Monday, December 30, 2013

One of the greatest complements...

One of the greatest complements any parent can get is a stranger walking up to you at a restaurant and say, "Your children are very well behaved."

It happened tonight... when our neighboring table walked by before she left.  Last night... the old lady behind us complement Nn's "spaghetti eating skills."  And as we were reminiscing our claim to fame as parents... we remember that last year, in Palm Springs, at a different Italian restaurant, another lady came up and said, "You're kids are amazing! So well behaved." 

Well.... I hope Nn and SW continue to exemplify the lady and gentleman I hope they'll become.

Annual Vacation - Home Away from Home

Running out of things to do here.... was going to take them to the Children's Discovery Museum (y' the one in San Jose) only this place costs $8 for admission.  HA!  Cheap cheap me.... and for $8... I guess they can run around for an hour or so.  But lo' and behold... it's closed on Mondays. 

So we head off to the same places we usually go back at home.... Costco, Target and Westfield.  HA!

First we got gas at Costco.  Then had breakfast at McDonald's. (two days of making macaroni and spam in our room was enough!)

Then headed off to Old Faithful - Target.  And Joyce.... she was a machine!! Especially when she saw the "50% OFF" signs become "70% OFF."  This was her moment to shine.  She preys on moments like this every year.

For lunch... Nn screamed to go back to Sam's Sushi.... just like how she screamed to go back to Pizzeria Villagio.  This time, there was no wait.  But the food took forever to come! SW feel asleep while eating!  So instead of heading back to the hotel.... we head to Westfield! 

We found a little lounge area where I held SW and Nn slept in the stroller while Joyce went shopping.  The kids woke up and then we spent an hour in Barnes and Nobles. 

We came all the way to Palm Springs for this???????

Dinner:  At at the Italian restaurant at the resort.  Yelp gave it 2 stars.  We had low expectations...and it met our expectations.  I normally never send food back to the kitchen... but the risotto was inedible.  Makes me question the whole Westin Resort rating system.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Annual Vacation - Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!

The highlight of the trip.... driving all the way down to Palm Spring... so we can take a 10 minute tram ride up the mountain for the kids to play in snow.  They've been looking forward to it all winter long.  Last night... during "Family Time", Nn even shared she was happy TODAY because she'll get to see snow TOMORROW

That morning... we left extra early to beat the crowd.  Don't want a repeat of last year where we dragged a boatload of stuff... ran up the stairs... only to miss our tram.

Unlike last year... we got there and parked at the closest parking lot.  So it was just a short walk to the ticket counter.  We got dressed in our snow bibs.... put on all our snow gear.... grabbed the saucer and sled.... and started towards the ticket counter.

And after I buy the tickets.... out of the corner of my eye, I see the sign that said, "Weather at Peak: 27 deg.  No Snow."  Wait.....what?!?? "NO SNOW!??!?!?!"  NO FRIGGIN SNOW!??!?!?!?!   How can there be no snow!?!??!   I drove all the way down here and now you tell me there's no snow!!?!??!?!  (riiiiight... i didn't check the website prior to coming... huda thunk???)

I asked the ticket counter attendant... is there REALLY no snow? I don't care if there isn't enough for sledding... just let my kids grab it and make some snow angels.  "No sir... we haven't had a good snow in months."

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....................  No wonder every one at the parking lot was looking at us weird.  No wonder we saw people wearing jogging pants and shorts.  No wonder the crowd was so small.

Sh*t.  Now came the time to break the bad news to the kids.  Who was gonna do it? Who was gonna break their little hearts??

"There's no snow today honey.  We can't play with our sled."

"Huh?? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....." (the sound that jerks every dad's tears.....)

"Sorry ah Nn....."

But amazingly... she recovered quickly.  SW isn't even sure what's happening.  And Joyce... she's steaming with anger!  HA!

Well.... we paid for the tickets already.  Might as well suffer through the rest of the trip.... hiking in our SNOW CLOTHES!!!!!

Poor Nn.... she hated every minute of it.

"It's hot."
"I'm tired."
"Are we done walking yet?"
"Why are we still walking?"
"My feet hurts."
"Can you carry me, like SW?"

But Joyce... being the Superwoman that she is... turned a bad situation into a wonderful one.  She kept a positive attitude.  Kept both of the kids entertained.  Even carried SW for half the hike.

She collapsed at 7PM tonight out of sheer exhaustion, right after dinner... HAHAHA... but she really came through when the family needed her to.

I guess we have a Tahoe trip coming up.... just to make up for this.

Dinner: We returned to Pizzeria Villagio!!!!  Nn loved it the first night.  The kids loved the spaghetti.  We didn't mind the food.  But this time, food and service wasn't as good.  Had this been our first time... we wouldn't have come back.  Such it is....

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Annual Vacation - Asians Asians Asians

Joyce checked the weather forecast and decided to head up the Aerial Tram tomorrow... so today, we headed to the outlets to do some more shopping.  As if Gilroy wasn't enough.

Started out the morning looking for milk for Nn. What seemed like a trival task turned into an adventure.  Walmart didn't have it.  Starbucks didn't have it.  The local donut shop didn't have it.  Not that they didn't have milk...they sold out of Horizon Organic milk.  I guess we're not the only overly concerned parents out there.

When we got to the outlets... we ran right into two tour busses unloading Asians after Asians.  Japanese... mostly Chinese.  They kept flooding the parking lot.  I guess if we go back to China for tours... they bring you shopping at the weirdest places: jade factory, tea factory, ging-tai-lam.  Here in America.... Outlet malls.

Saw one man holding four heavy Burberry shopping bags.  Typically...there's a line at Coach... nothing.  Coach isn't even worth their time.  It's all about Tory Burch. Not even sure what Tory Burch is.  

The only thing we bought there?? A two item combo at Panda Express and a Coney Island Hotdog.... then a Haagen Daas ice cream cuz we had a coupon.

Dinner: Sam's Sushi.  Luckily made reservations. People came in... were told the wait will be 30 minutes... and left.  I guess non-Bay Area people aren't use to waiting for a table????

Friday, December 27, 2013

Annual Vacation - Right on Schedule

Nothing makes me happier than being right on schedule.  I told Joyce.... if we left at 8:30, we'll make it to Monterey Park by 12 for lunch.  If we left at 1, we'll get to Palm Springs by 3pm.... enough time for the kids to nap in the car... and right in time for checking in.

We didn't leave at 830 as I'd hoped.  We left at 850... cuz we stopped for gas.

But we made up some time when Siu Wah unexpectedly fell asleep around 1030..... so instead of taking a break in Ventura... we kept going!! Joyce gave Nn a little treat and let her watch some iPad.  I, on the other hand, really needed to go pee... but if I stopped, SW would've woken up and the "plan" would be ruined. 

After a little 101/405/15/10 traffic...we get to JJ at exactly 12PM.  The kids are up... they're in good moods... and there's a nice bathroom there!! BOOM!!!

Lunch lasts an hour... and we depart at excactly 1PM.... HA!!  And wouldn't you know it.... 3PM, we roll up to the valet at Westin Hotel Golf and Spa.

Couldn't have planned it any more precise.

Dinner???  Pizzeria Villagio.  We got there at 5:59 and ordered just in time for Happy Hour - half off drinks and appetizer.  I go for the Chianti.... and Joyce..... she gets the 25 oz Bud!!!!! WHAT?!?!?!? My wife?!?!?! Drinking beer!??!?!! And good ol' Bud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Life is good.... life is really good.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Annual Vacation - Off we go!

And off we go on our annual vacation... this year is back to Palm Springs ala 2012.  We had so much fun... but it was a grueling trip.  Last year, we bit the bullet and drove straight down Highway 5 with a 3 and 1 year old.  Then we hit a winter storm.  Then we hit LA traffic.  Ugh.... 9 hours later, we get there. 

This year... we made our first stop at good ol' Cal Poly. 

Things got off to a splendid start.  Left San Jose around 9 to hit up some post Christmas shopping at Gilroy and then lunch.  That way, the kids can sleep for the next two hours.  If things worked out well... we'll be in Paso Robles by the time they woke up.

Everything worked out like a charm... and coming back to SLO... it's like coming home. 

Why don't we stay at Embassy Suites everytime?  Free Happy Hour ALCOHOLIC DRINKS!!!  And free cook to order breakfast.  Two separate rooms for me to watch ESPN while the rest of the family sleeps. 

I think I can retire here....

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Midnight Mass

Christmas Eve... we let the kids open their presents so they get to play with it since we're heading out to the city tomorrow.  Lo and behold... one of the toys requires massive assembly.  So I stay up and put it together when I turn on NBC and there it was.... Midnight Mass - celebrated by Pope Francis at St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican in Rome.

In all my years as a Catholic... or Christian...I've never watched Pope John Paul II celebrate mass on TV.

Crazy random thoughts...

