyone is on their own speaker phone at their own desk. So when I speak, I can hear about 10 of "ME" talking. And voice sounds kinda sexy. =)

Vision is still a bit blurry. I can honestly say glasses would allow me to see better this moment in time. But it's a known fact that in time, the blurriness and light halos will slowly go away.

A most memorable birthday this year. After the monumental 21st birthday, to me, birthdays are really just another day. Plus I prefer not being the center of attention. Last night...we went out to dinner at Pasta Pomodoro. Wanted to dig a hole and hide when they came out with a birthday song / dessert. I was tickled pink by everyone's expression of love.

Than you Abba for all your blessings!!

Hrm.... what do to embarrass the September birthdays???

Sunday, August 21, 2005

The Day After...

I was sitting on the operating table waiting for Dr. Bindi to come in and perform Microkeratome, the process of using a blade to make an incision on the protective covering of my eye. My eyes are dilated, it's blurry and all I could is listen. Fromt he murmurs of everyone, I can hear, "He needs Interlase."

D'oh!! Interlase is similar to Microkertaome except it's done with a laser instead of a blade. Interlase is, of course, more precise (or accurate) - which means it costs more. Being on a little budget, I initially decided to go cheap. Thinking - can't be THAT big of a difference. But as God wants it...he wants me to spend the few extra benjamins and get the best treatment.

The entire "procedure" lasted a total of 10 minutes. Much longer than anyone else's treatment. Maybe it's because there was a long line. Or maybe, my eyes were oh-so bad that it takes a bit longer. I remember Joycie's procedure being only a minute for both eyes.

People usually go home after the procedure to rest or sleep. Being the stubborn...or principled person that I am, I decided to head over to class. My prof was going to cancel class next week, so we had a makeup class from 530 to 730. I couldn't see diddly-squat in class...but was able to listen and take notes blindly. Joyce wasn't too happy...she thought I oughta go home and rest. I sorta rested...dozed off in class here and there. After class, she wanted me to go home and rest. I wanted to head over to Jackson's place.

As it turned out, the Louie's and Hsu's prepared a night just to spend time with us. Thanks Becca for being accomodating. They were all a little surprised I went to class, and showed up for our gathering. I wasn't feeling the least bit fact, I was hoping they could pray for my physically healing.

In the end, Vivien kicked me out and sent me home to rest hahahahah...

The nurse says my vision is 20/20 and 20/25. In time, the blurriness and halos should go away. I'm anticipating for that day like a child anticipates x'mas morning. Until then..
Thank you Father for providing me financially for this operation. Thank you Father for giving me such a wonderful family to support me in each and everyway. You are so amazing!! In you, I have nothing to fear. In you, I have no need to hide.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Times a changin'

Been about a year since my last I figure I'll go get one before my Hong Kong trip. That way I can get all my shots and immunizations. I end up picking a new doctor cuz my old one changed jobs. I sit in the exam room, half naked, and in walks this guy who is MY AGE!!! Man...I must be getting old. No longer do I have a grayed hair old man with spectacle at the end of his nose as my doctor. I now have a goofy looking Chinese guy...who could very well pass for one of my elementary school buddies. He can't be any more than a year older than me, if that. You can tell he's newly out of school. He was stuttering, he was tripping over himself, and was constantly searching for words. Very unnatural... The weirdest part was when he instituted the "cough test." Can't really describe it..all part of growing up, I guess.

Oh man!!! And tomorrow!! TOMORROW!!!! I can finally shed myself from the chains and shackles of eyeglasses!! 20+ years I've needed them. But after tomorrow, I can kiss glasses goodbye!! WOOHOO!!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Proverbs 21:19
Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and ill-tempered wife.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

...the runs...

1:30AM. I wasn't asleep yet cuz I was busy trying to figure out my homework. I admit...I procrastinated a little on this assignment cuz I got my hands on someone's old homework. I thought I could just look at his, modify it and turn it in. Not cheating, merely "leveraging." Well, it didn't take me long to realize that my friend did his homework WRONG!!!!

Then my tummy started hurting. Geez.... of all the nights..I had to have the runs on the night before homework was due. Didn't go to bed till like 3AM...and I had to get up at 6 the next morning. I'll bet my bottom dollar I'll go fishing during class tonight.

On a brighter note, I finished the homework at around 4PM today. The answer didn't come into my dream as I'd hope it would. But God did give me a few short - yet restful hours of sleep. Enough for me think sharply.

So will I start on the next assignment as soon as it's assigned?? HECK NO!!! I'm gonna catch up on some shut-eye tonight!!

