Friday, December 26, 2014


Struggling with the fact that my kids are simply spoiled. I can't blame them.. .they're 3 and 5.  Kids will be kids.

Leading up to Christmas... all the kids thought about were their presents. 

Christmas Eve - we told them they can open one gift.  They wake up at the crack of dawn and wake up both of us.  After ripping open one gift, they only wanted to play with the other sibling's present.

We told them, one present a day, in hopes of dampening dismissal of interest.  Failed.

Each day, they'll wake up as excited as a jumping bean.  10 minutes after opening their presents, they'll be bored of it.

Oh how I wish we can just give them one gift... one gift for each Christmas.  So they cherish that one gift. But with uncles and aunts and family friends all involved... there's no way we can limit it to one gift.

Oh the dilemmas in life.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

"I feel ya bro..."

While making a late night run to Lucky's to pick up some creamer and juice, I walk by the feminine hygiene section and see a guy taking pictures of the products and prices with his smart phone.

There's nothing to say or do... you simply tip your hat and say, "Been there, done that. I feel for ya bro..."

Monday, December 15, 2014

Christmas Caroling

Had an opportunity to go caroling at some new friend's house this past Sunday.  The best part of the experience, was I brought Nn with me. And Nn loved every minute of it. Joyce is finally able to allow her to skip her nap... even though Nn can still use it.  But it's a new page in our family ministry. 

This started last week when we basically skipped nap... and went to visit a newborn baby, then immeidately afterwards, a cancer stricken family friend.  The kids zonked out right after we started driving expected. 

I really want to keep this momentum going.  Take our kids everywhere we go.  If we're able to serve God, we serve as a family.   It's one thing to TELL them to love God, love man.  It's another to SHOW them that mahmee and bahbee really loves God. 

Monday, December 08, 2014

It finally happened...

I knew the day would come... just didn't realize it would come this quick. 

Last night, after another 2AM bout of yelling at Nn, I finally hit the first (and hopefully last) breaking point of our father daughter relationship.

Normally... when I come home from work, SW and NN would race to come hug me.  But today... I was home for a good 5 minutes.  I had to go look for NN in the play room.  I asked her, "Why didn't you come hug me?"  She said, "I didn't hear you come in."  And she continued playing with her Lego's.  Then I said, "Can I get a hug now?"  And almost like a light lit up... or she came back to normal (or whatever normal is), smiled and gave me the normal bear hug that only kids can give their parents.

Whatever the reason I yelled at her... however strict parents we are... no matter how high expectations Joyce and I set for them.... is it worthed? Is it??

Where does this lie in the all-time "failures" as a parent?

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

There will be a day

The day will come when we have to make decisions - life or death situations.  I don't mean that as an innuendo or pun.  But when your loved one has been in the hospital for over a year... and situation has gone worse to worser... there comes a time when you realize, maybe medicine is not working.  There will be a day... when you have to decide, it's time to let go. 

Pastor Ed... you're going to a much MUCH better place.  You will never be forgotten.

Saturday, November 29, 2014


尋晚講故事比亞女 ,講到個小女孩養左一只雀仔,到最後小女孩要釋放雀仔,喊起上嚟。

擰轉頭一望,見到囡囡熱淚盈眶,都喊起上嚟。我問佢做咩事喊, 佢話個故事嘅姐姐喊,我都好想喊。

Thursday, November 27, 2014


A recent survey says, that if you write down 5 things to give thanks for, daily, your health, well-being and spirit will be much more steady than otherwise.

As cynics, skeptics and general prima-donnas who think the world owes everything to us, we tend to complain and grumble.  And most easily, we complain when comparing to others.  So-and-so drives an M4.... I drive a friggin Civic!!  The effin' Seahawks did it to us again... at our home stadium!! 

While it's easy to compare and complain.... isn't it so much easier to compare and give thanks??

This afternoon during lunch, I sat down with the family and my kids ate lunch very calmly and orderly.  Our dear friend's daughter still has troubles chewing and swallowing consistently... she just holds the food in her mouth for 30 minutes.  Thank you Lord, for kids who can eat.

My co-workers just packed up their lives from the East Coast and is moving to Denver due to plant shutdown.  Some are going to try the long distance marriage.  Some are starting over with young kids.  Thank you Lord, for giving us stability and prosperity.

This evening, we had Thanksgiving dinner with the in-laws.  One of Joyce's cousing is a divorcee raising two college kids. Thank you Lord, for blessing me with a wonderful marriage.

How easy it is to complain... yet... how easy it can be to give thanks. 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Winter Clothes

Joyce spent almost 3 hours yesterday packing the summer clothes and unpacking the winter clothes for the kids and herself.  My closet didn't even move.  The only difference between my summer clothes and winter clothes... a heavier coat. 

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Dear Santa

Dear Santa,

I don't believe in you anymore.  I once did.  I once thought you were true to those who believed in you.  I once wrote a long list of things, because I knew you would make it true.

Now I want to ask you for something.  For Christmas this year, I want only want thing.  I want my wife to be proud of me. I want my wife to approve of me. I want my wife to know that what I do, makes a difference.

I don't want one ultimate compliment.  Not when I've achieved something. I want non-stop approvals along the way. I want her to be proud of me for trying, though failing. I want her to be proud of me for making the effort. I want her to be proud of me, because I want to improve myself.

I want her to do this naturally and without hesitation. I want this to be part of her DNA, her daily being, that she can't go to sleep at night without telling me how great a job I've done with raising the kids... or how amazing I am at TRYING to keep a work/life balance.

Santa... I'm sure you want Mrs. Claus to acknowledge your hard work.  For all you've done for the millions of kids out in the world. And I'm sure Mrs. Claus is proud... even if she doesn't say it... even if she doesn't say it.

Lastly, Santa, I know you're fake. I know you're not real. Just like the fact that my wife will never verbally be proud of me... it's never going to be real.

Merry Christmas,
  Men Around the World

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


NN's been looking forward to her "Thanksgiving Meal."  She won't stop talking about it.  It's been the most exciting thing for her... even more than watching TV. When I found out I had to miss
NN's Thanksgiving Potluck lunch... I started weeping. 

Earlier this evening... I told her I had a meeting and will miss the lunch.  She said, "That's ok Bah-bee.  You can go to Siu-Wah's Thanksgiving Lunch when he goes to school."

I no longer wept.. I cried.

Saturday, November 08, 2014

"9-1-1, I'd like to report a kidnapping"

We never think it'll happen to us... or to someone we know.  This only happens on TV, or to people in the mid-West like Michigan or Kentucky.  But when it does hit home (prayerfully, it won't), what would you do??

Had a disturbing dream last night -- I was trying to move our Odyssey and park our Civic into a parking spot.  So while trying to park the Civic, I left the kids in the van with the car running.  After parking the Civic, I come out of the car and the van is gone.  Even in my dream... I'm vividly thinking: "No.  This isn't happening.  Wake up! This is a dream!"  But I couldn't wake up.

I run up and down the streets - screaming, "HELP! SOMEONE CALL 9-1-1.  MY KIDS HAVE BEEN KIDNAPPED!" 

I struggle to get my phone out to call.  It was a Samsung, not an iPhone.  I try dialing 9-1-1, but I kept fumbling.  6-1-1.  9-2-2.  After 3 tries.... I finally went to Emergency Phone call mode.

Got on the line... had a voice on the other side and I told him, "I'd like to report a kidnapping." 

The voice says, "There's been about 10 calls on board already."

