Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 Year in Review

The final day of the first decade of the second millenium... last year, I did a Decade in Review, top 10 and bottom 10.  This year, I think I'll just do a Top 10 of 10.  Without further ado... in reverse order.

10.  Introduction to TORTURE - Nui-nui's first baseball game and it happens to be Game 4 of the NLCS.  As epic as a playoff baseball game can be.  To summarize the final play.... "Fly ball (ROOOOOOAR!) Huff tags, runs... slides (ROOOOOOAR!)" 

9.  LOST - Never have Joyce and I been so captivated by a TV series that we would bust out our VCR and record shows!   

8. My name is Sailor Hank!! - VBS always gives me the chance to be a celebrity for a month - even though the fans are not older than 10.  But the special moment from this year was Joyce breaking through her normal self and joining me on-stage as Olive Oil to my Sailor Hank. 

7. Step by Step - My goal to run a half-marathon by 30 was off by a bit... but nonetheless, a lifetime milestone, nay... 13.1 milestone was reached.  And in the end... it was just another run in park. 

6. 我們愛, 讓自己不一樣, 讓世界不一樣 - Friday night, we send Heart of Christ an email telling them we'll be joining them.  Saturday morning, we find out we've been selected to start a new Young Couples' Fellowship.  Oops!  

5. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away - Ironically... two of our closest friends announced to us they were pregnant on two different nights that the Giants lose in the postseason! Thereby, cushioning my anger and sadness.  PTL!!

4. When two become one... - Not a day goes by that we don't argue how we would re-do our wedding if we had a chance.  I want a luau.  She wants to have it in a hotel.  But the thing we can't not agree on (sorry for the double negative) is spending the rest of our lives together. 5 years down... a lifetime to go.  And on this date.. I proudly restate my vows....

"In the name of God, I, Henry, take you, Joyce, to be my wife,
to have and to hold from this day forward,
for better or worse, for richer or poorer,
in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish,
until we are parted by death.
This is my solemn vow."

3. There's a 1st for everything - There were a lot of firsts for Nui-nui this year.  This culminates them all.  First step, first sentence, first timeout... but none more memorable than having a friggin' BBQ on the hottest day of the year in a house that does NOT have air conditioning!! HA! Nonetheless, the Teddy Bear party was successful and both Joyce and I survived that day in one piece.

2. I can die in peace - Where were you on the night of November 1, 2010? I will never forget.... one of my great fear of dying without seeing a Giants World Series is finally put to rest.  Brian Wilson....Fear the Beard...throwing the high fastball - strike three.  And all those years of agony...all the ghosts that have built up... all the sorrow that have been ignored... relinquished once and for all.  (Do I really pick the Giants winning the WS over my daughter's 1st bday...? HECK YEAH!!!!)

1. The announcement heard around the world - On an unassuming morning in August... Joyce wakes me up.  I annoyingly tell her it's her turn to feed Nui-nui breakfast.  And her response was... "老公, I'm pregnant." 

And those are my 2010 best.... moments in time.....

Monday, December 27, 2010

Potty mouth

Do you remember who taught you your first cuss word? I remember my brother first taught me the word "stupid" and I never looked back.

But that's probably more the exception than the norm.  My dear Nui-nui's vocabulary has been expanding... expanding indeed.

When she sees us getting ready for dinner, she'll automatically pull out her chair and start saying "Sit! Sit!"  Only...instead of the "Essss..." sound of the letter "S", she's making a "Shhhh..." sound  And the cool thing is, she doesn't just say it before meals.  She says it everywhere.

Oh... and then another one we discovered. She's learning her utensil names. Y'know... spoon, knife and fork.  But her tongue isn't developed to roll out the "R" sound... so instead of "fork..." it sounds more like, uhm... "fok."  And's not really "fok"... but it's how she makes it rhyme with the word "luck" that's the kicker!!

Should really stick a bar of soap in her mouth if she wasn't so cute!

Mood: forken sitty

Monday, December 20, 2010

more Nui-stones

The full sentences keep coming... Today in the car, on our way home... we ask Nui-nui a question and her answer is "Yes and no." 

Now where did she learn that??? I knew my daughter will grow up to be a politician!!!

Mood: awestruck

Friday, December 17, 2010

Nui-stones at 18 months

Nui-nui turns 18 months today.  Happy Birthday Nui-nui!!!!

Most notable recent Nui-stones....

  1. At her 18h month checkup - turns out she gained 3 lbs and 3 inches since her last visit at 15 months.  She went from 20th percentile in weight to 50th percentile.  She went from 30th percentile in height to 75th percentile. Naturally...I ask the pediatrician if we need to be concern about obesity. 
  2. Can drink soup/milk from a bowl.... like a real Chinese.  YEAH!!!!!
  3. Officially lost her first shoe.  $20 down the drain...and she only wore it once.  Sigh...
  4. Potty training moving on very well.  Absolutely amazing how much slower we're using diapers lately.
  5. Spoke her first sentence...  but jaw droppingly her first sentence is "I don't want to."  And this isn't just once or twice... it's recurring.  As a father, I give myself a grade of C+.  I don't get an F cuz at least 1) she can speak and 2) I'll want her to say that when she's 17-18.  HA! 
  6. Gave Nui-nui her first timeout. =(
  7. Eats four bowls of Cheerios in the morning
  8. Almost has enough hair now...where we can almost use a brush to almost comb her hair...
  9. Kisses mommy's tummy every night before sleeping... Awwww....
Mood: thankful

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A kind gesture...

As we were walking out of Lucky's... we walk pass a man trying to win a prize in those machines full of stuffed animals.  No more than 5 steps after we pass him... he says, "Excuse me... this is for her."  He hands Nui-nui a little frog that he won and says, "I don't keep them... I just win them.  Merry Christmas."

And a Merry Christmas to you too Mr. Nameless Man.

What a kind gesture...

Mood: thankful

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

In anticipation...

Remember the days when you first got a pager... and you'll page or read a page from someone that said nothing more than "823" or "111487 12 11 001179"

Remember the days when you first got email... and you'll drop everything you're doing whenever a new mail came in?

That's the kind of parallel I draw whenever I come home...and I run to the door to see if an Amazon box is lying outside my front door!! Ohhhhhhh...the anticipation!!

Mood: giddy

Sunday, December 12, 2010

A "dump"

First of all... I admit that I'm a cutting edge technology moron.  So last night, when I was talking to a buddy about!news and such... throughout the conversation... over and over again, we used the frame of reference "a dump" to put into perspective the amount of time needed to do something.

-A few tweets 140 characters long - perfect for "a dump."
-Can I manage my smartphone's memory while taking "a dump?"
-The new MMQB article's gonna last you "2-3 dumps." 
-Man!  Had too much protein last night... I can get a few more chapters in with my "dump." 

Mood: inventive

Friday, December 10, 2010

Just realized that...

When we read that "...every knee will bow" -- it's not going to be an option or choice.  Whether you like it or not, it's going to happen.  When the creator of heaven and earth comes again, there's gonna be some @$$-whupping...

Mood: cautious

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Imagine....'ve gone through life dating a bunch of girls and none of them have turned out right.  Then after years and years, decades upon decades of searching, yearning, praying... she shows up.  Out of the blue.

You two hit it off.  You're best friends.  Kindred spirits.  Soul mates.  If you two were any more perfect for one another, it must be because you're Adam and she's Eve.  Two years of the hottest most volcanic relationship and just when you think it can't get any better... you break up.  It was an amicable break up.  Things happen.  People change and so do you.  But you will never, ever forget those two magical years together. 

You don't forget until you find out she's now dating someone else -- which is fine.  You knew she was eventually going to find someone.  But now...

She's dating your mortal enemy.  The bully that's picked on you all your life.  The jerk that not only messes with you... but messes with anyone associated with you.  The jerk that lives for the purpose of making your life miserable.  She, whom you once loved with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength.... is now frolicking with the enemy.
Sigh.... why did you have to go? Why.... WHY!?.... OF ALL THE PLACES...WHY GO THERE!?!?!?!?

Mood: betrayed

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Personally Speaking - Revisited

Two days left prior to the deadline to submit personal statements to the UC system... I have a feeling a few more will trickle in.  Procrastinators...gotta love 'em.

A bit tired from all this proofreading so what better than to re-post my thoughts from exactly a year ago...from my own archives: Personally Speaking Nov 26, 2009:

That time of the year again... the time of the year to give thanks, to eat too much and to start proofreading personal statements. This is something I absolutely love to do. I leave reading people's writings. Not the boring expository stuff.. but the personal stuff. The stuff that shows me what you've been through and where you want to go. I'm a big fan of blogs btw... so if you have a blog and I'm not reading it, drop the URL and I'll bookmark you. =)

I'm always surprised by the PS from our students. My PS can not even try to compare with theirs. These PS's have stories about opening their own businesses...or going on an archeological excavation. It actually has substance. Mine was about a little summer program where I volunteered to teach summer school. =)
And in a sense, I feel like the old woman who can only donate two coins to the offering. Or the little boy who brough Jesus the original 5 loaves and 2 fishes. I don't have a lot to bring to the table.. but I'll bring whatever I have, and I'm sure the Lord will multiply. Until next year...

Mood: buzzed

Thursday, November 11, 2010


我花了年幾, 努力耕種的一句說話, "囡囡最錫爸B B B B!!" 終於有收成!  某一天, 在回家過程中, 我照常大聲話, "囡囡最錫..........."  但今次答"爸B B B B!!" 並非自己, 而是已懂事, 已長大的囡囡豬!!  真是苦盡甘來.  我年多的口水不是白費的!

斷估唔到, 一山還又一山高.  當我笑到見牙唔見眼時, 當我再話"囡囡最錫..........." 但求想聽多次我心肝寶貝說真心話, 竟然有人大聲哎, "MA MA!