1) I still could recite 80% of the mass... in both Chinese and English.
2) Pope Francis - Time Man of the Year - WOW!  And his approval ratings continue to climb
3) Where the heck are the altar "servers?!"  No female within 50 feet of the main altar
4) Pope Francis carried a statue of baby Jesus and walked around the church... .what if he drops the baby?!?
5) Nobody was listening to the readings - times have NOT changed
6) Who the heck was that reading the first reading from Isaiah... "Wonderful Consoler!?"  True... Christ consoles... but it's "Counselor!!!!"  Bah... no one was listening anyways.
7) Homily was mighty boring and parochial
8) the Basilica is beautiful...massive... a sheer wonder of the modern world
9) I think the pope messed up with the censer...
10) Absolutely loved how Pope Francis will completely remove himself from being the leader of the greatest religious group in the world, smiles and kisses the little children.

And as the mass draws to an end... I'm done putting the darn toy together.  Oh...and Santa never came.  I guess I've been naughty.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Family Altar - with the Franciscos?!?

Hosted a little Christmas party at my place tonight.  Towards the end of the night... when everyone's left except for the Francisco's... I decided to call a "Family Time."  Their kids were still a bit hyperactive from the ice cream and cookies and opening of presents.  So I figure I can sit everyone down for a few moments and calm down. 

Poor Chris and Mel... not really sure what I was gonna do, but they played along.  Everyone did their share... they said something happy that happened to them during the day.  And then I read from the bible.  Picked the most appropriate verse of the night.... the wise men bearing gifts to Jesus. 

Quickly turned that into a blessing.... that little Cathleya and Jeremy will always remember the greatest gift of all.  And to always, always cherish that gift... and return it by loving others. 

Chris definitely received by osmosis.... and he started opening up about taking the kids to Midnight Mass.  Mel kinda tucked away respectfully.  And the kids....?  They are so precious.

Thank you Jesus...for giving us a chance to have Family Time with our friends.  May they be inspired by your Spirit to continue praying and blessing one another. 

Saturday, December 21, 2013


It's official!! Siu Wah is diaper free!!

It clicked. It simply clicked.  I can't say we didn't force him... cuz there were times we had to give him some "tuff-love."  But the little guy is sleeping dry.... in his undies.  Phew.....

Still trying to train him to harness his spray.  He enjoys the sound of water splashing and the tinkling towards the end. But he's still not too decent with the aim.  Naturally, he liked to stick his butt out - which meant the final drops of pee will fall on his pants.  So I had to teach him to stick his pelvis out - to ensure every last drop falls in the bowl.

And thus begins the scariest few weeks of them all....the times when he's no longer in diapers... and we have to, first, TRUST him to tell us when he needs to go.  And second.... pray for a clean, usable bathroom when he does tell us.

Good job son!! I think you've just made my year....

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Stand up for yourself!

There comes a time in life... when you have to stand up for yourself.  That time came this Saturday for Siu-Wah.... and boy was it stressful.

Saturday morning.. .we decided he must stand up and pee.  No more sitting down!! Pull down the pants... aim... shoot!!  How hard can it be?!  I begged... I scolded... I bribed.  Nothing.  He just couldn't do it.  At the very end... I was on the verge of yelling before he squeezed a few drops. 

Ohhhhh.... the ends don't justify the means.  And I felt like crap.

Later that day... we were at the Great Mall doing some Christmas shopping.  SW screams "Pee-pee!" Quickly grabbed the little guy and ran to the men's room.  And surprise surprise... all four stalls were occupied.  And all four of the men took FOREVER!!!!!  What the heck were they doing in there!?!?  There was an old man standing in line in front of me holding a toddler.  Did he offer me the stall that opened up!?  Nope.  He went right in there and did this thang....

There were urinals opening up. 

SW needed to go!

I had to decide.  Do I give up my space in line and try SW in the urinals?!  What if he doesn't go in the urinals??? Then I'll have to get back in line for the stalls!!

Tic-toc-tic-toc..... time was ticking.  And SW needed to pee.  What to do?! What to do?!

FINALLY!!! A stall opens up.... I quickly run in.  The teenage boy walks out but doesn't flush. Jerk!  So I flush... only to see the dang toilet flood.

I make a quick u-turn... trying to get back in line.  And I see the stall next door open up... PERFECT!!!  Oh.... but the guy behind me didn't care.  He snuck right in.  Didn't give me the time of day.

I was stuck... no where to go but back into a flooding toilet.  Or.... give the urinal a try.

And boy did that training come in handy.  At least... he's done it all, but ONCE.

Took him to the urinal... he was too short!! What do I do? How do I hold him?? How do I coax him to pee? Do I yell at him in public? Does he even understand what's going on?

I pull down his pants and undies....  lift him up and dangle his legs.  Poor guy has no idea what's going on.  In my most loving voice... I ask, "Siu-Wah... pee pee la."  He's lost.  He's confused.  He's intrigued by the entire ordeal.  What's this thing we're standing in front of???

My back in killing me.  I start to sweat.  My arms are tired.  And the little munchkin can only say, "No pee-pee."  He hates it.  He needs to sit in his red potty at home.  He needs the comfort of gravity on his bum-bum.  Not dangling legs... not bah-bee's hands squeezing his armpits.

A million thoughts cross my mind.  Do I have any diapers with us? Do we have a change of clothes? Goodness... we're at the mall... we can just buy another set of clothes!!  Who cares if he wets himself.

So I pull up his pants.... I can't do this.  I can't do this to my son.  Simply can't force someone to pee if they don't want to.  I turn around and start walking out when my spirit of competitiveness kicks in.  I WON'T GIVE UP!!! NO!!!

Turn around and face the urinal again.  Go through the whole ordeal again.  Undo his pants and undies.  Lift him up.  Dangle his legs.  Beg.  Coax.  Bribe..... sweat POURING down my neck.  Still dry as the Sahara.

The heck with it....  not worth it.  When all of a sudden..... SW starts giggling.  He giggles.  He's smiling.  He's looking down... he's pointing, pointing at the stream arcing to the bottom of the porcelain bowl.


Couldn't have timed that morning training session any better.... huh???  

Sunday, December 08, 2013

Family Altar - 薪火相傳

The other night, we had fellowship at our house. It was more an excuse to have hotpot than fellowship.  But towards the end of the night, Nn demanded we have Family Time.  So the Yu's joined us for family time... after I told them during dinner how it's transformed our family!

Just like normal... we started by sharing a happy moment for the day.  Then I read a verse from the bible... and we blessed one another. 

The next night... Roy texted me, telling me that their first "Family Time" was from Mui-mui's Children Prayer book.  A simple prayer about protection.

Let's hope that Family Time can become a staple in not just our lives... but in everyone's lives. 

Leap of Faith

We're doing it!! Siu Wah is gonna sleep in an underwear for the very first time tonight! 

Oh boy.... do I really get my wish from Santa?? No more diapers!?!?!??!?!  (not holding my breath...)

Sunday, December 01, 2013

Family Altar - Day X

Haven't blogged about our Family Altar time in a couple of weeks.  But by God's grace... it's now a part of our lives; to a point where Nn will request it or remind us that we haven't done it.  And SW will instinctively grab my bible when we sit down on the living room floor.

Last night... after our customary 2-minute family time (yeah... 2 minutes is all we can sustain with a 4 and 2 year old), I thought we should extend the time by going around and have everyone share a "Happy Moment" from the day. Worked out amazing!! Everyone felt happier after everyone was done sharing!!

Then today at church was the annual round of Thanksgiving Testimonies - where PAL gets a little lazy and invites people to share instead of preaching.

Is it me...? Or does every year have at least one testimony (myself inclusive) share on the difficulties of conceiving and starting a family?
 Is it me...? Or does Grace go up every year without pre-coordination?
There's usually an "employment" one.
And more often than not a "health/sickness" one.
This year....we even got a couple of "empty nesters!"

After CS2... I told C-hing, "In 18 years... it'll be us giving those empty nest testimonies."

Ahhhh.... the power of thanksgiving.  As Eric said, 「感恩,係可以扭轉命運!」

Saturday, November 30, 2013

He did it!! - Part II

Y'know... on second thought... all this "trouble" of potty training a boy (vs. the ease of training a girl) is allllll worth it when I look into the future and think about the long lines at the ballgame, mall, restaurant (women's restroom) or the ease of simply pulling over on any freeway to relieve yourself.

Yeah.... it's a worth it.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

He did it!!

My little boy finally pee'd while standing up!! No more peeing while sitting on the little bucket or on Nn's little pottie seat!!

Too bad.... he stood up and pee'd right on the floor, twice.   Sigh.... baby steps never made more sense.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Bedtime Stories - The Poor, Sad Wolf

Siu Wah was overtired and could not fall asleep.  But both mommy and daddy were exhausted.  In my exhaustion... I had another jolt of creativity.

SW demanded the story, "大灰狼", Which is his way of saying he wants the story of The Three Little Pigs.  This is the story I've told a hundred times.... to a point where he repeats the lines with me.  The same story I told Nn.... since she was 2. 