I thought, "Cool... other people did call in when I was screaming my head off."

Then I said, "My kids have been kidnapped.  They're in a greg Honda Odyssey."

The voice says, "There's a lot of those."

I said, "License plate starts with a 6.  That's all I remember."

Not sure what happened after that...... psychologists say we forget about 90% of our dreams every night.

What is the dream trying to tell me?? Is there some meaning behind it? Do I take it at face value?

Thursday, November 06, 2014


Every 10-12 months... I have a vivid dream of grandma (mom's mom).  And each time, the dream is about the same. These are not outrageous dreams and is deceivingly real. 

I'm in Hong Kong -- a land that's as foreign to me as Zimbabwe.  I struggle to find her, and each time, I'm trying to have a meal with her.

One year, I remember riding an elevator up a very small building... and finding her lying in bed.
Couple nights ago, I called her on the phone, asking her if she wants dim sum the next day.

I didn't really know Grandma.  She didn't raise me.  In my entire life, I spent maybe 1 calendar year with her.  Both times when she lived with us in San Francisco for 6 months each.  But the thought of her, the stories from mom, the stories from big bro.... created an aura of her.

One of my last memory of her was when we went back for her 100 birthday.  To celebrate that big day... mom, dad, uncle, Joyce and I took her out to dinner.  And we ordered fish, because she likes fish.  At 100 years old... she ate amazingly well. Still using her chopsticks to pick out the bones from the fish.   I think the very last time I saw her was making a final visit to her at the old people's home. 

She walked me and Joyce out... waved us to go. And we never turned back. 

"婆婆, 孫仔好掛住妳。"

Saturday, November 01, 2014


Can you believe it...? 3 championships in 5 years.  And on the night that we win the final game of a best of 7 series, I did not have the guts to watch the game.

I come home...and I tell Joyce, "Let's turn it off.  We'll turn it back on at 8:30.  I don't want to ruin our family tonight." 

She dutifully turns off the TV and radio. 

I cook dinner... I cheat and check my phone.

I set the table... I cheat and check my phone.

We're about to start dinner... I excuse myself to the bathroom and sit down, checking my phone.  We go up 3-2!!!!! I come back out.

I sit down for dinner and say, "I can't do this..."

Joyce admonishes me and says, "Stop cheating.  We'll check at 8:30."  It was around 7 at that time.

The next 1.5 hour will be one of the longest hour and a half of my life.  Every 2 minutes... I would want to touch my phone. NO!! Two more minutes pass by, I'll look at my phone.  In my head, I can picture what's happening.  (The Royals are coming back!)  In my head, I start playing games with myself. (The Giants are busting this open!)

Slowly but surely... it creeps to 8PM.  We start getting the kids for bed.  Floss.  Brush.  Storytime.  I'm still looking and thinking about my phone.  Jonesing. Desparate.  Dying.  To only turn it on... select that ESPN App... and see the score.  It can't hurt.  I'll know the score... and go back to putting down the kids.  NO!! I promised.

"Can I check?"

"Just wait... it's almost 8:30.  Might as well wait till 9."

I'm sitting there... reading them their stories.  Joyce is outside doing who knows what.  Where is she?!? Is she checking the score?? Will she find out.... but not tell me??? Maybe she'll tell me if we're winning!! Maybe she won't tell me if we're losing.... She walks in, POKER FACE.  DARN HER!!!!

It's 8:20PM.  Time for bed Nui-nui.  I turn the lights off and lie down next to her.  It's 8:25.  5 more minutes.  Tick-tock.  Tick-tock.  Wait...what do I hear?? In a distance... Fireworks?? No... must be a motorcycle driving by.

8:26.  BOOM BOOM....fireworks again?? Could it be? Is the game over?? Are we celebrating?

8:27.  Fireworks stopped.  Why is time so slow?

I check my iPhone's clock.  It's 8:29!! The clock in the room is slow!!

8:30!! 8:30!! 8:30!! Finally turn on phone.  Fumbling stumbling bumbling....

Where's that app?? Why isn't it refreshing?!?  Why's it still showing the old score from 7PM??


And there it is.....the headline.... "Giants hold off Royals to capture World Series."

Friday, October 17, 2014


25 years ago today... was the '89 Earthquake that shocked the world and stalled a World Series.

25 years later... I sit here reveling at yet another Giants Pennant at the cost of those bloody Cardinals.

Unlike the last 2 times in 2010 and 2012, the game wasn't on TV.  I guess Network TV's don't draw the ratings to sacrifice their primetime slot for baseball.  Amazingly... I come home and Joyce already has the radio going.  (Married the right woman indeed). 

Was trying to play it down... but I couldn't.  During the dinner, when Bumgardner gave up the lead with the go-ahead Homerun... I took it out on NN and yelled at SW for extra measures. Ha!! What a horrible dad.  It ended up being a very quiet dinner.  And I ended up apologizing.

It wasn't until Nn went to bed that we tied it.  I didn't even hear the call on the radio.  One minute I was putting Nn down... next minute, I check my phone and the score is 3-3.  I run out to the kitchen and see Joyce holding SW and tickling him. He was hysterical... She had a huge smile... the noise from the radio was euphoric.  I missed it. 

It's funny how you remember exactly where you were when events like this happens.

1989 Earthquake - 5:04PM. I was at Chinese school.
2002 Game 5 - I was in the stands with Jeff, Chris and Joyce.  Saw the thing live.
2010 Game 6 - on the phone with Chris (in Hong Kong), streaming the TV via Yahoo Messenger to China, with a 1.5 year old baby girl.
2012 Game 7 - at home.  By myself.  The kids were asleep.
2014 Game 5.  In bed.  Lights were off.  Radio was blasting. Joyce and I trying to put SW down, but in reality, we were both listening. Jon Miller's legendary voice cracks through our clock radio saying, "AND THE GIANTS HAVE WON THE PENNANT!!"  I high-5 my lovely wife in the dark.  Turn the radio back to Streams of Praise music.. and walk out of the room. 

Moments like this lives on forever.  I told my friend, Game 5 in 2002 is one the best moments of my life.  He was at the game last night.  I'm sure Game 5 of 2014 will be one of the best moments of his. 

So many story lines. So many angles.  So many tales left untold. 

My hope... is there'll be an entry in roughly a week that'll detail out where I am when the Giants win the World Series.  Until then.....

Sunday, October 12, 2014


Two days in a row... I drove out to SF. 

Day 1 - was to buy and give mom a new laptop.  I've been wanting to do this for a while, but I've been lazy.  Finally bit the bullet and bought a low-end, bottom-of-the-line laptop so she can stop using those leftovers from the early 2000's.  Boy was that a mistake.  Not only did Fry's give me the guaranteed run-around, I definitely needed a long night, by myself, to configure the laptop for her.  Doing it real time, at her place, with her hovering... was not the way to go.  That... and I was famished and parched. 

Day 2- picked dad up from the airport and ended up spending the entire morning with him.  Got to his place... was going to drop off the luggage and leave.  Only... he asked me 1 simple computer question that floored me for another 2 hours.  Oh and btw... I missed lunch again. Famished and parched. 

Two different incidences. Two separate issues. Same common problem - Windows 8.1.  UGH!!!!! 

I finally make it back to the comforts of my home.  I eat a leftover waffle from this morning.  And I inhale a banana.  That was my breakfast and lunch combined. 

And to top it off... neither one of their problems were fixed.  Will have to go out again and relive this do-loop. 

Not complaining... merely stating facts.