Thursday, August 11, 2005


So Joyce and I go to dinner at this Chinese restaurant in Sunnyvale per our friend's recommendation. Actually, she didn't really recommend it, she merely told us about it. We go there, thinking we can grab quick bite and then head over to Borders to get some work done. Go in, there's not one employee in sight. Stand around for a few minutes until we're seated. The restaurant was near empty and we could've seated ourselves. It took them 5 minutes to get us a pot of tea. Took 10 minutes to place our orders. Took 15 minutes to get our food out to us. And by the time we're done...took them over 15 minutes to get us or bill. They asked us if we wanted a to-go box, but it never came! So instead of a quick 1/2 hour dinner...we ended up dining for an hour and a half. I really wanted to walk out - if they wanted us to pay, they'll catch up to us.

The bill was $21.65. We paid $21.75 and walked out. Had I had exact change, I would've given exact change. Better yet...had I had $21.65 in pennies...I would've give it to them all in pennies. No..that would be wrong. I'd at least give one nickle.

No service, no tip!! Simple as that!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Crossing the line...

Last week, a local radio show host made some comments regarding some San Francisco Giants' players. The comments have been deemed as racially unethical and the show host has been fired, along with a couple of other sacrificially lambs. When I first heard of this situation, I told people, "In SF, you can get away with anything, but you can't away from the issue of race."

There are times when we say things that we don't mean. It slips out in the heat of the moment. And during the show host's rant about the Giants, he probably lost control of his emotions. For the that blip of time, he let slip some words which didn't seem to have any reprecussions. In fact, during the show, nobody called him on his words. It wasn't till the day after did the media start to react. So when does someone actually cross the line?

Sunday, August 07, 2005


I was extremely naive as a teenager and young adult. Good and Evil can't ever be seperated by a simple line - there's always a crossover between the two. I always felt that being the bad guy, no, the antagonist is going the cool way. 風雲裡的步驚雲 is the perfect example. On the outside, he wasn't as 正直 as 聶風。 But he ultimately won the hearts of the fans cuz people identified with him more. 倚天屠龍記的“明教”, 被六大派稱之為“魔教。” 只因為他們不服當今皇帝﹐ 行事自把自為﹐ 世族就 ostracize 他們。 As with Jedi's and Siths in the epic Star Wars. Siths have their own way of doing things. And as they're misunderstood by the Jedi's...they live a life of principles and structure. 邪非邪﹐ 正非正。 Siths are not subjected to the rules and regulations of the Senate...does that make them evil? They are merely victims of discrimination from a higher bunch of societal juggernauts. Who's to say they're right?? I use to feel the same way towards life.

"豈能盡如人意﹐ 但求無愧於心."

But who's 心 am I speaking of? And to whom is the heart owned by? controlled under? submissive to? Little by little...I learn more about myself and like an onion, I long to shed layers and layers of my outter self. Everytime I think I'm done peeling, there's another layer....

So in honor of this onion analogy...I had onion rings for lunch today. It tasted good....

Monday, August 01, 2005

Feelin' gnarly...

Haven't exercised in such a long time...that is if painting isn't considered exercising. Spent about 4 hours at the Camden Community Center with some b/s and some new friends!! Very cool. Most amazing thing was seeing Jackson strut this stuff. A man that size with extremely nimble feet and quick reactions.

Stupid me...for a while, I missed 10 shots in a row. Then I airballed a simple layup!!! I got sooooo angry, I punched the wall. And now my right hand is bruised. Joyce wasn't too happy about that.

傳 道 書 7:9 你 不 要 心 里 急 躁 恼 怒 , 因 为 恼 怒 存 在 愚 昧 人 的 怀 中 。

Saturday, July 30, 2005

wHO AM i?

歌 林 多 前 書 12:3
所 以 我 告 诉 你 们 , 被 神 的 灵 感 动 的 , 没 有 说 耶 稣 是 可 咒 诅 的 。 若 不 是 被 圣 灵 感 动 的 , 也 没 有 能 说 耶 稣 是 主 的 。

Have you ever been relunctant to ask for something? Relunctance stemming from either fear of rejection or fear of affirmation. Back in my early teens, I'd be scared to ask a girl out. She might say no and how embarrassing would that be? Now that I'm in my mid-20's, I'm afraid to ask for more work. My boss might actually give me more and more. (Hehe..)

Our Father told us, "Ask and you shall receive. Seek and you shall find."

I've asked, and I've received. I get confizzled...and I seek. Amazingly enough, He lets me find!

Friday night's Bible study was far too perfect in terms the right people being at the right place at the right time. Praise God for arranging my brothers to be by my side at my weakest hour! Praise God for his words having an epiphany within me! Praise God for letting me Ask and Seek.

Who am I? - Casting Crowns
Who am I?
That the Lord of all the earth,
Would care to know my name,
Would care to feel my hurt.
Who am I?
That the bright and morning star,
Would choose to light the way,
For my ever wondering heart.

Not because of who I am.
But because of what you've done.
Not because of what I've done.
But because of who you are.

I am a flower quickly fading,
Here today and gone tomorrow.
A wave tossed in the ocean,
A vapor in the wind.
Still you hear me when I'm calling,
Lord you catch me when I'm falling,
And you told me who I am.
I am yours.
I am yours.