And for whatever twisted, demented reason... I told the story from the Big Bad Wolf's point of view -- where he was the victim of three naughty pigs!

Every last detail that I usually tell in the "classical" version.... I tell the complete opposite.  Down to the "I'll huff...and I'll puff.... and I'll bloooooooooow your house away" became the wolf crying and sobbing "Hawuwuwuw....Pawuwuwuwu....Wawuwuwuwuw...."

The story was so good... even Joyce applauded.

I wonder.... had I only told Nn the classical version all her childhood.  And I only tell SW the "twisted" version all his childhood..... then have them come together and tell each other the story... what would their reactions be??  Oh man....

Now..... do I truly start pursuing my career as a children's book author??? Hrmmm......

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Bedtime Stories - Princess Lei-lei

Suddenly had a jolt of creativity... and decided to make up a bedtime story for Nn.  The story... surrounds a little princess, Lei-lei, who had her crown taken away from her cuz she was naughty.  And to earn her crown back... she has to complete 10 tasks.. (or 10 labors, ala Hercules??).  I don't know where I came up with 10.... but between the start of dinner and after dinner... I decided the 10 tasks equated to the 10 commandments!!  And the moral of the story... a true princess need not have a crown.  If she behaves and keeps the 10 commandments... she already is a princess.  All that matters is inner beauty.

I told Nn the story over a span of 3 days.  First day.... the 8th, 9th, 10th commandments.  Second day... the 5th, 6th, 7th.  And the last day... the first four commandments. 

At the end of the 3rd day... after Princes Lei-lei completed the 10 tasks to be a princess without a crown... I asked Nn.  "Do you want a crown now?" 

Naturally... she says, "Yes... I want a pretty crown." 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Family Altar - Day 5

Family Altar - Day 5

Me: "家庭時間啦!"

Nn: "弟弟!家庭時間啦! 今晚邊個邊bless個啊?"

And that is that....

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Family Altar - Day 4 - Prayer Meeting

Family Altar - Day 4

Decided to take the easy way out... instead of thinking of something to do for Family Altar... we decided to bring the family to Prayer Meeting and use that as "Family Time." 

It sounded like a great idea.  We bathed the kids early... ate early.... got them dressed early.  But there's a reason why we haven't gone in months.  And tonight, it reminded us that its past the kids' bedtime and they're way too tired. 

We even left early... immediately after worship.  But both kids fell asleep in the car on the way home.  They weren't in their PJ's so we had to wake them back up...then put them back to sleep.  We left early... had we stayed the entire time and the kids get overtired, our night will probably still be going. 

Geez.... on a sidebar... what happened to SJCAC's prayer meeting?  At the start time... only the Pastors, their wives and the ES MA's were there.  The Children Ministries workers were there.  And there were the four of us - probably the only folks who don't "work" there.  Slowly, the two CS MA's showed up.  Slowly, Danny, Connie and their 4 kids showed up.  I really admire them for their consistency and faithfulness.

Still remember back in the days... Wednesday night was fun! We'll go to PM... meet up with the crowd.... have 2 hours worth of harp and bowl... then go out for late night snack!  Nowadays... PM is reduced to 1.5 hours.  Anyone with infant/toddlers probably are "busy."  Kids that are in school have too much homework.  Where has things fallen....? 

As the head of the household... I truly want to lead my family to Prayer Meeting.  Every week.  Be there at 730 sharp!  Get my kids use to praying... let them know this household is a house of prayer!  Yet....there are just so many obstacles... so many excuses... so many reasons not to go. 


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Family Altar - Day 3

Family Altar - Day 3

Still figuring out what to do exactly... so tonight... the heck with it... make them close their eyes and listen to me read Psalm.  Then I asked them what they heard and saw....

Could barely get through 7 verses without interruption.  SW kept on asking Mahmee (who had her eyes closed), "你做咩瞓覺呀?!"   And Nn couldn't stop giggling...

At the end of the 7 verses... asked Nn what she saw.

First she said she saw Jesus on the cross.... and bleeding...and he resurrected on the third day.

Then she said she saw God!!  And all His friends.... Matthew, Jonah, Noah, Adam, Eve....

So we went along with that and tonight's theme was, "We're all God's friends!!" Woohoo!!

Went through a round of blessings.... and that was all she wrote.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Family Altar - Day 2

Family Altar - Day 2

Rolled out of bed around 5AM this morning.... and still didn't have enough time to finish TWA.  Come Family Altar time... I was holding my journal not really sure what to discuss. Did a quick scan... and ran across the verse, "我們憑著耶穌的血,可以坦然無懼地進入至聖所。" 

So that was the theme for the night... because of Christ's blood, our sins are cleansed and we don't have to fear! 

Then Nn goes on a 3 minute theological rant on the whole story of salvation!!  Wow....

And just like the first night... I bless Nn.  She reluctantly, but fluently blesses Mahmee.  Mahmee blesses SW... and I get the anchor.  HA!  Let's keep this going!!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Family Altar - Day 1

Family Altar - Day 1

We dedicated that we'll set up our Family Altar and at 7PM every night, come together as a family to worship, pray and intercede.  Big words for a 4 and 2 year old... right?

Can't really do TWA with them just yet... maybe another year. 

So tonight, on our first night, I sat them down and told them a simple story -- the story of Abraham and how he listened and obeyed God. 

I then blessed Nn to obey God.
Then I asked her to bless Mah-mee.
Then Mah-mee blessed SW.
And finally...SW came and gave me a hug and repeated after me, "May God bless bah-bee...Amen."

First night... not even 5 minutes.  Let's see how this goes....

Tuesday, November 05, 2013


When did HDTV first become prominent? Mid-2000's??

Well...this week, Joyce and I finally found an antenna that works!!  We get all the basic cable channels....for free.... but now it's in HD!!  Man HD looks beautiful.  I kept finding nature shows.... sporting events... heck... even public television! 

The best things in life are free... but they're even "best-er" when it comes in HD....

Called AT&T and cancelled our cable... $20 a month in savings!! Boom!!

Sunday, November 03, 2013

Days gone by...

Couple weeks ago... I was out in SF visiting the folks.  I found an hour in between with nothing to do.. so I decided to take an aimless stroll through Chinatown.  And my legs instinctively led me back to Sts. Peter and Paul.

The towering spirals could be seen from blocks away.  The whiff of marinara and Italian pastry flooded my nostrils as the sounds of the Muni stopping and going blended in with the laughing old men and the shrill of tourists.  It's been...oh.... 15 years since I've made this trek?

Walking past Washington Square, the panhandlers and the statues are all still there.  The façade of this church, this cathedral, hasn't changed one bit.  The same gargoyles...the same inscriptions...the same mass schedule.

I made a quick stop inside the church.  Everything... the same.  I didn't genuflect when I walked up the middle aisle as I was so accustomed to doing the first 18+ years of my life.  I ambled around the church like a tourist... inspecting, finding, scavenging for each relic and hidden gem.  Once again... nothing has changed.  The priest sits in the same chair... the very same one.  The altar boys...same kneelers. The candles... constant. 

I saw the sacristian come out to prepare for the 12:15PM mass.  He's changed.  It was once Frank... then Bill.  I don't recognize this man anymore.

Time to go... I walked past the huge playground and saw a bunch of kids running out during recess.  Hmmm... no longer are the kids 90% Asian.  It's now predominantly white...with a sprinkle of color.  What happened???

I stood there, probably longer than I should have, looking like a pedophile wannabe.  When all along... I was just thinking of the days gone by.....

Friday, November 01, 2013

西藥頭, 中藥尾


但外父好心買咗樽"穿心蓮"比我,個合話係美國製造。我上望搵吓間公司,完來係批發家私㗎噃。 比著係你,你食唔食呢?

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Annual collapse of the body...

Two years ago... Hand Foot Mouth.
Last year... return of Hand Foot Mouth.

This year... it was gonna hit sooner or later.  When Rachel came down with the flu two weeks ago, I was especially careful, taking extra precaution by taking Airborne, etc...

But starting last Thursday, I already felt it in throat.  Friday, I started coughing.  Saturday, the fever hit.  Sunday, it went to 100.  Monday went up to 104!!  I was so cold I was buried under a mountain of sheets, but at the same time, so hot I had two ice packs in my armpits.  Tuesday night... fever went down to a mild 102.  But my head was hurting so much I couldn't sleep a wink the entire night.  Wednesday comes around and I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't walk.... headache is still there.  I blame it on Caffeine withdrawal.... so I beg Joyce to go grab me a cup of coffee on the way home. 

Finally around 2pm, my fever breaks.  My head still hurts... my throat still aches.... my stomach is grumbling but I can't keep any food down. 

Oh the joys of NOT GETTING A FLU SHOT!?!?!??!?!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Good Samaritan(s)

Took the kids to a pumpkin patch today.  There was a gigantic inflatable slide there and SW naturally wanted to try it.  But he's so small...he can barely stand on an inflatable bounce house, let alone climb up that 45 deg ladder!  He didn't care...the world stood still for him...he disregarded the line of a dozen screaming kids behind him.