Sunday, October 05, 2014

Moving the needle - Boiling the Ocean

When it comes to change... people warn you of "Boiling the Ocean" or trying to make too much change that it's unrealistic.

Some people say, "Move the needle" like a clock... where small incremental changes will eventually equate to huge after effects.

Well... recently, I've finally bitten the bullet and decided to make some changes to my life.  I've decided to start using the mouse with my left hand.  Imagine... >20 years of doing something with the same hand.. .and now, I have to re-wire my brain.

All those games of Minesweeper... Starcraft... Microsoft Office.  Not to mention the patterns I've developed in my head to work the mouse with my right while typing with my left.  For example... highlighting a bunch of stuff and using my left hand to type Ctrl-C to copy.  Then Ctrl-V to paste.

Life... as I know it... will never be the same.  How much slower am I? How much less productive will I become?  Can I still beat Mark and Chris using Zergs??

The toughest part in all of this... the stinken touchpad on laptops.

Saturday, October 04, 2014

Children's Alpha - Point, Set, Match

After four Sundays and finally... Holy Spirit Saturday... Alpha 2014 can be stashed away into the digital archives of my SJCAC folder.  Another one bites the dust.

In the end... it turned out a lot better than I'd imagined.  I was basing the "curriculum" off of a previous year's curriculum.  "Knowing God."  "God's Promises" "Knowing Jesus" "Knowing Yourself." I prepped by researching Children Ministry curriculum and games and crafts.  Spent hours researching and thinking of how to link a theme with Adult Alpha and to make a difference. 

Then came Roy.  He flew in there... without any agenda... very last minute and said, "Let's just have fun."  Our 2nd week... we had an Ark building contest.  3rd week... we made lanterns, lanterns that can fly, float and roll on the ground. 4th week... hand puppet contest.  The kids loved it.  The helpers had a great time.  And we tied in some bible teachings here and there.

Holy Spirit Saturday... goodness gracious.  6 hours with the kids.  What am I to do?? What do teachers do all day with them??  Just like in football... if you have the lead... milk the time and keep control of the ball.

From 9AM - 3PM... it was all about time management and smart usage of Snack Time.  Ohhhh....

And thankfully... KL and CY/JLY came to help out.  We baked bread (circled back to Manna) and made ice cream (for no apparent reason).  I spent 30 minutes outside... making them do jumping jacks and sorts.  A little bit of this... a little bit of that... BAM...we were done.

A text exchange with Roy, earlier this morning.
Roy: Everything under control?
Henry: Making bread
Roy: Good

A few hours later..
Henry: Ohhhh finally done
Henry: 玩完.  收工.  下午茶
Roy: Finally, yes.

In a way... I feel like volunteering for Children's Alpha next year.  It's a tough job... especially for a fellowship hampered with a lot of newborns.  But in a way... it is our duty, I think, to serve our children.  Whether I like doing it or not.... until next year.  Joyce says... let's volunteer to cook next year.  She might regret saying that.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Pro Democracy Demonstrations

Hong Kong has engaged in a peace movement in hopes of being granted democracy from China.  And though I am from Hong Kong... and I claim to have a lot of ties to Hong Kong... I'm honestly ambivalent to what's happening in my homeland.

My entire Facebook feed are people changing their profile picks to a yellow ribbon.  People are shedding tears of sadness when seeing what's happening. A friend even broke his 2 year Facebook silence to show support.

There's a theory... that if enough people stared and concentrated on an object, that object will explode under the stress of all the telepathic powers.  Makes you wonder... can all these collective thoughts and will power on social media really move the needle in pushing for Hong Kong democracy?

I really wish I can take part in this movement... but I simply don't have any affinity to this sort of thing.  Sad.  So so sad.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Children's Alpha - Part Deux

There's this extra hyper kid at Children's Alpha. Not sure what any other leader would've done... but I made the effort to really discipline him.  To the point he was almost in tears.

And amazingly enough... he stuck next to me the entire night like bee to honey. 

Can it be true... some kids are just thirsting for some parental discipline?

Thursday, September 18, 2014


I washed my car yesterday.... and guess what, it rains today.  Go figure.  Never fails.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

9 Year Anniversary

9 year anniversary today.  Suppose to be very special... .cuz 9 signifies 長長久久. 

It's been an amazing 9 years.  A quick 9 years.  9 years full of ups... and a whole bunch of downs.  Still remember those sweet, early years... when it was just the two of us, struggling to make ends meet and pay that mortgage.  Then came the first child.... then the second.  Work, ministry, life got in the way.... and at one point, the marriage red-light went off.  But through and through.... God has kept this 3-way relationship in tact.

And I must say.... today.... I love my wife more than I've ever loved her.  My wife... my best friend... the mother of my children.... the only one that truly understands my greatest joy and laments with me in my greatest sorrows. 

We didn't do much this year.  Last year, we took the day off to go shopping.  This year... .we stole a quick lunch at McDonald's.  Then I snuck off work early to get her a necklace as a gift.... which she didn't like.... and wanted me to return.  I also go the kids a nice set of formal clothes for a formal dinner.  Went to the same place we went to for our 2nd year anniversary. 

Then at night... it was late. We were tired. We watched a little TV as a family.... and that was it.  A quiet, uneventful day.  But regardless... it was a day spent with 'you.'  And that's all that really matters.

Friday, September 12, 2014


My dream...or dare I say fantasy... is quite simple.  I want to own and run a restaurant. 

Walking through Monterey Fisherman's Wharf the other day, I saw a restaurant owner wearing a nice polo, nice slacks and all he did was laugh and chat away with his customers.  He knew some of their names.. but was a stranger to most.  But his main purpose in life was to feed people and make sure the process was enjoyable. 

I want to be that owner.  Where the only thing I do the entire time is to take care of people's needs.  If someone is having a bad day.... Free bottle of wine, on the house!  If some kids are misbehaving and the parents are extremely stressed out.... free dessert, on the house!  If some delivery boy is feeling under appreciated... I'll offer him a job with a bright future.  Or at least mentor him and connect him with other friends.

I've been advised too many times... don't ever own a business, cuz you'll never stop working.  And furthermore, if you own a business, don't ever own a restaurant cuz it's bound to lose money.

Well dangit.... how am I suppose to live out my dream with all these naysayers?????  

Sunday, September 07, 2014

Children's Alpha

Was asked to lead Children's Alpha this year.... and the past few months, I've been dreading this day.  Well, the day finally is upon me... and as expected, I did not welcome it with open hands. 

I don't know what it is.... but I really can't do Children's Ministry anymore.  I use to love kids. I use to want to dedicate my life to them.  But when I sit in a room full of kids that are not my own... and they complain... or run off.... or go wild.... I have that unquenchable thirst to discipline them!!

It amazes me how hyper some kids can be.  Or how disrespectful they are.  Or how impolite they are.  Where are their table manners? Where are their social behaviors? Goodness gracious... I sure hope my kids won't cause any teachers the same grief I'm having.

But in the end... I recognize this as an act of obedience.  I'm asked to do it... and I will do it.  Whether I like it or not, that's another story.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Carnival 2014

I'd be remiss if I didn't jot down a few thoughts on today's CS Carnival. 

The idea came to me on a Sunday afternoon when I came back from my alma mater's Open House which had a bounce house / slide and facepainting.  My kids loved it... so I thought, I should do something my kids love!!  The Carnival... despite all the thanks and praises... was actually very self-serving. 