可憐的天真小囡囡,在驚恐之下,她只可被迫跟某人說 "mmma mmma." 
自從這次的經歷,可愛的囡囡豬已不敢再說"囡囡最錫爸B B B B!!"  她現在會說的,就只有"囡囡最錫奶奶." 

但我深信,不論她口裡說乜,她心裡一定最錫爸B B B B!

Mood: 飄飄然

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Careful when Coddling...

Recently, Nui-nui hasn't been drinking water from her pink Hello Kitty thermos or My Melody thermos.  So we resorted to using a medicine dropper to keep her hydrated.  Well tonight... I decided to give her the non-spill cup we bought a while back.  We bought it b/c it looked cute...but upon trying it, both Joyce and I could barely suck the water out.  So we thought Nui-nui wouldn't take to its liking.  Lo and behold... she inhaled half of the water in a matter of seconds! 

And it got me thinking... sometimes, kids want a challenge.  And if we as parents assume they're lazy... then our assumption will quickly come to pass.  So let's give our kids a little challenge... maybe they'll surprise us!

And in a way... isn't that what our Abba Father is trying to do to us?  He wants us to surpass our limits because He wants us to grow.  We shouldn't shudder away whenever there's an impediment or obstacle... or a sippy cup that's especially hard to drink from.  We ought to embrace the challenge and be thankful He's helping us grow...

Take heart my friend... your challenges is a blessing.

Mood: enlightened

Monday, November 08, 2010

Afterthoughts of Halloween 2010

Been a bit preoccupied with the other Orange and Black... haven't gotten to releasing my afterthoughts of Halloween 2010.

This has been an extremely tough year.  We waffled on dressing Nui-nui up as a cupcake or a lady bug - something that's soooo adorable, it can't possibly be celebrating the holiday.  But in the end, we felt as the salt and light of our community, we needed to stand firm in our faith. 

When the Daycare Lady asked us what costume Nui-nui will be wearing, we told her flat out - "We don't do halloween.  And we would like it if you don't involve her in any of the celebration." 

The week of Halloween, all the kids at daycare were making jack-o-lanterns with little pumpkins.  They were making little art projects with ghosts and bats.  Nui-nui wasn't involved. 

And the Friday before Halloween, they all wore costumes and took pictures.  My daughter wore what she wore to day care - but was included in the pictures.  One of the pictures had her staring at a boy dressed up as Darth Vader holding a light saber.   And Nui-nui had a huge smile on her face - it completely broke my heart. 

Without being to put a true caption to the picture, I can only sum it up as "Baby Girl Envies Baby Boy Having Lots of Fun."  Something to that effect.  I felt like I was withholding basic joy and happiness from my precious daughter.  What a horrible parent.  Wait till she gets to school and really has to meet peer pressure head on.  God's grace is all I can hang onto right now. 

The night of Halloween was just as challenging.   Normally, we would scoot to dinner or a bookstore and stay out as late as possible to avoid the trick or treaters.  This year, the stinken World Series was on so we were stuck!  You'd think the kids would get a clue when they see the lights are off - but nope - they still came up and knocked and rang our door bell. 

Anderson and the Gal Pal were over to watch the World Series with us... and all 5 of us had to duck behind chairs and coffee tables to avoid being seen.  And even then... the kids will say, "We know you're in there!" or "I saw them move!" 

What am I afraid of...? Why can't I open the door and hand them some candy and be over with? Or better yet... hand them some toothpaste? Or even better... share with them the truth behind Halloween?  Why did we have to be so surreptitious? 

This is gonna keep happening for years to come and the challenges will continue to mount.  But as for me and my family, "We will not compromise.  We will stand in the gap.  We will choose Jesus, every day of our lives." 

Mood: empty

Monday, November 01, 2010

And in the end... only one was standing

November 1, 2010 ~7:30PM PDT. 
Strike 3 - Swing and a miss!! 

56 years of futility finally comes to an end!!  Jumping! Screaming!

Tossing Rachel up and down!

Falling on my knees.

Watching my team swarm the mound. 

My biggest fear - the fear of dying before winning a World Series - is forever put to bed. 

I was numbed...I didn't know how to feel... how to react.

2 and a half hours later around 10PM.... it finally sinks in.  We won.  It's that simple.

Tears started streaming. Manly tears, tears of joy, tears of exhaustation, tears that were stored up since '87 against the Cards... '89 when we got swept... '93 at 103 wins... '97 against the Fish... '98 and the Cubs... 2000 and the Mets... 2002 and Game 6, 5 outs... 2003 wire to wire to be tagged by the Fish again... the post Bonds years..... all the years of ridicule, of enduring mockery, of enduring mediocrity.  That's what my tears are made of. 

Where were you on the night of November 1, 2011???  Who were you with? What were you doing? If you don't know... lemme tell you!!! That was the night the Giants won the World Series and became World Champions!!!!

Mood: not quite sure how I should feel...

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Chink in the armour

Up 2-0 and I still have very low confidence.  People around me are already celebrating.  Do they not remember the '96 Braves? Or the 2004 Yankees?  Or any of the Giants teams in the past 58 years??  UGH!!!!!

Deep down... I knew it wasn't going to be a sweep.  But I was still hoping... dreaming... fantasizing.  And now.... it's shattered.  Broken into pieces.  That will never be put together again.  What's done.  What's history... can't be rewritten.

I only have tomorrow to look forward to.  5:57PM first pitch.  Must I wait that long to go through another 3 hours of torture?? Geez Louise Puh-leeze. 

Panda-vol - sit his arse down man. Ride some pine and chew some bamboo!

Pat the Fat Bat-  c'mon Machine!  Get your mojo going.  No one's asking you to be the #1 draft pick hero... just don't be the dud Ray's made you out to be

Sanchy - where's that fastball??  Man... did we make a mistake by not trading you for a bat??  Sure you got the glory for game 162.  But had we had a bat.... we probably wouldn't have needed to play game 162.  No love from me boooooy!

I just know I'm not gonna sleep well tonight.... so why even bother??

Mood: depressed beyond description

Monday, October 25, 2010

Father Daughter Moment

Last night in our living room... Nui-nui and I played catch for a good 2 minutes. was a Mickey Mouse ball. was more like bouncing the ball to one another than actually throwing.

But the age old tradition of playing catch has started.  And oh guess what... I'm teaching her to throw southpaw.  Who needs the World Series when I have moments like that?? (uhm.... MEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Mood: blessed

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Am I dreaming...? Is it really true? Did the Giants just win the NL Pennant and about to advance to World Series?

Bottom of the 1st inning... Sanchy looked horrible.  I gave in and took my family to Costco. I couldn't bear to see my Giants fall apart... and I couldn't bear to see my daughter see her dad look like a lunatic.
Oh.... but I kept a close eye (or ear..) on the Giants.  While on our way to Costco... we came back and tied it at 2.  Again... I'm not superstitious...but I quickly called Jeff and said I'm not gonna go home - that's why we scored!

In Costco.  Out of Costco.  Drive to Lucky's.  In Lucky's.  Out of Lucky's.  I kept checking on the radio... hoping I don't hear any roars.  We got home...and I needed to start cooking dinner.  Still.... I crept over to the radio and TV to check in.  And still.... it was tied at 2-2.

Then the moment came.... my phone started ringing and Caller ID was: Private Number.  I picked up...and it was Chris calling from Hong Kong!  He needed some play by play action.  Then we hung up... and the moment we hung up...Uribe puts one in the bleachers.  3-2!! 

CRAP!! I couldn't call him back!!

Then I ran into my room and IM'ed my brother who's in China.  He was only able to watch it on minutes delayed Gamecast.  So I gave him my play by play via the internet. 

6 outs.  Game 6.  Those words don't go well together.  My knees were literally shaking.

Then Timmy comes in.  Strikes out the first out.  I even felt... hey.... maybe he can close.  And immediately, he surrenders back to back singles.  Crap!! Suddenly... feeling hopeless again.  A million scenario runs through my head and none of them are favorable.

B-Wheezy comes in - FEAR THE BEARD.  The certified ninja.  And something that NEVER happens to the Giants, happened.  Line drive-  into the glove of an out of positioned Huff - Double Play.  Threat over.  3 outs to go.  THREE OUTS!!!!

I IM'ed Guy to have him call Chris to call me back.  My brother is watching over a webcam.  Nui-nui is running everywhere destroying things and reeking havoc.  Joyce is doing the best to be a peacemaker knowing how important this moment is going to be. 

Top of the ninth - we load the bases. (HOW?!?!)  B-Wheezy comes in to bat.  I'm messaging my brother.  Chris hasn't called.  Rachel bumps her head on the coffee table.  Strike 1.  He looks goofy as ever with that hat and beard.  Ball 1 - inside. He shoulda leaned in and taken one for the team.  Ball 2.  Wow!! Lidge is missing.  "He's not gonna swing," my brother said.  I just noticed I missed Chris's call.  Stoopid AT&T reception at home!  Here comes the pitch... small grounder to first... inning over. 

I know deep down inside... Wilson wanted to go deep.  Get his first basehit of the season.  3 outs left.  Messaged Guy again to have Chris call me. "HAHA" was his response.  Fingers nervously communicating with my brother telling him... "Laptop is running out of juice.  AC is in bedroom.  Not running in there to get it."  It wasn't a was a fact. 

Should I call Jeff? I haven't talked to him since the bottom of the third.  I better not.  He won't pick up.  He's superstitious.

Bottom of the ninth.  Wilson gets the first out. Then gets the second out.  Then he gives up a single. Then a long battle with Utley.  Utley... easily the MVP of Giants for all the errors he made this NLCS.  Then it came down to this.  The final battle.  David vs. Goliath if there ever was one.  He-Man and Skeletor. Wong Mo-Gei and Invincible Swordsman. Optimus and Megatron. 

One shall rise and one shall fall. 