And out of nowhere... these two adorable girls, I'm thinking they were 8-9 yr old?  They slowly and surely helped SW up those final steps.  Holding him.  Lifting him.  Very patient....very loving.

They got so high I couldn't see them anymore.  And down they came!  Not only did SW slide down... that older girl was holding his hand the entire way.  (Awwww.....)  That smile on his face was blinding.  I couldn't help but run up and thank those two little girls.

Where was NN all this time??  She left SW behind...slid down herself...was having a wonderful time... until Daddy ripped a new one into her for ditching her little brother.  Geez!!!  That "joyous moment" from yesterday?!? Scratch that!!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

A joyous moment

It's Nui-nui's second season of Kidz Love Soccer... and at the end of every session... the coach will get the kids to scream, "KIDZ LOVE SOCCER" in unison and then hi-5 all the coaches and assistant coaches.  At the end of today's session... Nui-nui grabs Siu-Wah's hand and brings him with her.

Siu Wah is in seventh heaven! He gets to be with big sister and do big sister things!  And Nui-nui fits the role of the protective loving elder sibling perfectly. 

Bah-B and Mah-mee naturally starts shedding tears of joy. Hahaha.... our little ones are growing up.

Sunday, October 06, 2013

Act of Kindness

On our way to Costco...we saw a family of four sitting by the entrance.  The parents are probably my age... their two kids are probably 7 and 4.  The two kids were laughing, joking.  The mom sat their, stoic.  The dad held the simple sign - "Money, Food, or Job.  Please help." 

Joyce suggested we get them a chicken. 

As we exited, we dropped off the chicken... the dad said, "Thank you.  God bless you." 

So... is there a difference between a family of four vs. a shaggy looking drunk?  Yes...
Did the family really need to stoop so low as to use their kids to trigger an emotional response? I don't know...

Saturday, October 05, 2013

Finally found one....

Since I lost my sunglasses on our Hawaii trip in May... I haven't been able to find a replacement that fits.  Been using my Air Force Pilot glasses for the past 5 months.

Yesterday... finally located a pair at Nordstrom Rack.  $50 marked down to $15.  Nice!! 

I like cheap stuff... who am I kidding? I'm cheap... the kids will certainly bend or break them.  If not... I'll lose it and need to find another pair.  Only now... I know here to go look!

I cried...again

Currently reading Hillary Clinton's autobiography (in preparation for her 2016 run haha).  And I started weeping uncontrollably when I got to the part where her father was reluctant to give her away to Bill Clinton on their wedding day.

I started thinking... what I would do when the day comes that I have to give Nn's hand away in marriage.  I don't think I'll be able to do it.... :*(

Thursday, October 03, 2013

Ohhhh soooo jealous

Was flying red-eye to Philly, hoping to catch some sleep during the 5 hour flight since I had a long day ahead.  Next two me sat a mother and daughter... 6 year old maybe?

Within 5 minutes of taking off...they were snoring away.  And for the rest of the night... I kept on staring at them... green with envy, dying with jealousy..... begging, praying, hoping... that I too can just fall asleep.

But I left the neckpillow in the car and my seat didn't recline.

Monday, September 30, 2013

I cry...

Ever since that fateful day on my birthday... I find myself crying over the weirdest things. 

Is it old-age? Is it mid-life crisis?  Read some where that crying is an psychological state of mind that brings emotional relief.  In the most absurd and roundabout way... maybe I'm trying to find some "joy" in my life...and the only way of finding that joy is by crying.  As weird as it sounds... it almost makes sense.

So am I crying cuz I'm sad....? Or am I crying cuz I'm happy? 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Change is hard...

Been about 3 weeks since that decisive day that I need to change jobs... change career... change my lifestyle.  It's tough! Especially for someone as driven as me.

It's hard to get into work a little later than before.  And to leave work a little earlier than before. (I still get my 40+ hours in, don't worry).  But the days in the past where I toil and toil... gotta start weaning away.  It ain't easy!!  I'm still blessed/cursed with the responsibility that I have to do my best at anything I do.  I guess I get that from dad....

Life at home has gotten a lot better - exponentially.  Can't remember the last time Joyce and I got into a fight.  The other day... Nn spilled her breakfast and she didn't hesitate to tell me. That means she's not scared of disappointing me... which means I haven't ripped a new one into her for the smallest things.  SW is still scared of me.  He very much prefers mah-MEE.  In due time, I guess.

But I have to admit... this is a struggle.  I'm giving up high achievements to be at home more.  I'm giving up the satisfaction of knowing I work harder than anyone else.  I'm giving up control of my job... and to realize that the company/program CAN survive without me. 

This is all hard to do... hard to accept.  Hard to accept the fact that... I can be insignificant.  Maybe it's an ego thing.  Maybe it's a reality check.  I don't know.  In the end... I think it'll be worth it. 

Sunday, September 08, 2013

Best day of your life...worst day of your life

In the movie City Slickers, there's a famous scene where the three leading characters each go through the "Best Day..." in their lives.

Daniel Stearn starts with his best day being his wedding day.  How he's grown up... no longer a screw up... and his dad, gave him a *wink*.  Then for his worst day...he says every day since has been a tie.

Then it was Billy Crystal's turn.  His best day was his first Yankees game.  And then his worst day..... ohhhhhh mannnnnn....

Turned out to be a great day.  But the whole day leading up to the point was the worst.  Joyce and I just experienced it this past week.

It might not be the worst day of our lives.  We've had worst... I can fathom.  But man... this certainly comes darn close.

As for the best day.... I'd really have to think about that.  

Monday, August 26, 2013

Ahhhh sh*t.......

I don't normally swear... but sometimes... that's all the words that comes out.... "Ahhhhhh sh*t....."

Last night at nursery, while we were helping out, a 10 month old boy had a little accident while playing around.  He fell and started bleeding from the mouth.  That was right when mom walked in...and anecdotally... she bursted into tears.  Tears of sadness...tears of fear... tears of pain.

What parent wouldn't cry when seeing their precious child bleeding?!?!?!?

It took almost an hour... but we finally calmed the situation down.  And we thought everything was fine.  Until today... we received an email that the parents took the baby to ER and found out that the tissue between the lips and gum is permanently torn.  And now the parents are afraid there'll be speech impediments or other side effects.

That's right.... "Ahhhhhh sh*t......"

To top it off.... the parents are soon-to-be-believers.  What will this situation do to their view of our church??  Man....what have we done?

Joyce puts it perfect.  "Logically, we know it's an accident.  But the feeling of guilt is suffocating."  And right now... I'm still suffocating.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

What you see vs. What you get

A dear friend of ours came up to me and made mentioned that Nn has really changed recently... in becoming more open and gregarious...

This isn't the first time someone's brought that up to us... but we (Joyce and I) simply don't get a chance to observe it.  Rumor has it, whenever we're NOT around, Nn is actually a warm, confident, extrovert!!  But when we're around... she clams up and hides in her shell.

Confirming my theory... this dear friend offered up that perhaps the child is in fear of disappointing her parents.  That Joyce and I (really me...) have set too high of expectations for her, insofar as she has this inherent fear of disappointing us; or failing in front of us.  Rather than heed that embarrassment or ridicule by her sarcastic father... she rather hid inside her cave and play it safe. 

Oh boy.... what have I done?

SW probably won't have this problem... he's just two, but he's already off in his own world.  He can care less about what we think or what we say.  He just goes about his own business with the goal of pleasing one person, himself. HA!!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Wake Up Call

Of all the days... it happened on my birthday.

Monday night, Nui-nui says, "Bah-bee...can you come home earlier?"
Tuesday... I told her I'll be home early so we can go to dinner.  I run late...
Then on WednesdayI... I tried to leave work early to spend time with the fam... nope.
I was suppose pick up dinner... and I get home super duper late.  Not only am I late...the fam is starving.

That night, Joyce tells me:

Nui-nui drew a picture the other day.  She drew me...drew Siu Wah...drew herself. I asked her, where's Bah-bee.  And she says, "Bah-bee is not home.  He's at a meeting." 

Bah-bee is not home.

This is a wake up call.  I need to change jobs. Career is worthless compared to family.  There are those who can swing and balance both.... I can't.

Is even still up and running?