One of the best part of my day... was when I had a chance to sit down and speak with an elderly Caucasian couple.  They brought their grand-daughter there... was the only non-Asian... and was a little bit out of place.  But we were engaged in a fine 15 minute conversation.  From parenting... to history of San Jose... to practicing our faith. 

Then the other best part of my day... I chatted with their granddaughter and her friend.  Her friend was the one who invited them.  He was a shy kid... and he burned his feet on the hot pavement.  And he didn't want to go back out to play.  He simply refused.  I wanted to cheer up the boy and give him some encouragement.  So we chatted and laughed.  I told a few jokes and stories.... but he still didn't want to go.  I ended up saying, "Ok buddy... I'll see you out there!!"  That wasn't the good part.  About an hour later.... I saw him out there and his mom came up to me and said, "I think it was your little talk with him.  Thank you."

There were highs and lows, ups and downs.... but finally... one of the best thing that happened, was seeing one of my sister spending almost the entire time welcoming people to our Alpha dinner.  Most of the other b&s were either working or having a good time.  But Miranda... she was tirelessly handing out flyers. 

At the end of the night... she was, "It was a very successful event. We got a lot of people to register for Alpha."

And isn't that what this Carnival event was all about....? Shame on me for being self-serving. 

Monday, August 18, 2014


During the summer, we've been giving Nui-nui some "homework assignments" while she's home - the days she's not at Summer School.

She practices her addition, subtraction and multiplication.  I give her a few Chinese Characters to practice.  But the best part about the homework assignment is her journal.  Twice a week, I ask her to draw a picture and write 1-2 sentences about that picture.

I look forward to those days when I come home...and flip through her notebook to unveil what is the latest image going through her 5 year old mind.

As the summer comes to a close, I flip back and is astounded!!  Almost all her journals are about Happy Moments!!  Disneyland, Happy Hallow, Levi's Stadium (WOOT!!), Christmas Eve from last year, going to Mui-mui's birthday party.  If I was a clincial psychiatrist, I would say, "You have a happy girl!"

Of note... there are two journal entries that are not happy. 

1) An entry where she complained bout doing math... and wanted to do easy math.  HA!
2) The second one having to do with me  yelling at her... .and she feeling sorry and sad.  Awwwww....

I might fail... but I'm going to try hard as heck to keep these journal entries for when she goes off to college. 

Sunday, August 03, 2014

Sunday Night Ritual

It's Sunday night... and what do I find myself doing?? I'm going through the fridge, throwing away week (or 2 week old) leftovers.  What a waste.  America is such a wasteful nation... I feel sick to the stomach just thinking about it, let alone doing it.

The leftover dim sum from last Sunday? TOSS!
The left over veggies from Tuesday...that we've microwaved twice for dinner... GONE!
The mysterious bag of whatever.... SEE YA!!

Not all is lost.  I find a few drummettes from Wednesday's dinner.  And also from pork from Monday's dinner.  They all sat in their down dish... under their own plastic wrap.  So I consolidated the few biteful of meat along with Friday's leftover ribs and make a new plate of leftovers.

It's a pure feeling of victory whenever we wipe clean all the food!! Sometimes.... on a Saturday evening, we decide to stay in and we make one of those special "Leung's smorgas bord", throw everything in a pot and add some chicken soup.  Voila!!  Dinner!! 

But those rarely happen... but happens more often.... the Sunday Night Ritual.

Saturday, August 02, 2014


As of late... my son has taken on a new liking.  A liking of breasts. Not sure if it's normal though. 

He's 3... but he's obsessed with breasts.  He plays with mommy's breasts.  He plays with daddy's breasts.  At Target, we walk by a poster of a woman in a swimsuit and he points and yells, "奶奶!"  We pass by Victoria's Secrets and his eyes light up... "奶奶!" But he doesn't discriminate... he says the same things when we walk by Abercrombie.  He screams, "奶奶!" when he sees those male models.

I guess there's nothing wrong with it...  90% of the guys I know have an affinity for breasts. The other 10%....they have their own breasts, aka man-boobs. 

What gets a little alarming is...when we're praying and say, "in Jesus' name...." instead of "Amen" he says, "奶奶!" 

Friday, July 25, 2014

Levi's Stadium

Realized a childhood dream.... by walking into the 49ers stadium as a season ticket holder.

The stadium... not all that. From the outside it looks more like a factory.  Doesn't have the beauty of Pac Bell (AT&T).  Doesn't have the skyline dominance like Qwest (Seattle).  Doesn't have the sleekness of Lincoln Financial (Philly) or the signature bowl of Candlestick (SF).  But hey... it's the new home of the Niners.  It's ugly, but it's our ugly. 

Now.... I love my daughter.  I can honestly say she has me wrapped around her fingers.  And there is undoubtedly favoritism.  I admit it!!  But when it came to approaching the shadows of the fortress... when we were walking up the steps of Levi's Stadium... when we first stared onto the green of the grass.... I couldn't help but want to hold onto my son.

And nothing made me prouder... than to be able to find my season ticket holder seat... Section 321, Row 7, Seat 24.... and sit down for a picture with my dad and my son.  Three generations of Leung's... bonded and connected by the mighty 49ers.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Make the journey your destination....

I hate legos.
I hate puzzles.
I hate IKEA furniture.

I hate the long process of building things and putting things together.  I just want to get there and be done with.

Spent 2 hours last night building a Thomas train track for the kids.  The instructions were simple and prehistoric.  I actually built up a sweat doing this.  And what kept me going... was waiting to see the kids face when they wake up in the morning to see an entire train set on their living room floor.

As expected.... the kids loved it.  They couldn't stop playing with it.  It felt like it was all worthed....till I realized.... I could've built the entire thing with the kids.  That probably would've meant so much more to them.... then playing with the train set for a day.

Another lesson learned... where the journey, is the destination.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Yet...Another first

Been at SJCAC for close to 10 years now.  That means... >500 sermons.  Dozens and dozens of conferences and speakers.  Scores of Prayer meetings.  And probably a quarter or 1/3 of all those sermons / sharing... came with translation.

I've always wondered about live translation... wonder how I would do if I was given that chance.

I've been doing live translations... Chinese-to-English... in the back, over a headset, for the past 2 years.  Easy-peesy.  No one to judge you... no one knows what you're saying.  The few who are listening won't know if you're right or wrong.

Well... here's a first.  I was given the opportunity to translate live.... on stage... by the pulpit.... from English to Chinese.  Not Chinese to English.... no no no no.

I was stressing all weekend. Pastor Ted sent me his outline ahead of time, so I can mull over a few of those tricky theological words.  But a pastor of his caliber can go all over the place at a moment's notice.  There was simply no way to truly prepare for this.

It went by so fast.  Beside the pulpit... I looked for those few familiar faces that'll bring me comfort.  Of course... my wife.  Anytime I was struggling... I'll just look back at her.  Christie.... sitting where she usually sits up front.  Another sight of comfort.  Rocky.... all the way in the back.  Eden Fellowship and their kids.... making all the noise. 

So many places, I wish I had better terms.  So many places... I wish I was quicker in thinking.  And a few places... where I simply lost concentration and wasn't paying attention, so I just made stuff up along the way. HA! And before I knew it... it was 11:30.

Phew..... done. Over.  Time to sit down...and head to lunch.  And the end of that.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Freudian slip

An innocent slip of the tongue...

I was trying to call my daughter a "pretty pink princess..." but what came out of my mouth was "a pretty pink penis." Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....

Then she says, "Don't call me that.  That's a boy's............."