Who am I?
That the eyes that see our sin
Would look on me with love
And watch me rise again
Who am I?
That the voice that calmed the sea,
Would call out through the rain,
And calm the storm in me.

Not because of who I am.
But because what of youve done.
Not because of what I've done.
But because of who you are.

I am a flower quickly fading,
Here today and gone tomorrow.
A wave tossed in the ocean,
A vapor in the wind.
Still you hear me when I'm calling,
Lord you catch me when I'm falling,
And you told me who I am.
I am yours.

Not because of who I am.
But because of what you've done.
Not because of what I've done.
But because of who you are.

I am a flower quickly fading,
Here today and gone tomorrow.
A wave tossed in the ocean,
A vapor in the wind.
Still you hear me when I'm calling,
Lord you catch me when I'm falling,
You told me who I am.
I am yours.
I am yours.
I am yours.

Whom shall I fear?
Whom shall I fear?
'Cuz I am yours.
I am yours.

Thursday, July 28, 2005


Just found out that b/c my invitations are square shaped, they need $0.49 stamps instead of $0.37 stamps. Now what?!


Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Spent...and confused

Just finished my Linear Algebra final. Goodness, that thing was a monster of a test. A 2 hour final that took me 3 hours. And I still wasn't done! I really don't know what he's trying to pull by giving us computationally insane problems to work on. Anyhoo...another class bites the dust. I get, at least, a 4 days rest before my next class starts. Maybe we can finally work on the house now that I have some free time.

Wedding invitations went out this week. Got some responses already - but the big story is, we're short on invitations!! The folks invited more people than we anticipated. Ended up having to use an evite for some of my friends HAHAHAHAHA... shame on us for not having better foresight of this happening. Ah well...who needs a real invitation nowadays. They end up in the trashcan anyways. And people get their maps via the internet. Hopefully, people will understand that I'm not shortchanging them. I'm frugal, but not cheap. Okay..I'm cheap, but not OVERLY cheap.

As I was passing out the invites, one of my friend says, "WOW! This is the first time I've received a red-bomb." My response, "COOL!! This is the first time I'm passing out red-bombs!" Hrm....

Was at Borders studying last night when I took a break and started thumbing through the book, The Holy Spirit, by Billy Graham. I don't know how to coin everything, but I'm definitely not feeling at ease right now. I perused through a bunch of other books and my mind started churning some more. There's this heavy burden resting on my shoulders right now - and I'm not sure why it's there. Heck..I'm not even sure what it is!! I just know I need to do something - but what?? Maybe the problem is, I'm looking for answers in books and through people. When the answer can only be found through prayer. Geez.... why now??

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

A seed was planted...

Had a most wonderful discussion with one of my best friends about religion - and my beliefs, my values. The conversation lasted for 3+ hours. I found myself speaking with a confidence I never had before. Questions like "How do you know God exists?" or "Why weren't the dinosaurs in the Bible" or "What's your take on evolution?" I don't want to become one of those radicals who come up to you out of nowhere and say I'm damned to go to hell if I don't repent. There's gotta be a better way to share, and not turn people off. I love using the same stories that Yao Chung would use whenever I had questions for him. Course, I can only retell it with half of his energy and vibrance. Can't wait to see them....sigh....

So busy this week, it's not even funny. I'll probably miss Prayer Meeting and Sunday Service. Can't even use my painting skills to help paint the church walls. Come to think of it...that's probably a good thing. My walls aren't looking all that great right now. =)

Two weddings to go to this weekend. Which is cool...I get two doses of Shark Fin soup and I get to see how other people do their weddings. Get to learn what to and what not to do. Hrm.... what's left on the darn checklist?

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Where's the stench coming from??

For the longest time, we noticed a stench inside the house. But couldn't sniff it out!! The other day, Joycie finally noticed a leak in our Main Bathroom. There was a leak from the base of the toilet. The leak isn't it's not noticeable. Water seaps out whenever we flush - yeah...contaminated water. Ewwwww......

Jumped online and found (luckily) an easy fix to the problem. We went to Home Depot and bought a $3 wax doughnut. This doughnut sits between the ceramic and the pipe coming from the ground. We think the contractor who laid out the lunolium didn't do a good job. Other than getting a little wet and having to lift a 200lb toilet, the process went pretty well. We got the job done in about an hour. For me, that's a near miracle!!

Saved couple hundred bucks from hiring a plumber. Phew....

Monday, July 11, 2005

God paves my path...

For a time, I felt I was stuck in a rut and I wanted a way out. But Papa is paving the path for me. I just got promoted into a higher position (no raise tho). But it's not about the money. Albeit, I'm not qualified for this position but sometimes, it's just being at the right place at the right time. It's about people believing in you and giving you that one chance. You take that chance and you sink or swim.