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


過去十八歲 沒戴錶 不過有時間
夠我 沒有後顧 野性貪玩
霎眼廿七歲 時日無多 方不敢偷懶

然後突然今秋 望望身邊應該有已盡有
我的美酒跑車相機金錶 也講究
直到世間個個也妒忌 仍不怎麼富有
用我尚有換我沒有 其實已用盡所擁有

*曾付出 幾多心跳
來換取 一堆堆的發票
人值得 命中減少幾秒 多買一隻錶
秒速捉得緊了 而皮膚竟偷偷鬆了
為何用到盡了 至知那樣緊要*

勞力是無止境 活著多好 不需要靠物證
就算搏到 伯爵那地位和蕭邦的雋永
賣了任性 日拚夜拚 忘掉了為甚麼高興

還剩低 幾多心跳
連自己 亦都分析不了 得到多與少
也許真的瘋了 那個倒影多麼可笑
靈魂若變賣了 上鏈也沒心跳

銀或金都不緊要 誰造機芯一樣了
計劃了照做了得到了 時間卻太少
還剩低幾多心跳 還在數趕不及了
在時計裡看破一生 渺渺

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Best things in life are....FREE?

Don't we all love things that are FREE? As much as we enjoy the WHAT... I think we constantly disregard the WHY.  Sometimes, it's truly the WHY that makes the "free", the best thing in life.

Take Tam's Cafe in Cupertino.  Joyce and I frequent that place for breakfast once or twice a month for the past several years.  One time... we went for lunch instead of breakfast... and the waiter brings us each a cup of milk tea.  My initial respond, "We didn't order any wor..."  thinking the waiter got it wrong.  He simply smiled and walked away.  WOW.... what a guy.

Take my cross country flight this past week.  On my way to Baltimore, I was upgraded to first class.  My flight attendant took very good care of me... and I made certain to return a smile.  The next day... I was on my way home... and upon boarding, I saw him again!  This time I didn't get an upgrade to first class.  But after we got our drinks back in economy, my flight attendant comes strolling down the aisle... I didn't take notice until he stops at my row... and pushes a glass of white wine towards me.  The exact thing I ordered while I was sitting in first class the day before.  He smiles... and walks away.

Oh boy did that wine make the flight go smoother...

Friday, August 09, 2013


I love hosting... I love planning... I love taking folks around town. But man!!! Can they drive me nuts!!!!

I had everything planned out. 
Breakfast... Mystery Spot... Lunch.... Coffee... Great Mall... Dinner. 
And I knew things will get messed up, so I had backup plans B and C.  Boy were my plans mediocre.
The 10AM breakfast became a 11:45 lunch! What's worse.... we sat their at Saigon waiting for them for 45 minutes, hogging a big table, while the line stretched around the block.  When they finally came, I naturally get shoved into the corner.  The guys sitting by the aisle didn't order any food!!  What's the point of lunch?!?  I got so fed up... I ordered a plate of chow fun.  Then it took over 30 minutes to get my plate of chow-fun.... and it came after I cancelled it.  Ok...whatever!!  Next.

We cancel the Mystery Spot and head to the Great Mall.  Sure, I expected this.  But the caravan got lost, we ended up splitting up.  One of the driver missed an exit and I had to drive and rescue him.   

Whatever... it happens.

At the mall... all they wanted to do was walk in circles.  No stores.  No shopping.  Even when they walk by a toy store, they won't stop and let poor little Howard to play.  Is that their point of vacation??? Walk aimlessly around in circles??

Finally... time to leave and head off for a cup of coffee.  We caravan again...everything is fine and dandy when I get a call from Joyce who was suppose to pick up nn.  "I got lost...can you go pick up nn???" 

Ok....fine.  I ditch the family at Philz without even ordering for them. happens. 

Finally got to the coffee shop.  And once again,  I make the biggest mistake ever.  I ask everyone, "Are you hungry?"  "No...." 

WTH... .we barely had any lunch.  We walked and drove around all day.  And no one is hungry?!?!?Or are they just being overly a point of pissing me off!!!!

I said...forget it.  I'm making the executive call here.

I tell Joyce, let's go somewhere local.  She says no.... let's go somewhere far.  I nearly blow my gasket, "I don't want folks to get lost again... and I have to end up driving and rescuing people!!!!"

She capitulates.  And once again... the native San Jose doesn't even know how to get to Lawrence and El Camino from Cupertino.  What has the iPhone done to us??????????

We caravan again.... and luckily, no one got lost this time.  I called ahead of time to reserve a table, thankfully.

But once again.... I end up sitting at the very far corner of the table where I can't access the waiters and waitresses.  I can't pay.  I can't serve food for everyone.  I was... helpless.  Useless.  Futile.  And who sits on the outside that the waitress tries to converse with? The same guys who didn't order any food at dim sum.

I didn't even bother asking people what they wanted to eat.  I just ordered.  Then.....

Drove me nuts.... watching the rest of them fumble around with things.  Especially those who wanted to take a million pictures with their iPhones....then iPads.... then take a video.  Then have to show everyone on the table what they just took.  All the while disregarding the waitresses and busboys trying to get their job done.

At the end of the night.... everyone just wanted to sit there and sit there and sit there.  C'mon guys.  Let's get done with our food and leave!!!  The restaurant has a train of people waiting to sit down.  No.... I'm full, but i'm gonna keep poking at my food. 

Then I nearly got into a fight with my aunt with taking home leftovers.  Half a bowl of rice here.... half a bowl of rice there.... two halves make a whole bowl!!!  Well... by that time, I was out of patience.  I flat out said, "no... if i bring it home, it's going straight to the garbage can."  Must've pissed her off too..... cuz I know they hate wasting food.  But is it a waste...or is it bad for your own stomach trying to stuff so much food down?!!?!

Finally... everyone slowly gets up.  But they stand up not to leave.... but to stand and talk and admire the leftover plates.  C'mon.............. leave people!!!!!!

Now it's time to go home.  No one understands half the sh*t I'm sayin about direction.

Just stick a finger in my eye already.... it'll feel much better than this.

Tuesday, August 06, 2013


主日崇拜...某首歌曲的歌詞深深打動了我, 導致我熱盈汪我們總是在談論與神同行,即使在最黑暗的時間,神不離不棄與你同在。但耶穌被釘十字架的時候,當他擔當了我們所有的罪,過去,現在和將來,不能與他同在。他真正獨自一人,孤單孤單上路孤單孤單背我罪 。 

耶穌愛我, 甚至完全分開。Does that bring you to tears?

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Travel woes

In Florida for a few days for work... and boy is it NOT California.

Best story of the trip....

One day... it was in the low 90's, hot and muggy.  I go to the beach and enjoy an afternoon there.

I go back to the hotel to nap... since I was gonna be on the grave shift.  Wake up to a thunderstorm.  An amazing storm it was. 

When driving into work that night.... I find out I left a crack open in my window and my car was flooded.  CRAP!!!!  Wasn't the weather picturesque earlier the day????? 

What's worse.... I get my one and only jacket soaking wet.  And in the office... the AC is amazingly strong.

So I go to Target to find a sweatshirt or windbreaker.  NOTHING!!! Everything is short sleeves or tank tops. 
I go to Walmart - same thing.  And there isn't a mall within a 20 mile radius of where I worked. 

I get into work to share my war story (while freezing my knickers off) and lo and behold... my coworker told me he did the same thing.  Only....he found a sweatshirt at Target.... the one and only..... XL.... in the women's department!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Florida - the armpit of America.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Finding a church... when did it get so complicated???

I'll say it... I'm a Protestant.  I'm not a Catholic... therefore, I must be a Protestant, right?  I can hide behind the term "Evangelical Christian", but in the end, it is what it is.  Not a big fan of that word.... even though it's just a label. 

And as a Protestant.... one of the most complicating things is finding a church!  I've seen people come and go at our church.  Church Hopping or Church Shopping as one would call it.  And too many a times... including my recent trip to Florida... I've had problems finding a church.

Go to google. 
Search for "church." 
Too wide of a search (Presbyterian? United Chuch? Baptist? Methodist? Pentacostal?....)
Narrow the search....
Hope for a website.... no website... no chance.
Check out website.... what kind of church is it?
Is it an all-white church? all-black? all-Asian? Mix?
What kind of worship....traditional, contemporary?
Do I have to dress up? Can I go in jeans?
What are the times...? Does it work for me?
Don't like mega churches... but don't like small churches, cuz I'll have to talk to people.

In the end... I come across a website.  The background is a guy with a guitar.  (contemporary - great!)  The website even says, "You can dress up....or dress casual.  All are welcomed." 

I get there.... I feel welcomed. I can blend in, cuz the Associate Pastor is Filipino.  There's a drumset, electric guitar, bass and keyboard.  Folks of all ages.

Ok...time for worship.  Great...can I clap?? Can I raise my hand?? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

Why's it so complicated!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!

As a Catholic... you find a church.  You find the time.  You show up.  You know exactly what's gonna happen.  The liturgy doesn't change....even if you're in a different country!! It's formulaic.  So much simpler.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Blood thicker than water...

As much as we don't want to use the word, Nui-nui is indeed shy.  It takes her a huge amount of effort to say "hi" to folks - even people she sees week in and week out.  We coax, we threaten, we plea.... just to get her to break out of her shell.  Eventually... she'll warm up to you and be the ever warm and jolly kid.  But it takes awhile....

But for whatever reason.... every time Nn sees mom or big bro... she doesn't hesitate to warm up. 