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Another first...

Experienced another first today... first time I had to lay-off someone. 

It's not firing someone.  My friend actually had to do that... and he stood by with security as they watched the employee pack.

It's not someone quitting.  There's usually an envious lunch followed by hearty handshakes.

It's not someone retiring.  Where there's the funny roasting followed by the sentimental send-off.

Laying someone off.... in California... means they get 60 day notice.  Then they get a two week notice.  Then there's the exit interview.  And then...they're gone.

And you ask yourself.... what just happened? Until it happens again......

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Receiving the Holy Spirit

At KAC today.... Linda prayed with the children to receive the Holy Spirit.  Then she said... "When we play the music again, and you want to receive the Holy Spirit, you can stand-up."

The music didn't start yet... and Nui-nui was the first (and only) kid to stand-up.  I know I shouldn't have... but I immediately started to weep.  I know I can't and shouldn't tie any emotions to my daughter's walk with Christ.  It's not something I should be proud of... or disappointed in.  It's something I should trust God in.

Also... I shouldn't have teared up cuz I think Nui-nui may have stood up cuz she heard Linda say the words, "...stand-up" without hearing anything else.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Joseph Reunion

Weird.... tonight we had Joint Fellowship.  And I had the honor of leading worship... when I scanned around the room and it felt like Joseph Fellowship all over again.  Taking a quick survey... even the folks from HoC and Carmel originated from Joseph.  HA!

Sadly... things have morphed into a very different atmosphere.  Times are different.

We're all grown up now...with families... with other demands.  But for one brief moment...with a room full of brothers and sisters... it felt nice to be brought back in time.

Friday, June 20, 2014

A tearful moment...

Nui-nui graduated from preschool to kinder today. Everything went well... as planned... until the final act when the students walked in to "Pomp and Circumstance" for the handing out of diplomas.

At this point, all the parents are crowding the front of the stage fighting to grab a shot of their kids for that one "Kodak" moment.  All eyes were on the kids (of course)... and then out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of our family friend who was welling up in tears. 

Ironically, her son is stoic.  He's probably rehearsed this for a 100 times the past few months.  He probably didn't want to be there.  In fact, his mind was probably wandering and thinking about lunch or cartoons or half a dozen other things....  Most importantly, he will go through life never knowing and realizing what his mom was going through. 

Human emotions.... it's so mysterious. 

Saturday, June 14, 2014

"It is finished"

Famous words muttered by Jesus on the cross as documented in the gospel of John.  A few weeks ago, as I was meditating on the gospel of John,it occurred to me that the last words spoken by Jesus was immediately following the last and final physical act from mankind.

That last act... was the soldier offering sour wine (vinegar) to Jesus when Jesus said, "I am thirsty."

Was this last act an act of defiance and humiliation? Or was it actually a sign of humility and thoughtfulness?

As a kid... I've always thought this was further torture of Jesus.  The man is dying! Suffocating! Bleeding to death!  All he wants is some water and the soldier doesn't even have the decency to offer him a drink??  But wait.... maybe the soldier did it on purpose!

For the first time, I thought (overthought) that maybe the soldier was HELPING Jesus.  Seeing him suffer already... the soldier thought that giving him water, will only quench his thirst, prolong his life for a bit longer... and have him suffer more.  By giving him vinegar... it meant that Jesus can hurry up and die and end his suffering.

"It is finished" takes on a new meaning.  This is Jesus, the moment before he dies, knowing that the last and final act from mankind is an act of kindness and worship!  So Jesus can die in peace... knowing that there is hope in mankind.  Hence the words.  His job is done.  Reconciliation can begin... and all that he's done in his 3 years of ministry leading to this moment... it was all worth it.

Way to go, Soldier!!!

Monday, June 09, 2014

"I am thirsty..."

Famous words muttered by Jesus on the cross as documented in the gospel of John.  A few years ago, as I was studying John, it occurred to me in the irony behind these words. the living water himself, has run dried and is now "thirsty." 

In John 4, when Jesus spoke with the Samaritan woman, he tells her about the living water;  that whoever drinks from it shall not thirst.  In John 6, Jesus declares, "I am the bread of life...he who comes to me shall not thirst." 

I believe, that John was specifically inspired by the Holy Spirit to capture those words.  Those words clearly represented the true "passion of Jesus Christ."  All too often,we focus on the bodily pain and humiliation Jesus experienced on his way of the cross.  That in it of itself fulfills a portion of scripture where a lamb without blemish is sacrificed as a sin offering.  But what the words "I am thirsty" represents.... is the fact that Christ bore all of our sins.... including the first sin where Eve bit into the fruit... till the last sin in Revelation before the New Jerusalem descends from heaven.  Every single sin was laid on top of Jesus.... and the sin was so heavy, so burdening, so REAL.... that He truly gave up and lost this relationship with God.  He lost... his godly character.  He lost... the privilege of being the Son of God.

That is the true passion of Jesus Christ.  Because of these words, "I am thirsty..." we can now truly see and believe that Jesus completed this work here on earth as described in Philippians 2 -

rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.
And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death even death on a cross!

Friday, June 06, 2014

Element of Surprise

Remember when you saw a movie...or watched a TV show...and there was such a huge twist in the plot or a surprise ending that got you to jump out of your seat and say, "Oh sh*t!"


Like the Sixth Sense moment - when the audience finally realizes that Bruce Willis was dead the entire time. 

Or the original God of Gamblers, when Chow Yun Fat has the entire theater thinking he had a full house vs the 4 queens.  Then he turns the card and says, "你唔好采啦!" to reveal four Aces. 

Then there's the ultimate twists of twists...the father of all twists (pun intended), when Darth Vader reveals himself to be Luke Skywalker's father.  I never got that experience.  And I always wonder how I would've felt, had I been a teenager, sitting in the theaters and experiencing that moment on the silver screen for the first time. 

There's since been multiple parodies about that moment.  And there are Youtube videos of parents showing Star Wars to their kids in the proper order, starting with Ep IV...before going back to the prequels, and capture the moment of shock on his kids' face when the infamous words, "I am your father" is muttered by Vader.

Well.... I just realized.... that I've already ruined that moment for my kids!! Nui-nui, at least, will never get to experience the biggest twist in the history of movies.  Why??? Cuz I read her this book!!! A seemingly harmless book.... d'oh!

Thursday, June 05, 2014

"It's the least I can do..."

Was at Barnes and Noble earlier this evening... where we treat a bookstore like a library. (hee hee)

I'm done reading Siu Wah and Nui-nui's first books.  They're off looking for their second books when I return the books back on the shelf.  The teenager who works there happens to walk by and says, "Dude...." 

I stare at him... with a questioning look.

"Thanks.  You don't even know."

(ahh... he's thanking me for returning the books)

And all I can muster was, "It''s the least I can do..."

Sometimes... even if we think folks get paid for what they do, they do appreciate the little things we do to help. 

Monday, May 26, 2014


What's more weird? A 30+ year old man playing with Barbie dolls (with his daughter) or that same 30+ year old man feeling a bit "naughty" when taking the clothes off of a supposedly 5' 8" blonde? Hmmm.... fascinatingly weird.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Eating Healthy

SW's eczema has gotten to a point that Joyce hasn't had a good night's sleep for 6 months.  Joyce battles with SW every night to keep him from scratching... breaking his skin and bleeding.  Thus starting the cycle again.  We've tried every type of lotion and ointment that's possibly for sale.  The best option is a $30 jar of ointment the size of a shotglass.  We use it up in a week!!