Thank you Father! Thank for the answers! Thank you for the Hsu's, Louie's and So's. Thank you for SJCAC!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Young Adult Summit

July 4th weekend 2005, along with 100+ other brothers and sisters drove up to South Lake Tahoe and enclosed ourselves in a get-away resort called Zephyr's Cove. Arrived on Friday evening around 5PM, checked in and had dinner. After dinner was worship and message delivered by Pastor Joe and Cora Philips. Friday night, we didn't want to go to bed so early so we stayed up and played the game Settlers. Had a chance to meet and bond with a few of the English Congregation friends. Went to bed at 3:30AM. It'll be hard NOT to buy that game now. =)

Saturday morning, woke up around 630AM to enjoy the presence of God and absorb the beauty of his creation in the form of Lake Tahoe. We even had a few hours of free time to go lounge at the beach and hike around the resort after our workshops. The final message of Saturday night was on the man they called Simon the Cyrene, which happens to be one of my favorite stories in the bible. That message, along with prayers from Pastor Ted allowed me to receive the Holy Spirit in the most unsubtle ways. So powerful and mysterious!

I have to be honest...I didn't think I was going to get anything out of this retreat. Originally, the theme didn't interest me at all. Huda thunk? My eyes are forever opened and widened. My mind is forever expanded. My spirit is forever ignited. Now let's take the gift and fan it into flame!!!

Monday, June 20, 2005

Serengeti Trek - WOW!!

VBS 2005 - Serengeti Trek. I had the luxury of taking part in one of the holiest and exciting event of my life. Really need to thank G and C for recommending me. If not, I probably wouldn't have volunteered this year. All those kids have so much energy and love for God it's crazily contagious - and encouraging. Did I ever live a life that allowed me to be as energetic? Today simply reinforced how much I love kids, how much I love serving kids, and most importantly, how I'm a kid trapped inside an adult's body.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Insane in the membrane...

Michael Jacksion acquitted on all charges?! If it smells like a duck, acts like a duck, looks like a duck - chances are it's a dog-gone DUCK!!! Must've slipped a couple of benjamins here and there to buy out certain individuals.

Went to Macy's on Sunday to start our registry. We stood in front of the flatware section for 30 minutes trying to figure out why there were over a dozen different kinds of spoons/forks/knives. The prices were so outrageous that our friends can't possibly afford those things. Wasn't till Macy's was closing did we wander upon the cheap section. Heh....not cheap, but economical. The pots and pans section also looked really nice. But realistically, I don't think we'll use a 20-piece set. We'll use a sauce pan for Doll Noodles, one for spam and eggs, one for porkchops (maybe) and the big one for pasta. Realistically, 4-piece set is enough. Ah...then there were cutlery sets. A million different arrangements of knives...for an insane amount of money. Goodness.

Funny factoid of the week, I guess. Henckels Knives
claim to "never needing sharpening." But what do they sell with their knife set? A knife sharpener.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Another quarter bites the dust...

The end of yet another quarter at Santa Clara. This totals up to 2 years or 6 quarters worth of graduate studies. But realisitically, thi is the end of my second quarter going towards my degree. Once again, I'm on the edge of my seat begging for a B- or above just to get reimbursed. This shouldn't be the way I approach a Master's degree. I should be striving to learn as much as possible and become an industry specialist in one form or another. Instead, I'm just "getting-by" like they say. Sigh....One week of freedom then it's back to books again for summer school. Hopefully we can finish beautying up the house by then.

Grass in the backyard is dead - all dead. But I think I finally figured out how to turn on the sprinklers.

Is San Diego coming up in the near future? Sea World, San Diego Zoo, Wild Life Animal Park, Petco Park....Donavan's Steakhouse.....they all add up to $$$$

Monday, June 06, 2005


Just got back from my morning dump. I've been avoiding taking dumps at home, especially if I know the package to be delivered is going to be mountainess. Don't want to deal with the plumbing - don't want to swim in my own sh-tuff. I'm still kind of skeptical about my home plumbing. The water comes out slow, the hot water takes a few seconds to "get-there." The flush isn't the all-powerful WHOOSH!!! There's gotta be some simple solution - simple meaning not replacing galvanized with copper.

Finally figured out how to turn on the sprinkler system for the backyard. For the past two weeks, the backyard has been sitting out there dry. Luckily the weather's been still semi-wet in the evenings. But I can see my grass out in the backyard is dehydrating. Hopefully I can save the grass out there - hopefully.

Went up to Napa on Saturday with Uncle and Aunt from New York. Spent a lot of time talking to these two characters who are, supposedly, very close to me whom I've seen for nothing more than 5 minutes back in 1992 at a train station in Canton. We discussed a lot of things - from the meaning of life, to politics, to education, to child raising?! CHILD-RAISING!? Then we had an hour or so worth of MahJong playing - which was probably the best part of the trip. Dad hit the nail on the head when he wanted a picture of that moment - that moment in time probably meant more to him than the entire trip combined. Cuz that's how they spent their raging 20's. Nights, weekends, holidays = Mahjong. Have a beer here and there, run down to the local noodleshop for a cheap snack, then back upstairs for more Mahjong. Mahvelous.