I'm now on my knees.  Am I praying...? Perhaps.  Am I desperate.  Yes. Am I about to hyperventilate.  I forget.  Rachel still running wild.  Laptop still running out of juice.  Chris still hasn't called.  STRIKE ONE.  46,000 fans in Philly cheering on Howard.  One swing of his bat and the game could easily be over.  Deep down... I was assuring myself that we still had Game 7 with Cain.  But deeper down inside, I knew if we lost this one...we weren't going to win Game 7.  That's how baseball works.  BALL outside.  BALL low.  STRIKE TWO. 

Wheezy has a free base. He doesn't have to challenge Howard.  He can go after Werth - righty vs. righty.  BALL Three.  Full count. 


Full count.... my phone rings.  It's Chris.  I now have brother over webcam and Chris on phone from Hong Kong.  Rachel is being held by mom now. 

Here comes the pitch... inside - SWUNG AT - Foul!!!! We live to see another pitch...but not for long.  Cuz another pitch like that and my heart will stop. 

Man on 1st and 2nd.  Here comes the pitch..... fastball down the middle...but WAIT...the ball disappears and takes a 12 to 6 dip!  Howard doesn't swing.  He freezes.  The whole world freezes.  Then all those torturous moments culiminates in one smooth left handed uppercut by home plate umpire.  STRIKE THREE!!!

"THE GIANTS HAVE WON THE PENNANT!! THE GIANTS HAVE WON THE PENNANT!!!" I scream over the phone.  Wilson does his salute and Posey jumps into his arm!  I hear my brother laugh from the other side of the world.  My wife and daugther are hi-fiving each other!!  I run to embrace them and continue to jump up and down.  Somewhere out there... in Giants world... there's another fan who's jumping with me in his living room with a 17 month daughter and his wife.  Somewhere!!

I'm sorry I doubted you! I'm sorry I left in the middle of the game. I'm sorry for being unfaithful...disloyal.  I'm sorry.  And that....was it.  I was done.  Spent.  Then I realize... I'm starving.  Time to eat dinner.  But more than that...I'm starving for a World Series Championship.  And with that... I try to message my brother but my screen simply said - "POWER EXHAUSTED - ENTERING SLEEP MODE." 

Mood: TORTURE!!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

I'm scared...

I'm scared...  Scared to the marrow in my bones.  What if we lose tomorrow? What if we lose Sunday? To come so close (once again) and not make it? I don't think I can handle it.

I'm scared... The Rangers won the AL Pennant today.  I read an article of their team...their celebration... their long awaited championship.  I'm so jealous.  Why do they get to celebrate already?

I'm scared... What if we lose to them? They have an awesome offense.  They have a legitimate closer.  They have Cliff Lee.

I'm scared... Scared that the moment I walk away from sports, once and for all, that will be the moment we win, and I would've just hopped off the wagon. 

I'm scared...

Mood: scared

Highest highs to lowest low...

Highest Highs....

Nui-nui's first Giants game...and boy was it memorable. Bottom of the ninth sacrifice fly to score the winning run off of Oswalt.  My boy!!! OOOO-Ribe.  OOOOO-Ribe.

I know I'm not suppose to be superstitious.  But after going up 2-0 against the Phils, I left my seat to get some food.  During those two innings, the Phillies went up 4-2 on us.  I was dying to get back to my seat... but we had to feed Nui-nui.  I was sooooooooooo torn apart.  At one point, while walking around to get food, I flat out told Joyce, "I have to watch this."  And was able to stand behind the glass panel to catch a glimpse of the game.  Sigh.... TORTURE.  But alas, I am a father.  And I must do what I must do.

After two innings of being away from our seats, Joyce made the ultimate sacrifice and said she'll take Nui-nui and I can head back.  That was my cue to go!  I ran back to the seats... got beat up by Jeff for leaving and immediately... we took the lead back!! 5-4!!!

Lowest Lows

Flash forward 24 hours. 

Down 3-2, I was debating... should I go to CGST's Bible Study....or stay home and watch??  Fish or bear claw??  Was I really going to choose the Giants over Bible Study? Was I??

I sorta made a compromise.  Remember... my phone doens't have internet access.

Got to Crosspoint at around the top of the 8th. Quickly ran inside to check in... then ran back to my car to hear the Phillies were retired with bottom of the 8th, Posey, Burrell and Ross coming up.  Ran back inside for worship. Ran back outside to hear Madson striking out the side. (DARN!!!) Ran back inside for   discussion. Discussion ended 20 minutes early.  Excused myself and ran to my car to turn on the radio to hear Jon Miller doing the post game show - no celebration.  Meaning... we're going back to Philly for Game 6.  #&!^@**@^#&!!!!!!  So close!!!!!!!

Why....oh why the torture??!??! WHY!?!??! WHY!?!?!??!?!

Can't we just simply and easily score 10 runs in the first and call it a day?!?!?!? I HATE BASEBALL!!!!!

Mood: below average

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Took an EQ (or EI) test recently... and the score wasn't quite what I expected. 
85 out of 150:  Below Average. 

The lowest category: Stress Management.  And within Stress Management - the lowest scoring sub-category is Impulse Control.  Huh... would've never figured that. =)

The result summary did say that my results indicate a "fairly negative or critical self-appraisal."  Is that true? Am I a negative person?

Mood: emotionally inquisitive

Monday, October 11, 2010


All is forgiven!!! All is forgotten!!! 

LET'S GO GIANTS!!! *clap*clap*clapclapclap*

Oh man oh man oh man...

Why did I get the feeling that we were gonna, once again, celebrate in the Atlanta clubhouse?
Why did I get the feeling that we were gonna come back after going down 2-1?
Why did I get the feeling that the unlikely hero was going to be the one guy that Sabean can't take credit for trading?
Why why tell me whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy????????????????????????????????

Bring on the Phillies!!!

DON'T STOP, BELIEVIN'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Don't no one call me a hypocrite, now.  I've always loved los Gigantes... )

Mood: exhausted

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Darn you Giants!!! DARN YOU!!!

8th inning...we were up 1-0.  Then within a blink of an eye... we were down 2-1!!!! 

They Braves don't deserve it!!!  All their players are injured!  Sanchy pitched a gem.  They've won a World Series.  This one belongs to us!! It's only fair. 

I started punching things... Nui-nui got scared when she saw daddy lose his head.  Mom had to take hide Nui-nui to prevent collateral damage.  I hid myself in our room, punching this... punching that... (all soft stuff) and ended up spraining my wrist. 

Stoopid Giants!! I hate loving you... and right now I love to hate you!!!!

9th inning... we're down to our last out.  Down to our last strike.  Why am I still tuning into the game??? Cuz I'm stoopid crazy enough to believe we can still comeback.  Wagner is hurt.  The Braves are vulnerable.  And we had a former batting champ at the plate. 

The rest... is history.  Single... walk... single... error.... GAME!

Up 2-1 with Mad Bum going tomorrow. 

Why am I still watching....? Why am I still rooting...? Probably cuz deep down inside... I believe....

Mood: tortured

Saturday, October 09, 2010

I hate the Giants...

They did it to me again!! Fool me once...shame on me.  Fool me twice.... shame on me again?!?!?!?!?! Fool me every year since 1987!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... why do I keep letting them drive that knife into my heart? into my soul? Can't they just go away??  This is worse than a bad breakup with the lunatic ex.  This is worse than being lactose intolerant and going back for more Cold Stone.  This is worse than going to Costco thinking you'll leave with just ONE thing...

Anguish.  Hopelessness. Utter darkness. You name it... I'm feeling it.  And the only way for me to escape this feeling of despair is to mask those feelings with hatred.  ARGGGGGHHHHH....

"Fear leads to anger.  Anger leads to hate.  Hate leads to.....SUFFERING."
       --Master Yoda

Mood: numb

Monday, October 04, 2010

My 13.1 mile journey...

After weeks of training... it all culminated to today's 13.1 mile journey.  Here were some highlights...

1) Got assigned to Corral #16 - the final pack of the race.  In other words... I was starting at the very end of the pack...
2) Had 30 minutes left so I lined up for the port-o-lets...just in case.  Out of the 20 lines, there was one line full of men.  Of course... I lined up at that line.  And of course...that line sped right through.  Why the other people didn't line up there..who knows.
3) Saw someone write the words "GO GIANTS" on their shirt.  But they're lined up at the back of the pack.  I don't believe in omens.... only bad ones.  That really made me sick to the stomach - TORTURE!!
4) Standing at the starting line while counting down the final seconds... I suddenly remembered those years of standing at the starting line for the Bay to Breakers with big bro.  This time, I was alone.  Got a bit teary-eyed reminiscing.
5) And at that very instant... it started sprinkling.  I guess God was a bit sad also.
6) 7 minutes into the start of the race... I finally got to the official STARTING LINE.  And out of the corner of my eye, a blur of gray charges at me.  "FINALLY FOUND YOU!!" It was Daniel!  We originally planned for him to meet me at mile 5.5.  I guess he wanted to try to conquer the whole thing.  And just like my spiritual walk at SJCAC, I really took off when Daniel came to our church.  Quite symbolic, I thought.
7) Stupid walkers... stay to the right!  Get out of the way!
8) Amazing how much water is wasted - when countries in Africa and Pakistan are dying of thirst.
9) As I approached mile 5... on the other side of the path... I see the first man running through mile 12!!  Dang he's fast.  (Oh well... I betcha he can't integrate by parts!!) 
10) First woman to pass us on the way back... and she's only behind two men.  Albeit...she's about a minute behind them.  But when God created man and woman... they're not that much different afterall!
11) As I approached mile 6... on the other side of the path... I see the first Asian man running through mile 12... who's that? He's non-other than SJCAC's very own TOM WONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (I'm sure he can integrate by parts)
13) Daniel needed to go use the restroom... I didn't want to wait for him so we parted ways.
14) Finally caught up to the 2:30 pacers.  Was hoping to catch up to the 2:15 pacers.
15) WOW.... never seen these parts of San Jose!!
16) Stupid joggers...stay to the right!!
17) Thank you Bill Simmons, Joel Osteen, David Jacoby and Streams of Praise for cheering me on via my iPod.
18) Cytomax is pretty good!  Tastes better than water!
19) Running on a cool morning sure beats running on a hot October afternoon.
20) Must've been four/five times that the man with the red ASIC headband passed me.  I guess we were pacing each other without knowing it.
21) Just realized that I blew away my best Bay to Breakers time! 12k now seems like a jog in the park.
22) Running by Starbucks and Peet's, I couldn't help but think how long would it take for me to get back on the coffee bandwagon.
23) Ran past the Egyptian (Rosicucian Museum).  Suddenly thought of Royce and their Egyptian vacation.
24) Heart started to ache.  During a race... that is exactly the type of pain you do NOT want to have.  Quickly laid hand on myself and prayed for God's quick healing.  Afer 2-3 minutes...the pain went away.  Phew...
25) Around mile 12... saw a man being carried onto a stretcher.  Ouch....
26) Finishing time: 2 hr 17 minutes.  minus the 7 minutes getting to the start line - a time of 2:10.  Beat my expectation of 2:15.  But I really wanted to come in under 2:00.
26.1) Got to the reunion area to wait for Daniel... and he was already there!  Apparently, he finished the entire race without stopping! But he skipped all the free food and drinks to meet up with me.  Darn kid... I spend months training to finish in 2 hours+.  He runs with me just once and he finishes a few minutes behind me. 
26.2)'s not coincident I end with 26.2.  Cuz the next time I write a "running" blog, I will end at mile 26.2. 