Case in point... big bro visits once or twice a year? At most? But last time when he came over for a brief visit... Nn sees him walk through the door and immediately smiles and waves.. welcoming him. 

The other night during dinner, Nn wanted to sit next to Grandma... and she enjoyed the entire evening laughing and playing with Mah-mah. 

Alas... blood is thicker than water. 

Sunday, July 07, 2013

"You've Got Mail..."

Spent last night watching the 1998 classic "You've Got Mail", starring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan.  Back when we had cable... I'll always stay on it whenever it came up on TBS or TNT.  Those days are long gone.  Anyhoo.... it's funny how 15 years ago, a movie was made about how big corporate stores were demolishing mom & pop shops like "The Little Bookstore Around the Corner."  Or back in SLO, "The Novel Experience."  15 years later... I'm waiting for a movie where these giant corporate stores are forced to close due to online shopping. 

I wonder if those stores that were forced to close chuckled every time they see an empty "Borders" and soon to close "Barnes and Noble."  What do they call that...? Vindication?

Saturday, July 06, 2013

Horrible Parent

Just realized...once again...that I'm a horrible parent.  At Nn's first soccer practice... I was that parent who wouldn't let go of her hand.  The coaches even said it's ok for parents to run with the kids the first day.  So that's what I did... I wanted to make sure she felt comfortable.  But after the first 10 minutes... Nn still wouldn't let go.  I got that cold, icy look from Joyce.  So I gave up and said... "Fine... you ditch your daughter.  I want no part in this."  And I took SW and walked away to the swings. 

I come back 5 minutes later.. and Nn was off on her own with mom on the sideline cheering.  How did she do it?? I don't know... but I just know that I'm a horrible parent... HA!

Man of Steel

First time in 3 years that we've gone to a movie theater... this time to watch Man of Steel.  For whatever reason, I'm much more attracted to Superman than other superheroes... including the all-popular Batman.  Can probably write a whole blog post on "Why Superman is my favorite superhero." 

Best thing about the film isn't so much Clark and his struggles with his identity.  But the farmers in Kansas who knew no better. 

Quite touching is the scene where Ma Kent runs to school to save a young Clark in distress.  And only the soothing voice of a mother can reach a young boy locked in a broom closet... trapped in a forest of uncertainties.  Not a friend... not a father... but only a mom. 
Or the amazing line spoken by Pa Kent, "We've done our best....and maybe our best isn't good enough."  as a young Clark was being a typical rebellious youngin'.  He surrenders... he gives up... he knows his limits... and they're all so true.  Just as I see myself telling my kids the same thing in umpteenth year from now.

Hopeless.... helpless... that's not just the feelings going inside the head of a growing teenager.  It's exactly what parents are going through every minute...every day.

Now Jor-El.... that was a bit over the top.  Stick with Marlon Brando please....

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Just found out tonight that there's been a misunderstanding.  Not just any misunderstanding... but one that's so deep, so intimate, so personal... yet... so oblivious to us. 

Four years now... it's been four years.  She thought one thing.  I thought another. 

I went back in time... I looked at history to find evidence.  And in the end... it doesn't matter.  Regardless of what the evidence says, I can't get those past four years back.  The thorn that's been lodged in this relationship for four years will forever leave a mark.  Never again, will it be the same. 

Am I glad I found out about this misunderstanding? I don't know... ignorance is bliss, right?

Makes me sick to the stomach...

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Altar Boys...Altar Girls....Altar Servers

It's been years since I've stepped foot in a Catholic Church.  The last service I went to was Cathleya's baptism... and I think Nn may have just been born if not still in the womb.  The last full-up mass I remember going to was probably Chris and Mel's wedding (lo and behold...Cathleya's parents!)

A few weeks ago... Mark invited us to Gabriel's baptism.  I got there a bit early ( was right on time per the invite) and the previous mass just ended.  As I stood in the baking sun waiting for the parishoners to depart so we can enter.... out streamed a marching band of neatly dressed, uniformed altar servers.  Being unbiased with agenda... they were all girls.  Each and everyone. 

A girl held the cross.  A bunch of girls followed with torches and candles.  Then a girl walked behind them holding a book.  Where were the boys?!? 

Knights of the we referred to ourselves.  It was once a glory...and honor to dawn the cassock and surplice.  For me, personally, I truly thought serving a priest was serving Jesus.  I genuinely felt that I was much closer to Jesus and the tabernacle....the bread and wine...than the common folks who sat in the pews. 

It's been around 18 years since the melo-dramatic departure of big bro and I from SSPP.  And throughout the years... I sometimes think back and realize... I was just a pawn in the whole chessmatch.  I was too young and naive to really have stance.  And without the passion or tendency... I didn't really fight one way or another.  It was just...the thing to do, to oppose authority.  But was it really worthed...was it really the correct thing to do? I think deep down... the answer is No...and Heck No.  I think I was mislead... misguided with my agenda misaligned.  It's not about us... it's not about this little fraternity.  It's about serving God, giving Him all the glory, and at the same time...being submissive to our ordained leaders. 

A lot has happened in 18 years.  The whole Catholic Priest sex scandal.... my own maturing and conversion to Evangelical Christianity (still can't bring myself to say I'm a protestant...HA!)... realization that tweenage girls actually are better suited for mass and serving... and the fact that nobody cares.....

If only time travel were real..... if only.....

Monday, June 17, 2013

UN-Happy Birthday!!!!

It was around 12:15AM.... I'm sitting in the living room couch reading and turning down when I hear Nui-nui's door open.  Then I see a pair of shimmering and sparkling eyes.... followed by an enormous moon-crescent grin.  "I see it..." Nui-nui whispers.... and she points with her tiny fingers at the princess bike sitting in the middle of the living room.  15 minutes into being 4 years old.... and she found her birthday present. 

Joyce was happily sleeping she missed that moment.  And from that point on.... it was downhill from there. 

We both took the day off spend the day with Nn. 

But around 5:30AM.... Nn wakes up vomiting her dinner out.  It was all over her bed and her clothes.  We clean her up...and she felt good enough to down her breakfast.

So instead of San Francisco Zoo... we stay local and go to Happy Hollow.  The entire morning... the only thing Nn wanted to do was ride her new bike.  But we kept toying with her...trying to surprise her with Happy Hollow.  We finally got there and Nn was cordially surprised.  Maybe she's old enough to know it's polite to act surprise??

Her one favorite ride was broken.  I forced her onto a ride she got really scared of.  And she was tired from not sleeping well.  By 1130AM, we were done.  We left Happy Hollow and headed for lunch, but Nn fell asleep in the car.  Moments later... she threw up all over herself. 

We didn't have any extra clothes....except for one of Siu Wah's onesies.  So we cleaned her up... made her wear a onesie as a t-shirt and went to lunch. 

During lunch... before the food arrived... she made me run to the bathroom again... where she hurled all over the bathroom floor.  I ended up cleaning up the men's room bathroom floor.  Ewwwwww....... Thinking she was better, we gave her some porridge. 

We get home...Nn lies down in bed...and within minutes...she barfs all over herself again.  Emptying the porridge she just ate.  This goes on and on for about 3 more times.  We had it.... time to take her to her pediatrician.

And that's how Nn spends her 4th birthday.... drenched in her own vomit while sitting in a doctor's office.
The weird thing was...everything she threw up, she was as lively as any normal 4 year old.  So she wasn't exactly sick... she just couldn't keep down any solids.

Poor baby... she blew out the candles on her birthday cake.  But the cake went right back into the fridge.  What else does a kid look forward to other than cake???? sigh....

That night... Grandma...Grandpa...and surprisingly... Dai Bak came to visit.  I guess the night ended well on a high note.  But what an UN-Happy Birthday.

Sunday, June 09, 2013

That's why I don't do Children Ministry...

I love children.  I totally respect teachers, care-givers, educators.  I see every child at our church as my own children... we are one family.  But I'm just not cut out to be a full time children ministry servant.  There was a time and there may be a time... but geez.... you give me a bunch of obnoxious brats and I will discipline them.

Hey... I've been there.  I know the joy of being class make everyone laugh to gain attention... to "have fun" on a Saturday night. Maybe on any other Saturday night.  But not when Teacher Henry has you for 30 minutes.

Driving home last night, I was wondering if the kids will complain to their parents who will complain to our administrators... And they'll dis-invite me from serving in the future.  I wonder....

Friday, June 07, 2013

Mind your own soy sauce!!

There are these unwritten rules in life... where common courtesy over-reaches into rudeness.

Don't look at my wife for more than 3 seconds. I know she's a hottie.. that's why she's my wife.

Don't add cream and sugar into my coffee.  Let me ruin my own cup of perfectly good java.

Don't pour soy sauce into my sushi dish.  When I eat sushi... I'm not dipping into soysauce, but rather a wasabi paste with a bit of soy sauce.  Ok... now if you so cordially pour a dish full of soy sauce for me... I'm left with eating "soy sauce fish...." or you just forced me to use up all the wasabi. So now I'm the one that looks rude.  C'mon....