It's impressive how my dad and Uncle are so close. I guess family to them is more important than family to us. From my perspective, family equates to mom, dad and bro. That's how I was raised. We didn't have relatives, grandparents, cousins, second cousins. But I bet back in their days, their best friends WERE their family members.

After church yesterday, headed over to school to meet up with my friend. I intended to let him photocopy my classnotes - I was there to do him a favor. First thing he says to me is, "You have to promise not to show this to anyone. Here's a copy of last year's final." It turns out they a have a friend who auditted the class last year and someone snuck the final out with him. My friend and his little clique wants to keep this under wraps cuz they're average a B...and they need the final to pull them up to an A. Makes me feel good to hear this guy say, "They didn't want you to have it, but I told them that you helped me last quarter." Thinking back, I didn't really help him last quarter except shared with him my answers from the practice midterm. I guess to some people, that's very rare. Charity only comes on a two-way street.

Gotta be nice to everyone around you. No telling when the favor will be returned.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

So long....farewell....

On May 31, 2005, I finally move out of the place I called home for the past 4 years. That dinky little apartment had it's pros and cons. The cons - it got really really hot during the summer and really really cold during the winter. Our neighbors weren't the friendliest. We lived on a semi-busy street so occasionally, we'll get cars/bikes zooming by at 60 in a 25 zone. The pros - 5 minutes from work, 10 minutes from Ranch99, right next to a park, minutes away from brother, seconds away from freeway and walking distance to Safeway and Starbucks.
A lot happened during those 4 years. That's my first "place" since graduating from college. I got my first job while living there, paid off my college accrued credit card debts there, got laid off while living there, kicked my girlfriend out there, saw the rent drop from $1400 to $1000 ($100 a year), bought my Miata while living there, proposed while living there, bought a house while living there, baptized while living there...basically went through my raging 20's all in one spot.
The very last piece of item we removed from the apartment is the microwave. Give me a few days and I'll think of some philosophical mumble-jumble metaphor for the microwave.
Quite fitting...on the last day we move out, Mark stopped by to "unload" some "stuff." Spent the last moments of our time at Quebec Court together...up to no good. =)

Monday, May 30, 2005

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Paulo and Grace

My future sister-in-law and brother-in-law tied the knot today. Their wedding was quaint, but touching. It resembled their personalities to the very last pixel. They don't like the spotlight...but those people who try to dodge the spotlight always-always catches the most attention. Grace was beeeee-youtiful. Paulo was the gentleman of gentlemen.....

Unfortunately the traffic on Sunday was soooooooooo bad, Joyce and I got there 20 minutes late! ARGH!!! For our own sister's wedding...I felt sick. Who would've known traffic will be that bad?! We got there in time for the vows though...and the first kiss...and the presentation.

Their reception was fabulous. Made everyone feel right at home. Most importantly, this was the dress rehersal for what's coming up in October. (DUM DUM DUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM)

May our heavenly Father bless this new couple with his grace so they will find trust, security, hope...and everlasting love in each other.

Congratulations to me!! I've always wanted a little brother and little sister!!! I got two in one day.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

What happened??

I've promised myself to make timely updates, so I don't forget those instantaneous feelings. But so many times I let things slip by. This morning is different. I really want to capture this moment in time.

Picked up and reopened a binder from the past. It's from an ex-girlfriend. A binder full of her poems that she wrote and comments on every poem. Where is this ex now? Does she even remember me? Or does it even matter to her that I exist? I'm not a self centered guy...not too much at least. I don't care too much if she does or doesn't. What matters is, she is still a part of my past. A huge part... what was once a pair of best friends, a pair of kindred spirits....are now two independent persons that seize to acknowledge one another's existence. What is God's intention for this to happen? One dynasty falls for the rise of another empire.

I'm saddened at how I single-handedly destroyed and annihliated such a great thing. I was naive in thinking the world would always revolve around me. That I can break things and piece things back together without slowing down to 65. That arrogance has led to my own personal downfall. And what have I gotten out of it? A life that's so full of blessings that it's almost imcomprehensible to realize the downfall was indeed something bad. But in the end, it is. I've hurt someone, I've hurt myself.

You go to a candy store with your mom and she makes you pick between the giant size lollipop or the heavy chunk of milk chocolate. Both are great.. but there can be only one. How I long to just lift both treasures up and walk out the store in ultimate victory. Needless to say, that only happens in fairy tales.

The words she wrote in that binder were pure. It was her shouting out for joy, that I made a difference in her life. It was two people admitting to each other, "Gee, thanks for being yourself. You've made my life better just for being here today." It wasn't about lust, or puppy-love, or infatuations... it was a binding friendship that was once thought to be inseparable.