Mood: exhausted...yet thankful I finished

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Training: T-minus 5 days

Holy crud.... at the Missions Conference the other day our speaker preached from Hebrews 10:36, "You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised." 

And it made me realized that the half-marathon is this Sunday!! 

That two week layoff wreaked havoc on my training regime.  I forced myself to push 4 miles on Sunday... and then 5 miles yesterday.  And boy am I sore.  How am I possibly going to finish 13.1?????

Will try to push for 10 miles tomorrow.  Will I make it???? Should I even try... or just rest up?? Argggh....

Mood: worried

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Not milestones...but nui-lestones. 
Been so selfish recently...all the posts have been about myself.  What about the apple in my eye?? what's been happening.

-Towards the end of August, Nui-nui took her first step.  It was one of the hottest day of the year and she walked to try to grab mommy's Iced Mocha.  That's my girl...

-We took her to the beach and she felt sand for the first time.  Hated it...then loved it... then hated leaving it. HA!!

-Gave her a bubble bath.  She spent the entire time look at the bubbles on her hand frowning...worrying that she's melting.

-She feeds herself in the morning!! I pour her a bowl of cereal... say grace...then let her alone.  Gives me time to pack lunch and get ready.  Every now and then... the kitchen floor will be covered with Cheerios.  But that comes with the job I guess.


- Which means...we can no longer feed her to sleep.  Have to put her down now. Ugh.... she's like her old man...doesn't fall asleep easily.  Likes being patted on her tummy and chest.  She can be half-asleep and if I stop patting her... she'll instinctively grab my thumb, bring it to her tummy, and restarting the patting motion.  Awwww... I know.

-Got roseola - little rashes all over her body with a fever.  Kinda like chicken pox but not itchy.  Sigh...those were tough days for us.

-Can start singing along with "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"

-Obsessed with saying the word "BOO!!"

-Moving onto a size 4 diaper

-Favorite part about brushing her teeth is brushing her tongue.  Before we even start brushing...she's sticking her tongue out already.

-Watched an entire 49ers game with daddy despite us not letting her watch TV before she's 2.  There are exceptions, I guess.

-Enough hair in the back of her head for combing.  Still lacking in the front.

-Speaks full sentences now.  We just can't understand her, that's all....

More nui-lestones to come.

Mood: thankful

Friday, September 17, 2010

5-Year Anniversary

Has it been 5 years already? It has.... wow. 

2005 - "I do..."
2006 - Backpack in Europe
2007 - 兩個都病左.  Called in sick and stayed at home.
2008 - forgot lu...
2009 - Nui-nui 3 month old birthday - dinner at Maggiano's
2010 - weekend getaway at Sacramento

Met up with good friends Greg and Holly and baby Elisa.  Had a spectacular dinner and wonderful company. 

Drove to Old Sacramento... circled the streets for 5 minutes... then left and never looked back.  Not much into California history.  Paid $0.75 to park by the State Capitol for 30 minutes... took some pictures cuz we figured we paid for parking already.  Then went to downtown Westfield thinking we can relax at the mall for a bit.  Paid $2.50 for parking!!! And the mall is worse than Stonestown in SF!!! WHAT A RIP OFF!!!!

Highlight of the trip was taking Nui-nui swimming for the first time at the hotel pool. 
We bought her a little bathing suit and a floatation device.  Poor daddy - forgot to bring the handpump and had to blow the thing up himself. =(  Nui nui was initially scared, in shock, both.  But soon after... she loved being dragged around weightlessly around the water. 

Looking forward to another 5 year... and another...and another.... until we rack up so many 5 years, we can exchange it for a bigger prize. 

Sometimes, I ask God, what did I ever do to deserve such a wonderful wife and the perfect daughter.  And His answer... "You didn't have to do anything.  You're my son. It's that simple"

Mood: blessed

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Training: Back on the proverbial wagon...

Stoopid cold knocked me out for an entire week... so I missed a week's worth of training.  Sunday morning, I forced myself to trudge through a 2 mile run.  Ugh... the 2 miles felt like 20!! 

Tonight... I tried to get back on schedule.  But I got home late.  Made dinner late.  Fed Nui-nui late.  And I had a million and one excuses to "rest" another night.  Boy was the inertia immense!  But thankfully, Nui-nui's roseola is subsiding.  She slept with not fighting and by 9PM, I was out trotting with the wind. 

6 miles later... barely even winded! Easily could've done another 2-3 miles.  But let's take it one step at a time.

Doesn't this sound like your typical spiritual walk (or run?)  You're going steadily for a few weeks or a few months.  Then all of a sudden BOOM!!, you get side tracked.  You get sick... or OT...  or biz-trip... or  you have a kid...or two...  or friends from outta town.  And your rhythm gets out of whack.

Just when you think it's time to "rest" another day.... why you don't you make a commitment to the Lord and say, "Jesus... I want to start running with you again."  It won't be easy but before you know it... you'll be back on that proverbial wagon.

Mood: half-accomplished

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Romantic Getaway

Both Joyce and I called in sick today. That's what happens when your kid goes to daycare with those other "germbags."  It'll hit you hard... and it'll come back for more.

We slept literally the entire day! With a minor break for lunch.  Joyce had some instant korean noodles and I clearned out all the old leftovers in the fridge.  Right in the middle of our sorry-a$$ lunch... I leaned over and whispered... "Isn't this romantic?" And she glanced at me and smiled.... 

Mood: lovey-dovey

Monday, September 06, 2010

Ohhhh I hate the Giants...

As we're driving towards the Louie's and heard that we're 1/2 game back... I start thinking of how I'm going to celebrate winning the World Series. 
Once again...they're giving me hope that they'll actually win it.
I really hate the Giants sometimes... really really do.

Mood: hopeful

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Training: At least I finished...

Climbed to the next milestone of 11 miles.  Didn't actually make it to 10 miles last week, but I thought it was a fluke.  So I went to get a fanny pack to hold a bottle of water and I wore my sweat wicking shirt.  Can't fail now...right?

Then around mile 9, I realized I wasn't even running anymore but was walking like a penguin.  Didn't run the entire 11...but at least I finished. 

Gonna start some crosstraining starting this week.  My buddy who's a track coach said try running up some hills.  Hrm...where do I find hills in San Jose?!?! 

Mood: defeated

Thursday, September 02, 2010

big head shrimp

So last night I was slicing up some chicken breast and marinating it.  Two breasts per pack of Costco Organic Chicken.  Diced up the first breast... put it on a plate... marinate.  Start dicing up the second breast... put it on a plate.  I go tend to Nui-nui for just a second, maybe two.  Come back and marinate the chicken. 

I put one plate in the fridge and use the other plate to make dinner.  Everything smells great!  I take a bite of the chicken and it's bland as bland can be.  Sigh... and the other plate of chicken sits in the fridge doubly marinated. 

Mood: 無奈

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Training: Plateau'ed

Sigh... was trying to hit the 10 mile mark today, but by the 8th mile, my body told me to shut down.  And, for today at least, my mind succumbed to my body. A little more than a month left... prayerfully I can overcome this plateau!!!

Mood: failure

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Training: Chase yourself

"Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air." ~1 Cor 9:25-26

On my 5th or 6th mile today... a lady passes me on my left.  She was petite, in her late 20's perhaps.  All of a sudden, I have this new found energy to follow her and keep pace with her.  Poor her...she probably thought I was stalking her.

But that's kinda the trick sometimes...right?  When training... you find someone / something to chase after.  If you're doing it alone... you have no clue how fast, how slow, how hard, how soft you're training.  She made that mile go by so much faster and easier!!

Folks...that's the same way with our walk in Christ.  Have you found yourself walking aimlessly... not knowing who to follow? Are you having trouble following Jesus cuz he's just a bit too far ahead of you.  That's alright...because you're in a fellowship of believers.  People who are like you...but may have a better perception of Jesus.  Find one of those...follow him or her... get your stamina going and pretty soon, you'll see yourself being followed by a bunch of trainees. 

Mood: philosophical

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Training: Mile High, Mile Shy

Went running this morning during my trip to Denver...and I couldn't even make 5 miles. 
Then I realized that with every mile of elevation... subtract a mile from your regular distance.

I have now newfound respect for John Elway.  But still... he's no Montana.

Oh... and my knee hurts!! How about that...?

Mood: exhausted

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Training: The 7 mile limit

Woke up early today to try to break the7 mile limit.  Drove around a bit to find the entrance to Los Gatos Creek Trail. 