Just a few nits....

Monday, June 03, 2013

Another one of those moments....

Last time... it was watching Nui-nui brush her teeth.... this time it was watching mommy give her a shower.  Why does it always happen in the bathroom?

As she's standing there....fighting to keep the water out of her eyes.... it suddenly hits me how tall she is now. 

And I say to her, "囡囡呀,可唔可以唔好大得咁快啊可唔可以做我嘅小囡囡?"
She replies, "大得咁快因為我食好多野我會好似你咁高!"

Can't argue there...  So I turn around and walk out...knowing full well my little princess will never be that precious child captured on my iPhone.  That's when I hear Nui-nui scream, "It's Ok Bah-Bee....  大個咗都係你個囡囡. 永遠都係你嘅囡囡, Ok??"


Monday, May 27, 2013

Count your blessing... count your change Part II

So this time... I used the credit card, thinking there'll be no way there'll be a mistake!  Oh how naive I was....

At a particular Seattle based multi-franchised coffee shop... I swung by for a quick coffee and cake pop on my way up to the city.  They guy punched in the numbers, swiped my card.... but as he was handing it back to me, he readily admitted, "Oh sorry sir... I charged you for the wrong thing!  Lemme back it out." 

Well...the story goes, he caught his mistake, unlike the other lady.  But me...being in a hurry, asked, "What did you charge me for?"   "A Coffee cake."  "I'll take a coffee cake... just charge me again for the cake pop."

Wait a minute.... it was his mistake.... but here I am spending an extra $2.50?!?!? 

Rookie mistake on my part... hahaha.... Patience.  It's that one fruit of the HS that never seems to bear itself.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Count your blessings... Count your change

Went to Ranch 99 and bought a half Roast Duck. Decided to pay in cash for once. I like paying with credit card cuz it's easier on everyone.

But when I got  the change from the lady... I did some quick math in my head... Then made a quick glance at the coins. Something wasn't right.  Instead of $3.59.... I got back $3.19. Upon further study... She gave me three nickels, and 4 pennies instead of 2 quarters, a nickel and 4 pennies.

"Oh... Sorry sir."

Honest mistake??? Hrmmm... Why can't I shake the feeling that they've tried this honest mistake hundreds of times.

Call me petty... Just don't forget to count your daily blessings and ur daily change.  Or stick with plastic.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

"There's a lot of beauty in ordinary things..."

"...isn't that kind of the point?"

After 9 years, the Office comes to an end. 

I remember hating the commericials for the show.  I thought the stars on the show were ugly.  The concept was stupid.  The setting was dumb. 

But a few years ago....when Nui-nui was first born... and we had Netflix and sleepless nights and days.... I decided to randomly give it a shot.  That got me hooked.  Then I caught the episodes of Pam and Jim's wedding.  Then it was over. I caught every sindicated show. I went online to watch every episode I can find.  (had to reformat a few laptops along the way... HA!!)

But I have to say...those final 3 seasons were hard to watch.  As Geoff would put it... "You'd watch it in hopes of catching that one funny moment." 

And in the wasn't the funny moments that you take away.  But the tears...tears of joy.  Tears of separation.  Tears that you will never be able to find those 9 years again. 

There was nothing special about the show, really.  But as Pam puts it in her final swan-line, "There's a lot of beauty in ordinary things...isn't that kind of the point?"

Monday, April 29, 2013

A blessing in disguise

Last Saturday, a friend of from the East Coast came to California for an Awards Night Banquet.  He and I aren't really close... but we have gone through some "good times" together.  So we've bonded over the years.  He really wanted to bring his wife with him...and he received his award.  And as such, they wanted to fly their 4 month out with them.  He asked me via email if I knew of any babysitters who can watch their kid for them during the 3 hour dinner/banquet/award presentation.  I promptly said, "Yes... ME!!!!" 

So here I was....with a 4 month old.  She's on east coast time, so supposedly, she should be sleeping through the night.  Right....WRONG!!!!!!!!!!

Oh my goodness..... she did well for the first 2 hours, but around 9PM, for no reason whatsover, she started bellowing and screaming and hollering.  Joyce tried to calm her down.  Didn't work.  All the techniques I used to quiet Nn and Sw down did NOT work.  After about 20 minutes of torture (for the entire family, and the infant), I was going to call my friend to come pick her up.  But his party ended at 10PM.  I needed to come through for my friend. "C'mon!!! I'm a professional parent!!!"

Out of desparation.... I buckled the baby into the car seat and started to swing the car seat - all 30+ pounds.  My arms ached.  My back hurt.  I was dripping in sweat.  But the only thing that mattered was.... she stopped crying!  Then slowly but surely, I laid down the car seat and started rocking her back to sleep.  She wasn't asleep, totally, but she was calm. 


Around 9:50, I strapped her into my car and drove her to the Hyatt and dropped her off at my friend's hotel.  The only thing I told them was, "She woke up for a bit... I rocked her back to sleep." 

I got home.... and Joyce said, "Thank you.  Now I'm absolutely sure I do not want another one.  Good night." 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

A parenting moment...

Had a wonderful and memorable parenting moment this evening... and I wasn't even involved in it.

I was watching from the hall....(more like spying)... on Nui-nui brush her teeth. There she stood, in her PJ's, on the IKEA stool, squeezing her tube of toothpaste.  Only... she squeezed a bit too hard and out squirts a blob of toothpaste dripping off and running down the side.

I could've walked up and yelled at her.  I could've gone up and cleaned it for her.  But I didn't feel like moving.  I continued observing... and I see Nn use her tooth brush to scoop up some of the overflowed gob of goop.  She carefully balances the the toothbrush on her cup of water.  Then stretches out and turns on the faucet.... and starts rinsing the mouth of the toothpaste.  Cleaning it.  Wiping it.  After the tip of the tube if spotless... she turns the faucet off.  Puts the cap back on.  And starts brushing her teeth.

She turns around.... sees me looking.... and says, "Bah-bee.  I cleaned it." 

And while wiping the tears away from my eyes... I can only say, "Good girl."

That's my girl.... she's 4.  But shes grown up now....she can clean her own mess.  And she'll even admit to it. 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Now you see it... now you don't...

For four days... I've been searching for my remote control.  High and low... near and far... I've looked and couldn't find it.  What is a man, without his remote?  I've gotten to a point where I would not watch TV, cuz I have to walk to turn it on. 

Four days.  Where did Siu Wah hide it? inside his toys? inside some random box? inside the secret compartment to the secret drawer in his secret hiding spot? 

Four days later.... I pull open the drawer on my coffee table to look for something else and there it was.  Only, it was the back side (gray) instead of the top side (black with all the buttons).  It was there allllllll along.... right under my nose.... the same drawer I've pulled opened dozens of time the past four days.  How'd I miss it.....?

Sunday, April 07, 2013

Opening Day 2013

Who was gonna raise the flag?  The best kept secret since they announced the winner of Survivor.

It sure got dusty when Boch walked in from the centerfield gate with the trophy.  Then as the SFFD pulled up in McCovey Cove with the banner... and the fans hoisted the banner onto the field, the dust turned into mist.  And as the six players took the flag and ran up the brick walls... it really started getting wet.  Then finally... with Queen blasting on the speakers, with the words "We are the Champions" echoing off the walls... and as the players took turn hoisting the flag as a team.... the tears finally rolled.

Opening Day... it's like no other.  Especially... when you're Opening as Defending Champs.  And best of all... I got to see it with my wife. (who earlier in the day... went on a shopping spree at Anthropologie.  So we all win!)

Monday, April 01, 2013

Brief moments in time...

Been a while since I've had the inspiration to write.... so this will be just snapshots of brief moments in time....

  • took Nui-nui to the beach on Friday....found myself having more fun building a sandcastle than her.  (another GREAT Father-Daughter Day)
  • waiting in the car to pick up the ladies when I pulled out my phone and snapped a photo of Siu-Wah.... and realizing how much he's grown in the past month.  He has hair!!!
  • 7 years ago.... calling, driving and picking up a college student seemed like nothing.  But having her mention that in her testimony makes me once again realize, every little, insignificant motion can be used by God for His glory.
  • being a 2nd child is tough
  • on a random day.... on a random road.... I was thinking, "Dang....why didn't they hand it to Gore for that last 5 yard!??!"  Yep.... still peeved about the Superbowl.
  • I love the theme song to 天蠶變.
  • Two close friends' moms being diagnosed with cancer within a week of one another.  Sheeeesh.
  • It took almost two years... but Siu Wah is finally taking a liking to books.  Shouldn't compare to Nui-nui.... but she took a liking to books when she was around 1.  Is that why their speech development is so different? 
  • gave my iPhone4 to mom.  She was like a kid in a candy store.
  • Jeff had his annual birthday bowling bash...and this time we made it. 
  • without proof of seeing or hearing... I know that my wife is praying for me.  Otherwise, I wouldn't be who I am today.  And she will never admit to it...or take credit for it. 
April is here.... wow.  That was three months?!?