My mom says - avoid beef.
My aunt says - avoid duck. 
Online... it says avoid processed food.

Processed food?!?! What isn't processed nowadays?  Sugar. Flour. Bread. RICE!! Pasta. 
Do we truly have to make everything from fresh???

We must.  It's the right thing to do... for him and for us.  I need to set an example as his father.  I must....alas.... eat Eggplant... eat Mushrooms. :(

Baby steps.... I'll get there.  And if I can get use to it... maybe he'll start eating healthy too. 

Unfortunately... I've been trying for 30+ years...and I still hate eggplant, oatmeal and mushrooms. 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

"Let it go....Let it gooooo...."

Had an opportunity to fly across country from SFO to JFK on United. Those flights generally have free movies (all you can watch within 5 hours).

I took full advantage this time and started watching the moment I found my seat.  I didn't even wait for the doors to engage.  I almost jumped out of my seat when I saw "Frozen" as one of the selection.  WOOHOO!! Finally get to watch the, supposedly, greatest Disney Animated Feature of all time..... for free!

I watched "Wolf of Wall Street" first, knowing there'll be a lot of interruptions while we take off.  I didn't want my movie to be ruined.  Sure enough... there were a lot of announcements and such.  But that's ok.... it's only Leo DiCaprio.

Finally...after 3 hours (3 HOURS!!) of Wolf of Wall Street.... finally got to select Frozen.  I even went to pee ahead of time, just so I don't have to walk away half way through the movie.

Got my snack ready. Got my drink ready.... and "LET IT GO!!"

20 minutes in.... I knew I was in for biggest disappointment of my life.  Oh gawd...
Yea sure...the animation was nice, but it's CGI'ed.

The story line? Lame... too fast.... no story development.
Olaf the Snowman... not funny.  Annoying, actually.
"Let it Go?" that was 30 minutes into the film....and after she "let it go..." she secluded herself???
Ilsa's talking parts... missing
Love story.... not so much.
Sisters love... ok, I give you that.
Big musical scores?Just one.
Final battle? Disastrous.

The best thing out of this movie.... was it's free.
As for the movie itself? Let it blow....Let it blow.....

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Pump it Up!!

Went to our first organized, corporate kids birthday party at "Pump it Up."  Man.... so much easier than what we did for Nui-nui's first party.  Everything was taken care of.  Food, entertainment, A/C, cake, party favors.... EVERYTHING!!!!  All for a mere $350. 

What were we doing wrong! Geez!

Sunday, May 04, 2014

Rough year...

So I'm a jaded sports fan.  There are folks around the country who beg to be semi-competitive and not be the laffing stock of everyone. And here I am... Complaining about the Niners... Sharks... And now he Warriors being eliminated from the playoffs. THE PLAYOFFS!!!

Sigh.... The playoffs.... :(
what a year...the Giants are gonna kill me. I should stop watching sports now.

Thursday, May 01, 2014



三歲喇, 淨係識果兩三句英文。 今日喺公園, 同個鬼妹仔玩。 瀡完滑梯, 竟然話: "Again?"

人地唔show佢, 話: "No."

小華好自然咁答: "Why?"


Sunday, April 27, 2014

Wonderful Dinner

Had dinner with one our dearest, closest friend tonight.  We have dinner with her, maybe, once a year.  But each time... she never ceases to amaze me how much she loves God.

Being a parent with kids... all our dinner conversations surround kids, school, remodeling, vacation plans.  I don't remember the last time having a meal and hearing someone's testimony!! How God is challenging her - stretching her - stressing her.  How her submission 8 years ago - is finally bearing fruit! 

Last time it happened....? Probably the last time we had dinner with her.  Sigh.... Old Oil Stick.....

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Monday, April 21, 2014

Knowing... but still hoping

Sat at the end of the table, surrounded by 2 Directors, 1 Senior Manager and HR.

I was interviewing for a Level 6 - Sr. Manager position.  I knew I wasn't going to get it.  Managers, especially Sr. Managers, are almost always pre-selected.  I was there... just so it can satisfy "HR Rules." Or as they have it in the NFL... the Rooney Rule, where teams MUST interview at least 1 minority coach for any vacant positions.

I already knew the type of questions that were coming.  I had prepared amazing stories to tell.  I knew I impressed all of them with my achievements to date... my leadership capacity... and the energy I bring to the table.

But as I walked out of that interview room.... I knew I wasn't getting the job. 

"To even be selected is an achievement!" my current boss told me.  True.  They must've seen something on my resume to consider me a valid contestant on this interview. 

Deep down, I knew I wasn't going to get it.  But deeper down... I was hoping I can get it. 
"I more than qualify" - I think.
"Who wouldn't want to hire me?" - I imagine. 
"They'll regret the day they turn me away" - I console myself.


Friday, April 18, 2014

Art of Listening

While praying with Nui-nui the other night... I suddenly had an urge to listen instead of saying the same ol' same ol'. 

And when I suddenly fell silent, halfway through our normal prayer, Nui-nui asked, "Bah-BEE.... why are you quiet?" 

I said, "Shhhh.... I'm listening to Jesus." 

After a brief moment of silence, I told Nui-nui, "Jesus wants me to thank Him for blessing us with wonderful and healthy children."

So I started praying.... but Nui-nui said, "Shhhh... I'm listening to Jesus."

I respectfully stayed silent.

Moments later, she says, "I heard Jesus say He really loves me!"

(Hmm...... test of faith.  Do I believe a 4 year old? OF COURSE I DO!!!!)

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Free stuff...

There was a time when I indulged in "free" stuff available online.  I would spend hours scouring the internet for free magazine subscriptions... free samples... free mugs... free shirts, etc... 

Then I got over it.  (Phew...) 

Too much work.  Too much effort.  Too little return.

Well today... Cheesecake Factory offered me a $10 Coupon for filling out a survey.  And it wasn't so much the $10 that attracted me. But I really wanted to offer up a nice suggestion.  When we order from the kids menu.... have the decency to ask, "Would you like to serve the kids first?"  That should be Waiting Tables 101. 

After filling out the survey and getting the eCoupon for $10.... that bug inside me is woken.  Now I wanna fill out a million surveys and get a million coupons! HAHAHAHHA.... FREE FREE FREE!!! Nothing in life that's better than..........FREE!!!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Odd man out...

Was at a random yogurt place, sitting and enjoying our yogurt and I couldn't take my eyes off of another family of four sitting next to us. 

Sitting along the window on a counter were a family of four.  An older gentlemen... maybe in his 50's.  His two teenage daughters.  18 and perhaps 16.  And at the end of the counter... his wife.

Throughout the entire time.... the two daughters spoke solely to the mom.  They laffed, giggled... shared their yogurts with one another.  Even their bodies were obviously turned towards mom, leaving out poor dad.  The entire time, dad longingly looked the three women... trying, wanting, begging to be let into the conversation.  But when they didn't give him a whim of time, he went back digging into his yogurt.  After a few spoonfuls, he'll look up again at the three loves of his life... listen attentively at what they're chatting about... waiting to jump in with a comment or two... only to give up and continue with this frozen dessert.  For a good 5 minutes.... this entire scene completely mesmerized me. 

Finally, after an eternity of waiting... the dad lets out the first words of the entire night, "Let's go."  The family dutifully got up and left.

Joyce turned to me and smile... aren't you glad you have a son?  And I thought to myself... "No, aren't you glad you have a daughter."  Cuz I will NEVER be that dad....