Wouldn't recommend the trail if it was getting dark or too early.  There are some homeless people that might be a little unstable.  Like that lady that kept yelling at me... "What are you staring at?!?"  And there's the stench of urine under some of the crossovers.

Took me roughly an hour and 10 minutes to finish what I THINK is 7 miles.  I went back to look at the map and I'm questioning my own memory of which street the park dead ends at. 

Mood: accomplished 

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Training: Accelerate

Chatted with a buddy who finished the marathon last year.  His goal was to get to 9 miles by the week of the race and he'll be fine.  But he's in much better shape than I am. 

So tonight, I pushed for 9 laps!  Roughly 5.4 miles.  Not bad!  Though I'm still at a 9 minute mile. 

Wore my podometer tonight and each mile equates to about 550 steps.  Another nice number for metrics.

Really need to fix my Playlist.  I waste too much energy click "NEXT" all the time cuz the songs just aren't running songs, y'know?

Mood: exhausted

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Underneath Cleopatra's Needle in Britain lies a time capsule.  Inside the time capsule are "a set coins, children's toys, a city directory, photographs of the twelve most beautiful women of the day, a razor and in 215 languages, a verse from the Bible.  "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." 

excerpt from 3:16 The Numbers of Hope - Max Lucado

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Training: Regime

Found an online training regime.  They suggest, for a 13 week training regime, start with 1 mile and add one mile every week.  That's 13 weeks or 3 months.  I have roughly 8 weeks.

They suggest to initially try runmomg non-stop for 30 minutes.  I can barely do 20 minutes right now!! How am I gonna catch up? Needa accelerate the training... push for 7 miles by the end of this week!

Mood: overwhelmed 

Friday, August 06, 2010


$17.50 for two tickets!?!? Are you kidding me??????  When did they start charging an arm and a leg for 2 hours of worthless entertainment?  We got our movie pass at Costco, but it was still $15!  How do young people afford to date nowadays?  Popcorn, soda... maybe a lunch or dinner. Darn you capitalistic monoliths!!!!

As for the movie... *sigh.... I fell asleep during the first 20 minutes.  So was the rest of 2 hours a dream? Did I actually sit through 2 hours of over-exaggerated action?  Cuz in reality, I'm sure I wouldn't pay $15 to watch a movie like that!!! 

Apologies to the folks who loved INCEPTION.  But for those of you who compared it to "MEMENTO", I am on the verge of disassociating myself from you. Ok... maybe not that drastic.  But it's close.

Mood: jipped

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Training: New highs!

Woohoo!! Pushed 4 laps around the block today.  By the Google Map's guesstimation...each lap is around 0.6 miles.  So I'm around 2 miles at roughly 10 minutes per mile.  Time wise, it's a little embarrassing, but at least I'm building up on endurance and stamina.

Mood: encouraged

Word origins...

How about these days when people say, "Oh... I'm gonna tape the show on my DVR." or "I'll tape the game and watch it later."  People in my generation (Gen-X and earlier) probably still know what it means.  But kids these days under the age of 10 probably have no clue!!  But it probably rolls off their tongue like the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mood: exhausted

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Happy Endings...

Not that I watch TMZ or Extra or ET...but I am a closet fan of celebrity gossip. Especially their love lives. Recently, gossip has it that 許志安 & 鄭秀文傳復合.

Still remember back in the days when they ruled HK showbiz. Then all of a sudden, they go their separate ways. But if two people are truly meant together, 10 years shouldn't be a big barrier, should it?

There are those who hit a HR on their first at-bat. There are those who strike out...and are waiting for their next go around. And then there are those who are great players, but still roaming in the minors or riding pine. Oh... sports analogies. You can't go wrong with them.

Mood: frustrated cuz my dishwasher broke...

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Training: Inertia

The worst part about training is the initial step.  Once you've stopped doing something for a while... it's the worst feeling to have to start over.  Cuz in your mind... you still recollect when you were able to run a 5 minute mile... or dunk... or type 70 WPM.

Started, or shall I say, restarted tonight by running 2 laps.  I vaguely remember that being around 1 mile.  I can barely run a mile... how am I gonna make 13.1?

Mood: disappointed

Friday, July 30, 2010

Training: San Jose Marathon

Ok...officially signed up for the San Jose Rock and Roll Half Marathon.

$75 with a coupon!! GEEZ!!! Don't think I'm gonna be doing a lot of these runs at these prices.  No wonder so many ppl jumped the San Francisco Marathon.  Training begins!!

Mood: anticipation

Monday, July 26, 2010


過去兩天, 梁府發生了五單恐殺案. 不是府上的人殺氣重, 而是死者們自投羅網!

蒼蠅啊蒼蠅... 為何天堂有路你不走? 反而處處逼人, 逼老夫大開殺戒呢? 不要怪我心狠手辣, 手下無情. 怪就只怪你自己頭腦簡單, 大限已到.
哈哈哈哈.... 哈哈哈哈... 哈哈哈哈..(呼吸).. 哈哈哈哈!!

Mood: 冷酷

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The YIELD Sign

How many drivers out there see YIELD...

but think, MERGE. least MERGE, you have the unwritten rule of semi-YIELDING... some people don't even semi-YIELD!!

Mood: miffed

Sunday, July 18, 2010

What is a sport?

Absolutely love it when the debate arises about... What is a sport?

Some argue, "You need to physically impede someone..."  That rules out tennis, golf, bowling....
Some argue, "You can't use a machine..." That rules out cycling and autoracing...
Some argue, "If you don't need a judge that can decide the outcome..." That rules out 70% of the Olympics...(figure skating, diving...)

But y'know what sport we just described???  America's past time.... BASEBALL!!!

How many times have umpires decided the outcome of a game?  Like the imperfect Perfect Game this year? Or today's Giants' lost to the Mets! (Yes...this is a ranting post).  It was completely the umpires incompetence that has tarnished our game!!! 

Mood: miffed

Sunday, July 11, 2010

A trophy wife...

From our daily devotion a few days ago...
He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the LORD.  ~Prov 18:22
I love these types of verses.  It reminds me of what a blessing Joyce is in my life.  If there's anything I can be proud of myself for is 1) my dashing good looks and 2) my trophy wife. 

Ever been to a company function... or a high school / college reunion?  And you see your friend and his/her spouse and say, "He married HER!?!!"  or "She married HIM!!?"  I guess depending on your imagination... that can go many ways.  Now imagine satan saying to our Savior, "You married THEM!?!?" 

Don't you feel compelled to step up your game?  Prov 31 isn't just used to bless our wives - but it's God using it to bless his church.  And likewise, we can bless God by being the trophy wife we ought to be.

Mood: fallen and trying to get up

Thursday, July 08, 2010

YA Summit 2010

One of the perks about getting married (and there are many) is a legitimate excuse for not going to the annual YA Summit. Das right... you heard it here first. See, there's this little secret envelope that every SJCAC-married-couple gets at the last session of pre-marital counselling, labelled "OPEN WHEN YOU SEE ANNOUNCEMENT FOR YA SUMMIT."

Previous Summit's, the committee always makes a push to invite young couples. But this year -- the committee went out of their way to tailormake the Summit for couples. (The secret envelope doesn't cover this -- a new envelope needs to be made!!).
It's been 5 years since I've gone to a YA Summit -- coincidentally, I'm about to celebrate my 5 year anniversary. (tee hee!). Different marital status. Different group of folks. Different speaker. Different location. Same God -- He who never changes.

Over this weekend, the biggest takeaway that still reasonates in my heart is to set a vision with my wife. Are we both dreaming God's dream together? Or are we blindly walking together -- only to find out that at the next fork, we're in danger of walking apart?

Have you set a vision with your spouse yet?

Mood: dreamy

Monday, July 05, 2010

A new name...

Thanks to our Mandarin speaking brothers and sisters... Nui-nui is now also known as "Noi-Noi."

Mood: O-mouth

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Prayers of Hope vs. Prayers of Faith

Was challenged (once again) this weekend... to jump start our prayer life.

Prayers of hope goes like - "God, I hope you can do this..." Or "God, I wish you can do that..."
Isn't that undermining God's power? Of course He can do this or that. But those prayers require zero faith. You're praying in a no-lose situation!!

Try praying with some more faith... praying God's heart by making declarations! No one ever said challenges were easy...

I declare, in Jesus' name, my prayer life is transformed and will continue to undergo transformation! Amen!!

Mood: challenged

Monday, June 28, 2010

Too much Martha, not enough Mary..

Had a party at home today... and was too busy Martha-ing and not doing enough Mary-ing. Neglected some of my guests to a point where I only had a chance to say, "Hey!! You made it!!" and "Hey....thanks for coming."

Next time...we're either catering or doing it at a public venue.

Mood: exhausted

Friday, June 25, 2010


學期又完了... 又到時候同我地班學生渡別.

今屆班學生好特別, 可能是因為爸父的安排, 之前transfer students 幾乎全是男仔. 今次是清一式女學生! 仲記得第一晚Home Group,我花左九牛二虎ge精力去get to know them,果晚因疲勞過度而頭痛.

眨下眼又兩年. 她們在灣區最後一晚 ...可以選擇去同其他朋友wet。 但佢地選擇返Home Group。 真的很榮幸和感動。

我已大過仔啦, 唔會咁易流淚. 因為我已學識逃避. 在對方未同我講byebye前, 話要先走, 就可以避過尷尬場面.

我會好唔捨得妳地... 祝福妳地每一個都展翅高飛, 多作主工.

Mood: melancholic

Thursday, June 17, 2010

We are Californians afterall...

It's our beloved daughter's 1st birthday...but instead of a birthday cake, mommy buys Nui-nui a BLUEBERRY BRAN MUFFIN!?!?!??!

Mood: shellshocked

Friday, June 11, 2010

"AHA!" Moment

Had an "Aha!" moment while driving home today...

For no apparent reason, I was thinking of the scene in "Shawshank Redemption" where they were separating books in the library.