This was 7 years ago....7 years ago I couldn't even buy alcohol yet or rent a car. But her words are still so meaningful and passionate, yet mysterious "Oh, and as a reminder, in five years (from today), you're suppose to ask me something." Or how she knew my favorite songs were "Yesterday" and "Prayer of St. Francis." How she used one of my favorite lines in all of writing "Make me an instrument of your peace..." as a basis for one of her poems. How she took into consideration my love for the book "The Outsiders" and my handicap of being color-blind.

Her final poem:

"Pooh, promise you won't forget about me, ever. Not even when I'm a hundred." Pooh thought for a little while. "How old shall I be then?" "Ninety-nine." Pooh nodded. "I promise," he said.

Her comment to the poem:
"Well, you promise not to forget me, okay? And I won't forget you." - October 6, 1998.

You can't just forget someone and have them wiped out from your memory (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind). She's happily married now to a great guy. She's living a life that I would want her to live... I'm living a life that's so full of blessings I can't even start to complain. If it's in God's will that this friendship be severed in order to start two new lives, two new wonderful lives...then it's probably a great thing!!

I do wish to reconcile with her...and the rest of the group some day. But that's just my engineering-self talking. Closure is a great thing. I don't like leaving things undone or hanging. Makes me feel incompetent to some degree. Whatever happens, happens.

As Joycie and I move to our new home together, it's probably time that I let go of this binder of thoughts and memories. A tree you once were, and paper you have served to a romantic poet, now you will be recycled to serve as paper for the next romantic poet with a thought or two to spell out in words....

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Leung Residence - a recap

This is seriously back I don't even remember half the things that went on. But's been 10 days since we got the keys to our new home. Let's try to walk backwards in time.

Day 1: May 13, 2005It was Friday the 13th of all days. We had everything set up to where the fumigation was to be lifted at 9AM so we can go in and leave by 10AM. I even set up my handyman to come out to look at my waterheater. Needless to say, luck wasn't on our side. The fumigators actually left us off their schedule! Those dogs! And to make matters worse, our realtor wanted to get in there early so she jammed a key into one of the locks; not knowing the fumigators prevent this by placing a pin inside the keyhole. Normally, a piece of magnet can remove the pin, but it was now STUCK!! They offered to replace the lock for free...but it still meant another 45 mintues of waiting around. ARGH!!! Our handyman looked at the waterheater and said to lift it off the ground would take a few days worth of work, including ripping out the wall and replacing it. He'll call me back. Friday night, we went shopping for paint, rollers, primer, spackle, everything you can think of. Didn't get to do much that night other than realize the fact that we're now homeowners. With a lot of work ahead of them...

Day 2: May 14, 2005The day started out with walking around and assessing all the damage in the house. They were mostly holes here and there. A few cracks, but nothing too big. To our surprise, the master bedroom had a thick layer of wall paper that was unexpected. That HAD to come off. Joycie spent the morning filling in holes. I spent the morning cleaning the rooms and hallway with TSP (Tri-Sodium Phosphate). The carpet guy came later that morning and quoted us for new carpets. We also asked him to pay for removing the nails from our hardwood floors. Price wasn't too bad....and it saved us a lot of work. All we had to do was restain the floor and wax it for a nice finish. Work was progressing too slow. Painting is not the hard part, it's the prep work that's tough. Joycie's parents called us in the afternoon and asked if we needed help. Didn't want to say NO, cuz we know they were curious in seeing the house for the first time. So we politely asked for help. Double-edged sword. I didn't really want to listen to other people's comments, for better or worse. And I'm not in line to tell them to shutup and just work! But if it wasn't for them, I don't think I woulda had the time to remove all the shelves and cabinets in the closets. Now the hard part is putting them back in order. Phew!! Joycie continued to fill in holes. I started taping the edges of the walls and trims and continued TSP-ing (invented a new word) the rest of the house. We took Joycie' folks out to dinner that night just so we can kick them out and send them home. After dinner, we went over to Fry's to buy our fridge. $1700!!! What kind of fridge is that?? That night, we were in a rush to get things done. The carpet guy was coming in next we had to have everything painted by then. I ended up priming the guest room and hall way. Joycie started removing the wall paper in the Master Bedroom. To our surprise, not only were there several layers of wall paper, but they used liquid cement or something to glue the wallpaper on!! We decided to do as much as we could, then we surrendered and called Melissa and Chris to borrow their steamer. Hopefully that can make our lives easier. We didn't get home till 4AM that morning.