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Annual Vacation - Happiest Place on Earth

Siu Wah turns three pretty we made our final trip to Disneyland before we have to pay for 4 people. It's amazing how much detail Nn remembers from our last trip two years ago.  Down to the name of the rides... the snack she ate... and some of the corners we took!

This year, we went very cheap.  Brought our rice cooker and made dinner twice in our room, on top of making the typical macaroni/Spam breakfast.  One night it was Ranch99 Roast Duck... and another night it was Costco $4.99 chicken.  The chicken became breakfast the next day... and also became chicken sandwiches for lunch.  A well lived chicken..... for $5.

We're slowly moving into the phase of parenthood where meeting the characters matter.   I'm sure next trip... we'll be those parents with autograph books and pins and what-not.  Sigh... hopefully we can skip that phase.  Or we can talk some sense into them!!

Highlight/lowlight of the trip has gotta be the night we promised Nn we'll let her stay up for fireworks... the same night I was running a fever.  Who gets sick during vacation?!  I could've thrown in the towel...could've disappointed my daughter... could've curled up in bed while she pouted or let out one of her heartbreaking "Awwwwwwwww...."  So I sucked it up.  Pulled a Michael Jordan in Game 5 against Jazz.... and took her to fireworks anyways.  Shivering, sweating, tired, miserable.... I warned her, I wasn't going to be able to hold her.  But when the lights shut off... music blared... and the first sparkle hit the flawless night.... I found this inner strength to carry Nn in my arms for the entire 15 minute show.

SW.... he was already snoring away in our hotel room. 

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Disney does it right...

During one of the parades... we stood next to a young man with Down Syndrome.  He was connected to an Oxygen Tank and could only grunt - not talk.

But for each and every float that came out.... all the main characters all made a point to make eye contact with that young man.  Minnie pointed...then mimiced the young man's dance moves.  The princesses each showered him with kisses or made "heart" signs.  A bunch of other characters walked up and gave him high-5's.  One of the drummers... he stopped, gave the man his two drum sticks and the kid beat on his drums for a good 10 seconds.  

It was a great opportunity to give Nn a lesson on life.... This young man, born and stricken with an incurable disease... he may only find one glimpse of happiness in life.  And Disney made sure he got that glimpse of happiness. 

For all the things we criticize about Disney (evil... capitalistic pigs... moneymaking scoundrels....) or praise about Disney (clean... wholesome... great marketing... amazing crowd control)... this is something Disney definitely does right.  Now...$8 for a stinken Mickey Mouse balloon... EVIL!!!!

Monday, March 31, 2014

Like father, like daughter...

During dinner today... out of the blue... my dearest daughter lets out a "whoooooo"  and starts whistling.  HA!!  Thus it begins...

Friday, March 28, 2014

Where is your "Peaceful Place?"

Two weeks of pedal to the metal... needing to get through this major design review.  Working nights... evenings... weekends.  Dropping everything else.. waking up early to get to work early.  Leaving working late... get home late.  Skipping lunch.  Barely munching dinner. 

Two full weeks of nonstop tension.  And finally.... I find peace in the bible. 

Finally... had to stop... and spend 30 minutes preparing for tonight's bible study.  And there it is... where it's always been.  My peaceful place.  In His Word. 

Thank you Jesus.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Eden Revival? Eden Survival....

After two years of stabilization... where the mini-Edenites are old enough and healthy enough to allow their parents to come to fellowship on a consistent basis... here we go again.  Another round of new borns... and perhaps another year or two of "arrive late", "leave early", "flu season - stay away!"  Haven't had that consistency... the momentum... the rhythm of a true fellowship.  Maybe that's what young couple's fellowships are about.

Then all of a sudden... we have two new families join us.  And not just family... but FAMILY!!!!

A couple who's expecting in May.  And a couple...with two kids... their mom and dad... and the wife's younger brother.  WOW!!!  Our house isn't small.... but we were out of room.   We made plenty of food... but not enough to fill that many people.

Luckily... not all the regular Edenites showed up. Otherwise, we'll really be out of space.  I love a family environment.  I love having grandma and grandpa and uncles around.  Eden Fellowship is NOT just a young couple's fellowship.  But a fellowship for families.  Yet, no matter how welcoming I try to be... we simply can not have 5-10 toddlers running around the house. 

How will we ever survive....?

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Why me?

This goes wrong..that goes wrong.. the whole world is against me.  And I ask God, "Why me?"

It wasn't a voice... but I felt Him say, "Why not you?"

Sunday, March 02, 2014

The dreaded phone call..

"Hello sir, this is the hospital calling.  Your mom was admitted last night...but she is fine." 

Can't say this is totally unexpected.  You just never hope the next phone call to be THE phone call.  Fortunately, it wasn't THE phone call.  But it was A phone call. 

I kinda knew everything was fine when the on-call nurse gave me her direct line.  But geez... one of these days... the ending will be different.  It's unavoidable... inevitable.  It's just a matter of time.... and how we'll react and deal with it. 

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Family Altar: Things that are difficult

Needed to take a spin to the daily sharing of "Happy Moments" during Family Time.  So instead...decided to share "Something Difficult" (有咩好難?) during the day.  And we can pray for another to overcome our difficulties.... Nui-nui, with a very serious face said, "我今日Poo-poo 好難."

Monday, February 17, 2014

Winter Olympics

They're captivating... they're entertaining... and I'm sure it takes a ton of athleticism to get to where they are.  But someone tell me how the heck Ice Dancing is a sport?!?

Saturday, February 15, 2014

So weird...

Out of nowhere... I suddenly had an urge to watch a movie.  But we don't have Hulu, Netflix, ppstream or funshion.  So I spent a good half hour looking for a movie to watch on youtube. 

After deciding to watch a 劉青雲 movie... it turns out to be a serious crime drama and not a comedy.  And when it got to the part where one of the lead character (a cop) goes home and has a sick boy who bleeds profusely and needs constant care... I immediately stopped watching.

I want to watch movies that take me away from daily pains and aches. I want to watch movies that'll help me laff... and forget the daily humdrums of life.  I want to watch something... that won't evoke pain or tears.  Man.... how weird...

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

Thursday morning (2/13) as I was leaving for work.. Joyce stops me and says,

"Did you buy me flowers?" 

"Yeah... " (actually... I didn't.)

"Don't. I don't want flowers." 

"Oh... ok.  I'll cancel the order."  (Or... I will simply not place an order that doesn't exist).

Win-win situation!

Sunday, February 09, 2014


Comes a point in everything we do where we continue to improve... and move upwards.. and eventually... hit the proverbial plateau.  A state of being where we no longer improve as fast... where everything we do is the same as in the near past... and there's no sign of positive progress. 

Working out... we find we're not getting stronger or faster anymore.

Cooking... our spouse and kids don't clean off the plates like they use to.

Bible study... "I saw this last time. What's new?" 

Same thing with our annual Chinese New Year performance at church.  I think all the fellowships have plateaued with creativity and execution.  Everyone is doing the same things now...  a video blending in some on stage performance.  Every year, it's some sort of dance or nostalgic walk down memory lane of 80's-90's music. The only "wow" effect comes with the anticipation of Andrew's next video masterpiece.  But he's a professional... and a fine one at that. 

How do we change the regime? How do we spice things up? Where is our breakthrough? Hmmm.....

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

2 weeks of fasting...

Two weeks... two whole weeks of not touching, reading, listening to sports.  To me... that's an entire lifetime. 