One of guys read outloud..."The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumb-a$$."

Andy calmly says, "It's Dumas (doo-mah). Classify it under fiction. You'll like it, it's about a prison break."

And Red quickly replies, "Then it should go under Instructional!"

After seeing Shawshank for at least 100 times... I finally, FINALLY, today of all days, found the connection with that book and Andy!! AHA!!!

Mood: AHA!!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Talk the talk...

There are those who shy away from being accountable, there are those who publicly take the blame...and there are those who take the blame but really live up to the consequence.

Of the three, I most despise the 2nd ones. Those are the people who someone get the glory for being "honest" and "never shy to admit mistake" but hardly do they ever get called on the error. It's almost like they know the code - that those who admit to their errors in a public forum will bring them glory. But do they ever suffer the consequence?

A buddy of mine recently really talked the talk...and walked the walk. He stood up...took the blame for his entire department's recent debaucle. And just the other date, he found his own position in the internal job posting. So much for loyalty...

Mood: amazed

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Stuff it, Spew it, or Study it....?

What pushes your buttons? Social injustice? Poverty? Ethnic cleansing?

How about someone making a right turn out of a driveway or red light while you're about to plow into them... and after they turn... they make zero effort to speed up. By the fact that they're "on the road..." the road is theirs.

Ever happen to you? First of all... it's dangerous. Second of all... it's illegal. Thirdly... it's inconsiderate. And lastly... it pushes MY BUTTONS!!!!

What would you do? Stuff your anger? Spew your frustration? Or ask yourself... "Why am I even angry??"

My initial reaction to almost getting into an accident... "WHAT DA.....!?!?"

Mood: irate

Saturday, June 05, 2010


Just spent 2 hours ironing my clothes... why do I have so many clothes that need ironing?

Mood: spent

Tuesday, June 01, 2010


We're 50 games into the season and I've yet to write an entry about my Giants... may this be the first one.

Tuesday night, we took Nui-nui to her first Giants game. She thoroughly enjoyed it!! As did Bah-bee and Mah-mee. Nui-nui got to experience her first public display of "Y-M-C-A" and also learned to "Booooo" someone for no apparent reason.
San Jose Giants -- the closest thing I'll ever taste of winning a championship - 2009 California League Champs!!

Family portrait by the BBQ Pit with the sun setting in the horizon.

Infamous BBQ Ribs and Tri-tip at San Jose Muni!!!

Oh...the tickets were free. Best things in life are free... y'know... like salvation? I think we're gonna go again.

Mood: relaxed

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Keep holy the Sabbath day...

As far back as I can remember, I haven't missed a "Sunday Service" outside of those years when Joyce and I first started dating in college. Even if we go on vacation, we'll be sure to find a house of worship as part of our itinerary.

This weekend, we made a quick getaway to Monterey Bay on Sunday/Monday. And instead of going to church, then heading down to Cannery Row, we decided to visit a local church that has Saturday evening service.

We've heard much things about this church and boy was it worth going! First off... I have to say that there's just no place like home. No matter how anointed this church has been, no matter how packed their programs are, no matter how hi-tech their AV system is... there simply is no place like home.

One thing worth noting is the mixture in demographics. There were people from all walks of life. Different ethnicities, nationalities, social classes, gender, ecetera, ectera.... but not matter where you go, no matter the size of the sanctuary, no matter who is speaking on the pulpit... God is always trying to open our eyes, ears and heart to something.

The Sabbath, for us, was a Saturday evening time. And indeed, it was holy...

Mood: impressed

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

All Good Things

Stardate: 47988

Random Thursday night... and on channel 13 KOFY, it's showing the series finale of Star Trek TNG - "All Good Things.."

Goes with the theme of the past several weeks of season and series finales - non-bigger than LOST. None more gasp - finally! than Law-and-Order. None more thought provoking than Simon Cowell leaving American Idol.

After 9 seasons, the man you love to hate is leaving the show that he single-handedly created. And who was there to celebrate? There was Joe Crocker! Janet Jackson! The Celebrit Apprentice - Brett Michael!! Christina Aguilera! Chicago! Hall & Oates!! My goodness - it's like the living Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame!

More impressively... all the winners from the past 8 seasons all came back to pay one last tribute to Simon. Including the runner-ups. Including, even, Paula Abdul herself!

Now THAT is a legacy.

Can't help but think... what kind of legacy am I leaving? And if I were to take a leave of absence, will I have even 1% of the respect Simon got...and deserves?

Mood: empty

Sunday, May 23, 2010


What a horrible weekend... a weekend summarized by the word - LOST.

The Sharks get swept in the Western Conference final: 0-4 - LOST
The Giants get swept by the A's - scoring only 1 run over the entire weekend - LOST
Rarely do Joyce and I get captivated by a TV program... and in about 2 hours, it will come to an end... - LOST.

Farewell, once again, is bittersweet....

Mood: Lost

Friday, May 21, 2010

More Worries

Sharks are on the brink of elimination... what's it gonna take for me to experience another championship? Will I truly die without seeing the Giants, Warrios, Niners, Sharks stand atop the world??

Maybe that's the key... retire in a place where their team will win... From the looks of things, I'm gonna retire in MILAN!!!!!

Mood: overly depressed

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Recently been thinking about retirement. Maybe cuz my folks are approaching that milestone and the thought keeps recurring.

A buddy of mine (66 years old) returned to the workforce because he simply couldn't afford to retire. He previously thought that 70% of his salary would be enough for he and his wife. He didn't realize that he needed 100%! Immediately, one would think of insurance as the prime driver. Indeed, it is. But the most pressing source of drainage comes from taxes!!

It's no wonder people move to places w/o state tax or sales tax or property tax.

How can I possibly retire in the Bay Area by the age of 35??

Mood: poor

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Learning to say "No"

Ever have trouble saying "No?"

A few years ago when jobs were scarce - everyone and anyone became a "Yes-Man (or woman)." They'd say "yes" to just about anything.

"Do you know Verilog?" "YES" (then you go learn it over the weekend)
"Do you know EVM?" "YES" (then you try googling it only to find nothing online...)
"Do you love me?" "YES" (only to realize that it's a loaded question...)
"Why don't you get me a bigger diamond?" "Uh...."

So hard these days to say "No" to someone. Especially when it's someone you know and love (as a brother/sister). Especially when you yourself hate it when others say "no" to you.

But sometimes, saying "No", as brutally honest as it is, is truly the best answer.

"Can I get a raise?" "NO"
"Would you like to open a macy's credit card?" "NO"
"Do you know how fast you were driving?" "NO, officer"

Then the ultimate question...

"Can you drink from my cup..."

Mood: "No Mood"

Friday, May 07, 2010


Last week, we accidentally spilled water onto our laptop. Instantly, our laptop shut down.
We shook the water out...and even used a blow dryer to blow on it. Still wouldn't turn on.

Decided to get it fixed. The initial quote was $245 - flat. The store said they'll probably need to replace the power chip or video chip. $245 or a new laptop... Sigh... why not. So I decided to get it fixed.

I got home... and Joyce said, "$245!! I rather get a new laptop!!" Sigh....

Called the store back...and the dropped the price to $185. Cool... let's fix it!!

But Joyce was still not happy - cuz the store is a hole in the wall. We didn't want them to have access to our harddrive.

I google'd and found 9 out of 10 posts said just open up the laptop and let it air dry for two days.

So I disassembled my laptop. Two days later, I put the thing back together and wouldn't you know it... it worked!!

$185 for 20 minutes worth of real labor. Now that's why ppl call American the Land of Opportunity.

Mood: relieved

Wednesday, May 05, 2010


The other day... I was brushing my teeth and the tube of toothpaste was almost gone. So I grabbed a cassette tape and used the corner to flatten out the tube to squeeze more toothpaste out. Someone, who shall remain nameless and whose name rhymes with "Joice", saw what I did and busted out laughing and called me CHEAP!!! CHEAP SHE SAID!!!!

And she (or he) also laughs at me when I pour water into an empty bottle of shampoo or dishwashing lotion to get the last bit out.

Seriously... am I the only one that does that???

Mood: stunned

Saturday, May 01, 2010

At the checkout line - REVISITED

Revisting a March 2007 post - "At the checkout line"

First of all... I'm personally amazed at how I remember writing a post from 3+ years ago.

So I was at Mituswa today getting some Ramen which is CASH only. The total came out to be $19.56. I handed a $20 bill to the 17-18 year old cashier.

(QUICK!! How much change would I get back?!?!?! )

Without having to reach for your iPhone to calculate it... you should already know it's $0.44. Not too hard, right?

(But here's the good part...)

Who would want four pennies jingling in their pocket? Oh lookie here!! There's a tip jar right in front of the cashier with a crapload of coins. I reach in... grab a penny... and hand it to the cashier.

She did not know what to do. Stunned. Do the math... please.

The bill is $19.56.
I have now given her $20.01.
What should I get back?

She couldn't do the math... she was stuck. Poor her. I try to make life easier for her but I end up embarrassing the both of us. I told her to give me $0.45. She said, "Oh...okay." And I dropped a nickle back into the tip jar and said, "Was just trying to make the math easier."

Here's the thing...
1) Whatever happened to simple arithmetic?
2) What's the big deal about taking change from their tip jar? I got chastised before for this. It's not like I'm stealing from their life savings. I'm breaking change. And even if I don't put money back... it's just a penny!! Am I really the only person that does that?

Mood: cloud nine

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Crazy Heart

On the flight back from Philly, the in flight movie was “Crazy Heart” starring Academy Award winner Jeff Bridges. There is an alarming sequence in the midst of the movie where he’s asked to take care of his girlfriend’s 4 year old son… but he being an alcoholic, decide to take the boy to a bar for a drink. The movie doesn’t show it, but it’s assumed he’s been drinking a lot that entire day they were out. Needless to say, the movie’s character loses the boy and goes about every where looking for him. “Have you seen a little boy?!” “What was he wearing?” “I don’t know.” “Where did you last see him?” “At a bar…I think.”