Day 3: May 15, 2005Overslept church but made it for Sunday school. After Sunday school, we headed over to the Francisco's to borrow their steamer. Took it back home and continued with wall paper removing. Removing wall paper is not a's an art. You need to have the patience and the right mindset, otherwise it'll drive you nuts. Our wall paper was, unfortunately, done by professionals. They knew what they were doing and did a great job at making sure the wall paper was NOT to come off. You first have to remove the paper part of the wall paper. Kinda like ripping off the price tag on something you buy from a store. The gooey stickey part remains. Then you have to steam the glue and start scraping gooey stickey part of the wall paper. Now, you've either uncovered a second set of wallpaper, or if you're lucky, uncovered the liquid cement. With the second layer of wallpaper, you have to repeat the aforementioned steps. With the liquid cement, you have to steam and/or use DILF - a wallpaper removing solution. Neither one worked too was simply a lot of soaking, scrubbing and washing. The bucket of water to clean changed from water to glue within minutes. But we wouldn't dare empty out the glue-water into our drains. Who knows what will happen to our drain once the glue dries again. We were forced to carry our buckets all the way back home and pour it into the garbage can. It's quite fun trying to drive around town with a bucket full of water that you don't want to spill. Makes you think twice about coming to a screeching halt.
Earlier in the day, we spilled a bucket of TSP on the living room carpet. The water soaked through the carpet and onto the hardwood floor underneath. As we tried to rescue the hardwood floor, we realized there was a lot of damage to it. So we decided to, perhaps, have the hardwood floor professionally redone. Cha-Ching!! More money. Again, we worked till 2-3AM in the morning.

Day 4: May 16, 2005Joycie took a day off from work to remove wallpaper. She spent the entire day cleaning one wall of the master bedroom. Just one wall. The rest of the walls were, luckily painted with an ugly green instead of wallpapered with an ugly green. After work, I headed over to start helping her out. We ended up spending the entire night working on that ONE wall. Joycie left early since she had been working the entire day. I stayed till about 2-3 to get to our next milestone. Unfortunately for me, I wasn't much of a scholar. I used a spackle knife to dig into the walls. Sometimes getting the glue and wallpaper out, other times, digging holes into the dry wall. Ah....whatever. We can always spackle it back up. Called up our carpet guy and he says doing hardwood isn't too much more expensive. So we went ahead with the plan. That changes our entire plan though. Initally, we'd wanted to restain the floor ourselves AFTER we were done painting the living room and den. But now that it's being done professinally, they recommend us NOT painting the walls yet cuz sanding it makes a whole lot of dust. By not painting the walls, we couldn't move any furniture into the living room and den. At that point, we knew that at least half of our furniture will be stored in the garage.

Day 5: May 17, 2005I found out I need to fly to LA the next day. So I ended up staying late afterwork to prep for me meeting. By the time I got down there, Joycie's folks came down already. Uncle finished painting the room and hallway. Mommy and Joycie were cleaning up the glue from the wall paper I removed the night before. I promptly got onto the ladder and removed the rest of the wallpaper. We had to get the wallpaper off by tonight. So once again, I stayed late till about 2-3AM to finish up the one wall...and to remove all the wallpaper on the ceiling trimmings. Luckily, the ceiling trimmings weren't stuck on with industrial strength cement. I merely made two or three divets but was able to get to a point where we can start priming. We had our first meal at Leung Residence. Mommy made some pasta and brought it down with her. We had no chairs, tables, plates, utensiles. So it was a picnic on my living room floor.

Day 6: May 18, 2005Our hardwood guys came that morning and showed us there more termite damages. So even if we wanted to do the floors ourselves, we wouldn't have been able to. Money well spent I guess. I flew down to LA after class and came back around 7 in the evening. Joycie had spent the afternoon cleaning the remaining glue from ceiling and wall. It was a most perfect time to quit...knowing we can start priming the next day. FOUR DAYS!! It took four whole days to remove one wall's worth of wallpaper!! Who the heck was it to come up with such a bright idea?!? As we were about to leave for Star Wars up in San Mateo, Joycie couldn't find her carkeys!! We looked all over the place in the house. After about an hour's search, we gave up. It was getting late and our friends were waiting in line already - for almost 11 hours!!! We packed up early that night to go watch Episode 3. Both of us have been toiling for 18 hour days the past were we going to stay up for a 12:01 showing?! Of course, we both fell asleep at certain parts of the movie. :) Didn't miss the important stuff though. But we didn't get to bed till 3-4AM AGAIN!!!!

Day 7: May 19, 2005We were running out of time. The carpet guy is coming Saturday and we haven't primed our bedroom yet!! We decided to skip tutoring that night to primer the entire master bedroom. Joycie's folks came down again, this time to remove wallpaperf from the dining room. They didn't have to come, really. But they sounded eager...and I was eager for some free dinner. Second meal at home. This time, they brought real food with a rice cooker. First night of eating with chopstick and bowls. Wonderful. Her folks were able to remove all the wall paper from the dining room. Quite unlike the wallpaper in the bedroom though. We think it's cuz the dining room was redone after the 80's. So glue was made to stick...but able to be removed much easier. Joycie and I spent the rest of the night primering like heck to get master bedroom ready for painting. Another late nighter...another 18 hour day.