Ever since that forgetful Sunday... I haven't even gone near any source outlet of sports related news; afraid any images of the 49ers-less Superbowl will reinvoke the emotions of fear, sorrow, agony, pain. 

Last night, I was able to finally listen to a post-Superbowl podcast.  Slowly, I'm coming to terms with reality.  And admittedly... I'm still in eff-you mode.  Gawwwwwd.... I hate this feeling. 

Friday, January 31, 2014


About a week ago... Nn and I started to play hide-n-seek.  She's 4.

I started by hiding in very obvious places... behind the couch or under the dinner table.  She'll get frustrated and end up asking Mah-mee for help. Then she'll crack up! She's 4.

As she graduated and got more sophisticated... I got a little more creative.  I'll stand behind the even if she comes in and peek in the room, she won't realize I'm there.  Or stuff a pillow under the comforter in bed and trick her... while I lie down NEXT to the bed under pillows.  She'll get frustrated and end up asking Mah-mee for help.  Then she'll crack up! She's 4.

Then it got more serious.  I started hiding in the shower, behind curtains.  The other day... in the garage (not on purpose... I had to run an errand).  She'll get frustrated... and give up.  And go read a book.  She's 4. 

She's so addicted to hide-n-seek... she'll want to play the moment she wakes up.  The danger is... she likes to "SEEK."  The day she starts wanting to "HIDE", then I really get scared.  With her small and flexible body... imagine all the weird and exotic places she can get into, while I get frustrated and freak out!!  And I'm not helping... by showing her all the possibilities. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Life or Death

Death - it's the unspoken word in most conversations.  It's the terminal disease we're all inflicted with the moment we're born.  It's the inevitable milestone that, as Christians, will lead us to eternal life. 

Ironically, even though death is merely a crossing to something greater, something more heavenly, some more... supernatural... we are taught to always pray for life.  As if death... is evil. 

Found out the sad news that a dear friend's niece was born with severe brain damage - to a point where prolonging her life will be costly, painful, and hopeless.  Here I stand... in the middle of life and death, and I wonder to myself.... do I pray for life? pray for miraculous recovery? Or do I do the unthinkable... and pray that God will remove this bitter cup from the parents and let the baby return to God's arms?

Miracles happen. We heard it Children Sunday School.  We hear at church and evangelical meetings.  And now... when we're faced with this personal trial or dare I say, test... where does my faith lie?


One of Joyce's online retail stores sent her a 2014 planner.  Nui-nui started playing with it... and yesterday, after a fantastic day at Happy Hollow, she wanted to write, "Today I went to Happy Hollow with Daddy" on January 20th.

So starting today... I decided that after she shares her "Happy Moment" during Family Time... she'll immediately write it down in her special book.  And thus begins.... TWA Journaling.  And get this... after a few months, I'm going to start journaling in Chinese. 

Sunday, January 19, 2014


Watch out world... another 365 days of "Eff-You Mode"

Gawd I hate being a sports fan...

Friday, January 17, 2014

Family Altar - Day X

Family Time the other day... Nn shared her happy moment:

"I am very happy today, because Bah-B said he'll come pick me up yesterday and he didn't.  But he came today."


Today's Family Time... Nn shared her happy moment:

"I am very happy today, because Bah-B picked me up three days in a row!"


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Sore loser

Contrary to conventional teachings, but extremely appropriate, Vince Lombardi famously coined the words, "It's not how you play the game, it's whether you win or lose." 

Recently taught Nn how to play "Old Maid", the American version of 潛烏龜.  And boy does she hate to lose.  She'll cry, she'll pout, she'll toss her cards down and walk away if she loses.  She even figured out (instinctively) to peak at my cards and cheat. 

She's 4.  Do I let her win? Or do I teach her to be a good sport... and to enjoy the game regardless of the outcome.  Ohhhhhhh the dilemna.

When in doubt... go with the harder way out, cuz the easy way out is probably wrong.  So right now... dealing with tantrums, tantrums and more tantrums.  Sigh... such it is.

Friday, January 03, 2014

A look back at 2013....


People in America hate the number 13.  Rumor has it... hospitals and hotels don't have a "13th floor."  My friend's mom is a nurse...and she says hospitals don't have a room that ends in 13.  2013 wasn't a particular bad year... but it certainly wasn't a great year.  One would be looking forward to 2014.... cept that in Chinese, "14" is just as bad as lucky number "13."  Without further ado... the annual top 10 of 2013.  But since '13 was so blah, I can only think of 8 things.  Hehehe... 8.... maybe that'll counteract the bad luck?

8) Pope Francis - I've said it before and I'll say it again... Once a Catholic, always a Catholic.  Even blogged about this one here and here.  Let's just prayerfully hope that he does bring the millions of Catholics closer to God.

7)Hawaii - Despite all my complaining... this was actually an amazing trip.  We didn't do Pearl Harbor... we didn't do a luau....I reluctantly went to the Dole Plantation.... but we did swim with sea turtles.  We did go snorkling.  And we fulfilled one of Joyce's life long dreams.  

6) World Series flag raising - Opening Day - Can never take these days for granted cuz it could very well be the last time it happens in my lifetime.  I wept tears of joy as the orange banner was raised... and standing next to me... was my one true love.  Heaven was a place on earth...

5)Family Altar - What started on that fateful November date has continued to run strong in the Leung household.  And it's not by me or Joyce forcing it... but the kids beg for it.  And the best part of Family being able to share it with our friends. 

4) Cancer and death - It kept coming... one after another... my friends' wives kept being impacted with breast cancer.  My other friend's dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer....and the weekend of his niece's wedding... his sister commits suicide.  Then there's this.  Next time there's any Cancer fundraiser... I'm there!

3) Diaper Free!!!!! - Just today... we returned the box of diapers to Costco that we'll never need again. The stress was unbearable those few days when he first stopped wearing diapers... and the stress continues whenever he goes out and needs to go "poo-poo."  But from this day forward... we are done... DONE I TELL YOU!!!!

2) Joyce joins the worship team - OH MY GOD!! (and that's not a pun).  Prayers answered.... saints and angels showed up in a timely fashion.  On the whim of quitting... things took a change for the better.  And the two kids... they love it that mommy is worship God!!  Why can't she do this more often????

 and last....but certainly not least...

1) Superbowl 47 - I've blogged too much about this.  And despite the legend behind this Superbowl with the infamous blackout...the comeback...the Harbaugh Bowl... the last 5 yards.... this will always be the Superbowl that put me into "F*CK YOU" mode for 365 days.  No.... I haven't recovered yet.  Not even close.....

2014....... ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........ let's win something this year, please?

A touching moment...

While at the swimming pool at the Embassy Suites... I notice a family of 7 come strolling in.  Three of the kids ran and jumped straight into the pool.  The other two kids.... obviously required special needs. 

The boy... perhaps 6 or 7?  Laughed a lot.  But that's about all he could do.  Laugh and grunt.

The girl... perhaps 4 or 5? Sat in her banana stroller staring straight ahead with her head turning at slight angles.

While the other three "normal" kids were having fun... the dad swam with the boy, keeping close and constant care.  The mom sat next to the girl... watching and gazing at her siblings.

Half hour later... I ended up in the hot tub with the mom and her two kids.  The mom was talking to another mom and here's what she said....

"She (the girl) was one of two identical twins. They were born at 26 weeks.  Her sister didn't make it.  But we thank God that we did not come home empty handed.  After having four children that requires special needs... I can't believe God gave us identical twins." 

These parents truly are special....