They end up calling the mom to security station with Jeff Bridges slumped over in disgust and desperation. The female lead comes in and busts a can of whoopXXX on him. Of course, the boy was found harmless – but like a shattered china the pieces will never be put together again. All the mom can do was hug her son and to assure him she loved him and was sorry.

Then it got me thinking. Am I a responsible father? I’m not an alcoholic, but I am a coffee addict. I don’t drink excessively, but I do drink socially. I eat three meals a day, but what type of food are in those meals? Am I treat my body correctly, so that I can live long enough or be healthy enough to take care of my family?

Am I a spiritual leader at home? Do I pray for my wife and daughter? Do I set a proper example of walking in His way?

I made a vow to God on this flight. That I will treat my body well. For the sake of my family and because I am a good steward of what He’s given me. Will you, you who may be reading this, keep me accountable and help me run this race?

Thank you…and God bless you.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

At the airport...

(Try reading the entire entry...)

As we were waiting to board our flight, we suddenly hear a wail. Not just any wail, but the type that pierces your bone, down to your soul. I was walking towards the men’s room and like falling dominoes I saw heads turning one by one toward a middle aged lady. She must’ve been in her 40’s or so. She had long curly brown hair. A little on the husky side, but dressed fairly athletic. My immediate thought was she’s a mother of 2-3 kids who needs to stay active to keep up. She was wailing into her cell phone, while running towards the terminal. “NO!!” “STOP!” at the top of her lungs.

Reminded me of my flight out of SJC last week when I was running to barely make my flight. “She must’ve missed her flight. And she’s calling her companion on her plane whose left without her.” Her wailing now turned into balling. She was about to collapse and I wanted to reach out to hold her hand, to let her know things will be okay.
I didn’t. I continued walking and bumped into my travel buddy. Stupid me… I had to make a ill-timed, tastless joke – as I’m opted to do in situations like this to try to ward off the awkwardness. My buddy said, “I overheard the lady at the counter, she thinks someone in her family just died.”

Oh my goooooooodness. Then it clicked. She was at the airport, trying to catch the first flight out Sunday morning, to race back to Philly to see her dying family member. Only thing is, life and death isn’t like public transit where they’ll wait for you if the driver sees you running from half a block away.

After using the facilities, I walk back to my terminal to board and I see several women gathered around her. A couple security members, a few passengers and strangers hovering over her; trying to comfort and support at this helpless time. I felt like a complete idiot for making that joke earlier. And as I boarded my flight, the TSA who scanned my ticket in calls for backup saying, “We have an emergency here.”

The flight was delayed for about 5 minutes to let the lady get her composure to board. FAA regulation probably states that doors need to be closed X minutes prior to a flight. But I guess even the FAA and United can make exceptions.

As I buckled into my seat and started to get comfortable with my neighbors, I see that lady walk by, being assisted by a couple of flight attendants. They had to make special arrangements for her so she can have a little row of seats to lie down. Other passengers were happy to oblige to relinquish their seats. Then all of a sudden, the lady next to me flags down a flight attendant. The flight attendnant apologetically says, “We apologize for the delay, but we’ve just experienced a death in the family.” Funny how she puts it… “WE just experienced…” How touching.

More touching were the words that came out from the lady. “Ma’am. We lost our 13 year old son a year ago and I speak fluent Spanish. If you need any help, please allow me to.”


Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Adventures of a SAHD - Day 2

Today was such a nice day, I really wanted to take Nui-nui out for a walk. At least walk over to Peet's so daddy can get himself a little treat. But daddy was so tired...the morning nap went an hour over. It threw the entire schedule off. Didn't have time to go get my Peet's. I even missed my telecon! And without coffee... I was going through major withdrawal yesterday night. Had a splitting headache. No, I'm not addicted to caffeine. I just like drinking coffee!!

Mood: jonesing

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Adventures of a SAHD - Day 1

Day 1 of being a SAHD.

Hrm... can I do this for the rest of my life? I dunno...

Today was sort've a hybrid. I had KNBR on literally the entire day. There was a Giants' day game on. I had a telecon and a slew of emails to work on - despite being on "vacation."

Overall...fairly uneventful other than changing her diaper during a telecon.

Tomorrow though... Giants are off. Oh man.. how will I get through my day?

Mood: exhausted

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Another milestone...

Moments ago, I officiall lowered Nui-nui's crib to make it a toddler's crib. She's getting bigger and stronger and she's finally about to stand up on her knees. As I was putting the mattress back on and heard a big "WHOMP!" Uncontrollably, two tears streamed down my cheeks as I have yet again realized... she's a big girl now... daddy's baby is growing up quick..

Mood: mixed emotions

How I met Jenny...

It was 2007 when my friend Guy introduced me to Jenny. The first time we met was at Stanley in Hong Kong. We didn't hit it off at our first acquaintance. I didn't think much of her and I'm sure she thought I was just another guy. She did not stand out as anything special and definitely didn't live up to Guy's description. I wouldn't go as far as saying Jenny was a disappointment - but it's darn close.

After that time, I forgot about her. It wasn't till after I got back to the US that I remembered Jenny. It was one of those days... I had nothing better to do... so I decided to give Jenny a call. Not like I had much to lose since we'll be starting from ground zero. Only this time... she was much more opened.. much more appealing.. much more, shall we say, appetizing. Immediately, I was in love. I would be thinking about Jenny and shamelessly, I'd be craving for Jenny.

Everytime I have friends/family go back to Hong Kong, I would ask them to help me pay Jenny a visit. And with high hopes that they'll bring something back for me from Jenny. Without disappointment.. everytime they come back from their vacations, Jenny will always have a surprise for me. She'll be wearing a different outfit.. maybe she's gotten a little rounder or wider. But the one constant Jenny's scent and aroma. It's irreplaceable and nothing in America can even come close to imitating her.

My infatuation with Jenny has gotten to a point where I don't even need to ask... and those coming back from HK will bring something back from Jenny. I now have a piece of Jenny at work.. at home... and even in the car. Everywhere I go...there she is.

Oh Jenny... how wonderful you are... my guiltless pleasure... my artery clogging, cholestrol raising Jenny Cookies.

Mood: lovey-dovey

Friday, April 02, 2010

Stupid San Ho-say Airport!!

This morning I got to the airport at 5:30AM for a 6:20AM flight. I parked... got in the security line.. made it through without a hitch. Had 40 minutes to spare. Plenty of time to grab a latte and a scone. Hrm.... terminal C only has Starbucks. I would've preferred Peet's (or Philz?)...but oh well, it's on per diem.

I get my breakfast so I venture out to look for my travel partners. Geez... why is the only flight to Denver on Frontier Airlines? Where's my United flight? Maybe it's on the next TV screen. I walk over to check... nope! "Am I in the wrong terminal?" Couldn't be... I've flown United a thousand times out of San Ho-say. And it's out of Terminal C. And I saw a US Airway plane parked outside.

I go ask one of the checkout counters, "This is an embarrasing question... but is United out of Terminal A?"

Checkout counter lady, "Yeah...they recently moved over there. The security guys let you in?!?!?"

I walk back to security to politely let them know that they're just short of being imbeciles. It was 5:45AM in the morning, I didn't want to make a scene. Plus, my flight is at 6:20AM, I have plenty of time.

TSA says, "oh... we let ppl from a different terminal come in all the time. There's a Burger King here and they don't have it in Terminal A. Sometimes people like to get food here. If we tell people they're going to the wrong terminal...they yell at us."

My response, still ever so polite, "Is it worst that someone gets yelled at and gets food? Or for me to miss my flight?" (Those dorks...) "And now I have to buy another cup of coffee cuz I need to go through security again!"

So it's too early for the terminal bus. I've already parked in the C parking lot. I decided to walk down to Terminal A. TSA says it's about a 5 minute walk.

5 minute walk from terminal to terminal... perhaps. But once I got to the end of the security line... I hear the announcement, "LAST CALL FOR FLIGHT 623 FROM SAN JOSE TO DENVER. DOORS WILL BE CLOSING."

CRAP!!!!! I looked at my ws still 5:50AM. They're closing the doors already!?! I call my buddy on the plane, but he's already turned his phone off. I talk to TSA and ask to be expedited cuz my flight is boarding. They said, "Sorry, you gotta get in line." I wanted to but didn't tell them their colleagues have IQ's lower than my savings account interest rates though.

As God parted the Red Sea, he parted the crowds for me. As Moses raised his arms.... I raised my voice and people were nice enough to let me go through first. I got through security - again - grabbed my stuff from the bins and just ran. And of course... my gate is the very last one at the end of a long hallway.

I get through the final passage way and see a TSA personnel in a yellow vest. I waaaaaaaaaaaave at her. And she says, "Hurry up... I'm closing the door!"

Phew.... cutting it too close! As I walk into the plane... I get over a hundred stares of disapproval. Especially from the two ladies who THOUGHT they had an empty seat between them. Tuff!! I quickly apologized to them and said, "You guys thought you got lucky huh??"

Alas... I made it to my seat. The absolute worst seat on the plane. Last row, middle seat. Can't lean elbow room.

What a day....

Mood: miffed

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

That's why our nation is in debt...

Watching the news right now... with back to back, "REALLY?!?" type of newstories.

1) This advocate group is petitioning to force Ronald Mcdonald to retire. - REALLY!?! 23,000 teachers are getting laid off and this is what we spend our money on??

2) Most recent discoveries show obesity is the biggest disease facing pets. - REALLY!?! Which group spent the money to produce that study when we're a poverty stricken nation.

And ppl ask why our nation is in such deep debt.

Mood: surprised

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Father Daughter Night

First official Father/Daughter Night.

Wife went to a cooking class so I stayed home with Nui-nui. Honestly, I was a little concerned about not knowing what to do with her. How do I entertain her? Do I have the patience to play with her? How will I cook for me...and feed her?