Day 8: May 20, 2005Giants/A's game that night. Took a day off of work to wait for PG&E guy and delivery of fridge. Needed to get the master bedroom painted (in one day) in time for the carpet guy to come Saturday morning. I kept calling our carpet guy and he keeps telling us the carpet hasn't arrived yet. So we weren't motivated enough to start painting our master bedroom. Prolonged the start of our paint job. It would've been great to have everything done on time, so we can move everything straight into the bedrooms. Not so...not even close. Decided to call off the paint job since it was too late we just painted the ceiling of master bedroom..and just went home to do more packing. Phoned up the carpet dude and told him to come on Monday. Saturday, we'll just move everything into the garage and pray that it fits.

Day 9: May 21, 2005The day of the big move. The morning started out kinda crappy. Overslept a little. I'd wanted to get the move going a little early. Then I got to UHaul and there was a big long line. Typical Saturday I guess. Uhaul had called me the night before asking if I can upgrade from a 17' to a 24'. I wasn't too sure about driving such a long truck to begin with...but now the truck just increased by another 7 feet!!! What the heck...if a Class C license can drive it...then I'm their man! The truck was intimidating to begin with, but pretty soon, I got use to it. Made life easier when I realized that the smaller cars needed to evade me! And I'd bought the $28 insurance to cover all accidents. So I didn't really care! HA!!!
I told everyone to get to Joyce's house at 11AM and for the most part, they all found the house without a problem. Ended up having a total of 8 guys help me at the first stop. The toughest part of the move, in my mind, was moving the piano from one house to the next. All those horror stories of people chasing after pianos, or pianos tipping over ramps kept flashing through my head. 8 guys. It took all 8 of us to do the job two people usually do. AMAZING!!!
We finished the first phase in record time, and started heading down to Sunnyvale for Phase 2. Between Phase 1 and Phase 2, we lost Rooz, but gained a Melissa and a Chris. They boys worked so fast and hard that I couldn't catch up with them with the packing. I ended up telling them to just throw stuff in boxes that are empty and shift it out. Dangerous thing to do...cuz you end up losing track of what goes where. Phase 2 ended with a bang. I think I heard popping of champagne corks when I pulled up the street with the big UHaul. =) My neighbors must be ecstatic. Finally ridding themselves of the vermin.
We headed down to San Jose for Phase 3...the phase where we unloaded everything, not into the house, but into the dirty musty garage. Again, the guys did everything in record time. It was barely 3 when they all finished. Some had to go...which was fine. The excellent part is of course moving the piano from the truck, down the ramp, into the house. I orignially imagined us using furniture dollies to do this move. At the very least, it elevates the piano so we don't have too many steps to lift. But of course, UHaul reservations never work. We had 6 guys left...and that's all it took to lift the two ton piano from the garage floor, up two steps, into the kitchen! It wasn't wasn't pretty either. But it worked.
I wish I had my camera that day for the three phases. It was most memorable - especially since these are all my closest friends. I even had to turn people away cuz there were too many people who volunteered to help. But no worries...those who vouched to help, will get to help. =) Soon enough.
The night ended with a bang. We had some fun at Chris's house with poker and Triopoly after dinner at Rock Bottom. Too bad not everyone could stay...but it was better for my wallet. I didn't have to pay for everyone's dinner. hahahahaha

Day 10: May 22, 2005Woke up the next day...and got ready for church. After church we headed over to the house and started to paint the master bedroom. Today was the drop dead date. Needed to get it done before the carpet guy came in on Monday. We got done with the bedroom, much faster than we anticipated, and decided to put a second layer on the ceiling. We had too many spots here and there. And between covering the spots and redoing it, we thought we might as well do it RIGHT. Not like we'll get a second chance anytime soon. By the end of the night, we had the three rooms that required carpet changed, painted. The night wasn't young either. It was 1-2AM again!!! And it's never just finishing up and go. It's packing up, then going home and cleaning all the tools. That takes another good half hour. If you let your tools, rollers, brushes sit for a day, you might as well buy new ones.

Day 11: May 23, 2005 Joycie called early in the morning and said, "We need to redo the bedroom walls. The green bled through." I was peeved. Why didn't the primer work!? Primer is suppose to block out the underlying layer of paint! Plus our carpet guy was laying out the new carpet that day. GEEZ!!!! That night...ended up facing our worst fear - painting with new carpets. Didn't do TOO bad. We bought a couple of table cloths from a Dollar Store and used that as our drop cloth. And luckily we did too...cuz we had about half a dozen drops here and there. Nothing big when you consider how many gallons we used to paint. But for new carpet, all you need is one drop to ruin everything.

And that's where we are. We still have to touch-up the ceiling in the bedroom. We need to clean/prime/paint the living room. Clean/prime/paint the den. And clean/prime/paint the dining room. After that, we need to fix our outlets to make sure they're all three-prongs. Then change the switches to our lights. We need to reinstall the cabinets that were removed from the closets. We have to clean the bathrooms, kitchen and cupboards. And lastly, we have to get out of Sunnyvale by the end of the month!!!

Where as the time gone!?!