We watched a little NCAA together. Then she got on her jumper and I yapped on the phone a bit. Watched a little Sharks hockey. Then had dinner. Then yapped on the phone with grandma a bit. Bathed her. Then time for bed.

SAHM's.. (Stay at home moms)... you have my utmost respect!

Mood: tired

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Health Care Reform...

Not a lot of Asians in Congress. I think I'd look good on C-SPAN.
British parliment 100x more entertaining than Congress...

Mood: honored to be an American

Friday, March 19, 2010

Precious Moments

Made time to sit down for a good 10 minutes to watch Nui-nui play. Hard to believe...but that's probably the first time I've ever sat down to observe her.

There she was, playing with her blue cup. I hand her a Eeyore stuffed-ring. She grabs it with her left hand. She then looks at her cup. Looks at Eeyore. Looks back at the cup. Looks at Eeyore. Tosses away the cup and starts playing with Eeyore. Pinches it. Chews on it. Yanks on it. Then within seconds - throws Eeyore away and look for her blue cup again.

That little blue cup... her favorite toy. That was a precious moment... that moment in time...

Mood: precious

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Daddy's little girl...

Reality is finally sinking in.. and y'know what? It sucks.

My little nui-nui is finally moving out of the teeney weeny innocent baby phase. Daddy's little girl is finally, undoubtedly, incontestably growing up... and it all happened so quick.

This Saturday - for the first time ever - she cried when someone held her and immediately quieted down when mommy held her again. The proverbial "識認人" syndrome. That someone - grandma.

Sunday - June EE merely looked at her and said something and immediately Nui-nui started crying. Then almost instantaneously when Han-E held her, she stopped.

During dinner - Nui-nui was drooling over Mah-mee's bowl of tomato soup. We all teased Nui-nui about being too young and even laughed at her big-eyes, O-mouth from staring at the soup. Within seconds, she knew we were talking about her and her O-mouth became as crooked as Lombard Street followed by tears of pity and shame.

I'm staring at her during dinner and her physical features have changed. Her face has gotten longer. Her cheeks have shrunk. Her dimples are more apparent. She is in fact, a cookie cutter version of Mah-mee.

When did this all happen? This all happened the last two weeks when I was too busy to take Nui-nui to and pick her up from Day Care. That's how quickly my baby grew up. And if I keep this up at work - before I know it - she'll be asking me for the keys to my Miata....

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... =((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

唉! 畢竟囡囡都開始大了...

Mood: shafted

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Deeper Life Conference 2010

First time in many years that I've attended the entire Deeper Life Conference. For some reason, I always miss either the Saturday morning or evening session. This year, I even got a little treat and attended a special Thursday night session.

Some of the highlights of this weekend include:

  • "Speak to my Heart. Change my Life. Make me Whole."
  • SHALOM!!
  • What was void in my life growing up... God has fulfilled.
  • What my father did not provide for me... God will instruct me to provide for Nui-nui
  • Nowadays... a father is usually the one who single-handedly disconnects the baby from his/her mother by cutting the umbilical cord. In a sense, the father is the first to deliver this feeling of separation. Better the father than a nurse/doctor I suppose. But at the same time, present day hospitals usually puts the newborn infant on the mother's chest PRIOR TO the cutting of the cord. The connection, therefore, is never lost. Phew...
  • Illusion of intimacy - pornography and it's link to anxiety/tension and BABY'S RAGE!
  • Luk 9:62 Jesus said to him, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God." -- Finally know what this means... hahaha

The speaker wasn't the most dynamic or exciting. Nor was she the funniest or entertaining. But God used her to do exactly what he intended for me to hear. Of which I am ever so thankful.

Mood: rooted

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Not February but Februbusy

February was a brutal month. Bruuuuuuuuuuuuutal. So many things went on. Birth of Eden, Superbowl Sunday, Chinese New Year, Valentine's Day, Visitation, CSMT, Bro leaving for China, 60 hour work weeks, not to mention the premier of the Final Season of LOST (tee hee!).

There's no love lost when 11:59PM rolls around on the Feb 28th. Can't wait till March comes around.

Mood: well-aged

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Regrowing some thick skin

It's been a while since I've gone out and randomly seeked people out to talk about church. I use to have it down. Had my little "elevator speech" handy. Had all my church facts straight. Had several personal testimonies to share in an instant.

Well... just like exercising, once you snooze, you lose.

Couple weeks ago, went to a Chinese supermarkets to pass out some flyers. And the confidence, the mood, the suave just wasn't there. And if you don't got suave... you're in deep poo-poo (baby language. That's how I talk now. Pee-pee and Poo-poo).

It felt good tho despite the blatant rejections. Felt good to be able to walk up to a complete stranger and completely interrupt them knowing full well they're ready to reject you. Some might say, "Sorry" and walk away. Just gotta love it when people give you "the hand." Or simply "shake their head disapprovingly."

Time for some OJT once again. In the meantime, gotta regrow that thick skin and have NO FEAR when it comes to evangelizing. "NO FEAR!! NO FEAR!! ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH!!!!"

Mood: fearful...ahhhh!!!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

A great invention...

One of the greatest invention in the past 10 years (for me at least) is the Brawny Paper Towels that we bought from Costco. What's so cool about it? Well... it's perforated in such a way that so someone can use half sheet!

For those times you want to dry an apple before eating. For those times when you have a tiny spill. For those times when the economy is bad... and you need to conserve as much as possible.

A great invention indeed.

Mood: impressed

Monday, February 15, 2010


Nui-nui's finally teething! What a great way to celebrate Valentine's Day + Chinese New Year. Finally felt compelled to update her little "Baby Book." You know... the book that documents her dad and mom's info. The origin of her name. Gifts she received at her Baby Shower. Her bio's on her birthday.

Then it got to the section of "firsts..."

First word...
First smile...
First sound... (????)
First time rolling onto tummy...
First time rolling onto back...
First time rolling onto tummy, then back onto back...

It it hits us... so much has happened in such a short amount of time. Despite the terabytes of pictures we've taken, there is simply no way of us going back in time and holding our daughter in the palm of our hand again.

Simply need to enjoy this time while it lasts. It is soooo precious.

Mood: blessed

Sunday, February 14, 2010

U.S. Women Thump China 12-1

VANCOUVER, British Columbia (AP) -- The United States opened its preliminary round of the women's hockey tournament Sunday with a 12-1 victory over China, the second overwhelming rout in two days at the Canada Hockey Place.

唔緊要! 繼續努力! 加油!!

Mood: 滿有希望, 帶有點點失望...

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Nui-nui's 3rd word!!!!!

"Daaaaaa Daaaaaaa"

Joyce may have taken the early lead...but the final victor is still me!! HAHAHAHAHAHA

Mood: Victorious

Friday, January 29, 2010

The Covenant of Holy Matrimony

Was chatting up with a co-worker today and somehow we got onto the subject of her arranged marriage. This subject always intrigues me. How can two people who "aren't in love" get married -- and all that other stuff that comes with marriage? Conventional wisdom will tell you that arranged marriage will never work. Yet, American divorce rates are rising faster than the Googol's stock price.

Have you ever watched reality shows like "The Bachelor?" or things of that nature? Yes, we all know they're actors. We all know in front of a camera, anything goes. But does it send shivers down your back when the contestants say, "I'm in love..." If my memory serves me correctly, only 1 of these couples have stayed married, the first "Bachelorette."

So how does this play into the covenant that is established by God for a man and a woman? (no intentions of plugging Prop 8 btw... just happened to come out this way) What makes a marriage successful? To be continued...

I've always wanted to write a book on Marriage and Parenthood. Maybe this will slowly evolve into one.

Mood: intrigued

Saturday, January 23, 2010

What's in a name?

There's a Chinese saying, "Fear not, born to a bad life; fear, of bestowing the wrong name." Partially, it's an old wives tale but in a way, it's also true. A name, whether you like it or not, defines you. It's a label that's stuck with you from the day you are born to the day you can legally change it to something else.

We visited a friend today in San Francisco who just had their first daughter. Her name:

Olivia - peace (as in olive branch, a sign of peace)
Neriya - "God is my light." (Hebrew origin)
榮欣 - 光榮, 歡欣 (glory, joy)

Without knowing it, Little Olivia is already blessed to be the light and salt of the earth, to be a peacemaker and a bearer of God's joy and glory. How meaningful... how precious. I wonder how long it took them to come up with this name?

And how long will it take for us to come up with a name for our fellowship?

Mood: reflective

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Monday, January 11, 2010

Prop 8 Trial Begins

I like how the San Jose Mercury puts it... "In the first round of what may be the signature civil rights fight of the 21st century..."

Interesting observation... "Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker has kept his views to himself, but his rulings so far have dismayed some of Prop. 8's supporters, who appear to be bracing their followers for a short-term defeat."

Also interesting in light of Sotomayor being appointed to the Supreme Court... "Andrew Pugno, general counsel for Protect Marriage said, the last word will come from 'the nine justices on the highest court in the nation.'"

This one from the Chronicle is most fitting... "...and force many religious Americans to 'choose between being a believer and being a good citizen.' "

It's going to be a tumultuous year!!

Mood: cansado

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Beautifully written...

Very beautifully written...
"And Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering and laid it on Isaac his son. " ~Gen 22:6a
Replace "Abraham" with "God".
Replace "burnt offering" with "the cross"
Replace "Isaac" with "Jesus"
I believe God wanted the scriptures to specifically write it the way it ended up being. The Father laid the wood on the Son. The Son must submit to the Father's will.

Mood: thankful

The worst thing about comedies... not being funny. It's not just sad... it's annoying.

Saturday Night Live is a prime example. It's so sorry that I didn't even crack a smile when I labored through it. If not for Bon Jovi being the musical guest... I wouldn't give it the time of day. Whatever happen to comedy and talented comedians? Really makes you wonder why it's still on air?

Mood: annoyed