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Generational sins

Another reality check hitting us smack in the face. At swimming class today, Nn found out her friend just came from their mutual friend's birthday party. Needless to say, Nn was disappointed she wasn't invited. Actually, she was more confused than anything.  Joyce said the most obvious answer and yet the hardest to bear answer.... it's that we don't know them very well. So my kid has to suffer due to her parent's inability to socialize.

 This especially hits us hard because Joyce and I are natural introverts. We don't mind not being part of the crowd or we would gravitate towards being alone (generally speaking). But by us bring our old selves... we're in retrospect impeding if not endangering Nn's social acumen.  So what does that mean? Prolly means we'll have to get chummy with the other parents toget Nn more inbolved.  Sigh.... the things we do for our kids....

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Pope Francis I

A new pope was elected and announced today... Pope Francis I, hailing from Argentina.  The first American (Latin American) pope. What can I say... once a Catholic, always a Catholic.  And this pope is extremely personable to me.  Francis.  Of all the names.... he picks Francis. 

Patron saint of San Francisco - the city where I grew up.
My own personal patron saint... I even chose "Francis" as my confirmation name.
Francis of Xavier founded the Jesuit society.  And my alma mater, Santa Clara University is a Jesuit college.

Pope Francis - living a life of meekness and humility; serving the poor.  Living in an apartment instead of the bishops home.  Cooks his own meals. Takes public transportation.  Slow to debate and lets his action speak for himself. 

At Vatican meetings.... loves to take the back far back as possible.  Speaks out against social injustice.  But also is known for making a wrong move here or there.

Definitely reasonate with his style. 

What does that mean for the Catholic church???  He's a 76 year old conservative with only 1 lung.  How much energy does he have left to right the wrong? To cleanse the years of scandals? To reunite the divided?

By his physical self... a few years.  By the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit..... who the heck knows.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Cuate.  In Spanish, it means "twin" or "twin brother." 

I have two cuates... both of which I met in college.  Both happen to be Mexican.  One cuate is in the Army, lives in the East Coast, happily married and we stay connected via social media.  We share the same birthday.

My other cuate... works for the same company I work at, but a different part of the corporation; a branch out of Colorado.  And by luck or happenstance, as I was walking out last Friday, I see him sitting in some random spot, doing some random work. 

I'm thinking.... ("Wait.... do I know this guy?? He looks familiar.... OMG.... it's........")


Hahah..... literally, seeing a long last family member.  The last time we saw each other was years ago when we went to a Giants game together. It's been almost 7 years.

Went to lunch with him yesterday.  And man..... he's a father of two, well established, approaching his mid-30's.... and he hasn't changed one bit.  Not one little, measly bit.  Same cuss words.  Same laff.  Same wide eyes.  Every last bit of him....the same.  Only... he put on some pounds and has a few extra wrinkles.

Makes me wonder.... have I changed??????  Hmmmmmm.......

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Up again

Woke up and felt really rested so I decided to shower and make breakfast... Only to realize it was 230AM!!

I tried to go back to sleep but it was fruitless... Fruitless after another night of guilt ridden sleep. Geez.... For Lent, we're fasting Anger and trying to not yell at Nn... But for the 2nd day in a row... I fall victim to my own rage and disappointment.  I stand in between two dichotomies... Either I spoil my kids and give them whatever they want .. Or I stand firm and let them get into their tantrums and fits and not bend.

Joyce is saying Nn needs security and needs to sense unconditional love.  But why do I think kids can  pick up on that and manipulate you?

What do I do? What would you do? And why can't I find the answer on Wikipedia?!?!

Friday, March 01, 2013

Simple act of kindness

What may seem like a simple act of kindness or an insignificant gesture of politeness can have herculean effects.

Take for instant... a story my dad told me.  He was a waiter in Chinatown many years ago.  And a stranger walked in looking troubled and disconcerted.  My dad naturally offered the man a glass of water...knowing full well he wasn't a paying customer.  The man gulped the water... and walked out.  Several weeks later...the man comes back and offers my dad a red envelope - thanking him.  Thanking him for saving his life.  Cuz that man was nearing cardiac arrest and at that moment... what he needed was a glass of water. 

Sometimes it's a smile.  Sometimes it's a hug.  Sometimes, it's opening your home and letting someone come in and feel loved. 

I thank you for the simple act of kindness. 

千里馬, 奔跑吧!

Monday, February 25, 2013

It was a fun day afterall...

(this has a good ending... read to the end)

Last week... I took a day off from work since Nui-nui didn't have school.  Decided to take her to San Jose's own Children Discovery Museum.  My gosh..... what a waste of hard earned money.  $5 for parking.  $12 for tickets....regardless of age.  After $29.... we get in there. 

The displays in there is a poor-man's version of SF's Exploratorium.  Except...all the exhibits are nothing more than 7th grade science experiment displays. 

There was the bubble exhibit.  Which kid doesn't like playing with bubbles?  Nui nui didn't.

There was the infamous water exhibit where kids are known to get wet.  Which kid doesn't like playing with water?!  Nui-nui didn't.

All the other exhibits.... Nui-nui wasn't interested in. 

The one thing that she was interested in.... the ambulance.  She kept wanting to get back into that thing. 

I didn't want to force her to play.... she's 3 afterall.  But I felt suckered for spending $29!!!!!

After 2 hours of stretching out what could've been 30 minutes.... we get to the parking lot.   Again... I gave away my parking ticket.  The first person I tried to flag down ignored me.... she probably thought I was a panhandler asking for money.  Sucks to be her!!!  I ended up giving it to a grandfather with his three grandkids.  WIN!!

So after a wet and unexciting day.... I go home and complain to the wife.  It was a bad day.... nothing like the last time we went to Happy Hollow.  I'm never going to CDM again. Blah blah blah.....

Next day.... as the wife was dropping Nui-nui off, she'll pray with Nui-nui.... and here was Nui-nui's prayer:

Nui-nui said: "尋日同爸B去museum, 多謝神"

Awwwwwwwwwwww..... that $29, it was all worthed.  And it was a fun day afterall.....

Sunday, February 24, 2013



馬雖然係駿馬, 係神駒。 但係都需要被伯樂點仲, 然後要經過多翻磨練, 栽培, 提拔, 要挨過無數嘅寒暑, 日積月累, 先有小小嘅成就。  百尺杆頭, 更進一步。 今日嘅成功, 唔代表它日得勝。 可憐隔離D百里馬, 十里馬。 夢寐難求都冇你百份之一嘅天份。努力啦千里馬!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Feast or Famine?

Here's a dilemma... you're hosting a party.  Would you out of food?? Or have sooooo much food leftover that it'll go to waste?

Such was the case tonight.... Don't even want to think too much about it. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Thought provoking

If you were me.... would you introduce your kids to your beloved sports teams?  I love sports... love the drama... love the thrill of victory.... and hate the agony of defeat. 

Am I going to be held responsible when my son or daughter experiences what I've been going through?  Or do I protect them while I can.....?

Monday, February 18, 2013

Perception is Reality

Sat down and got some feedback on the Action Learning Team from last year...from both the ELT and my teammates.

Unsurprisingly, the ELT gave me cheers and attaboys for being an excellent presenter, story teller and having a sense of humor.  As good as it felt to see and hear those words, it didn't do much for my growth other than boost my super-fragile ego.  *smirk*

The comments from my Advisors and Teammates were the "interesting" ones.

To some.... I came across as "arrogant" and "smart alec."  Hrm.... definitely not the first time I've heard that.  And it's probably true.  Coincidentally, a fellow manager told me that I was "cocky", but in a good way.  I guess depending on who your audience or group is.... it's just 10 different ways to look at one thing.

Another comment was.... my "sense of humor can mislead others to think I'm not serious."  Not sure where to go with that one... but I know I thrive on people laffing at my jokes.  And I generally find humor in almost all situations.  That's why Joyce hates watching horror flicks with me.... while half the theater is frightened or scared.... I find myself giggling. 

Quite a topical one was... "being funny in the wrong situation."  The example given was when we had to give a 10 second elevator speech to the Exec VP.  And instead of giving a canned, politically correct answer -- an answer that can be found on my resume -- my answer was sarcastic, funny, uneasy and off-the-cuff.  In my line-of-business, I guess that behavior is not tolerated with executives.  My response is.... because my business has been PC, canned, and formulaic... our execs DESERVE these types of answers. 

Bottom line, my coach told me, "Don't change who you are.  But be mindful of the situation."

And to all my adviors and friends who told the truth, albeit anonomously, I find the truth to be more enjoying and thought provoking than all those pat-on-the-back comments.  Really!!!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

I hate the world....

It's been two full weeks now.  And earlier this week, I just realized I've been in "eff-the-world" mode.

The sky seemed a little greyer.  The traffic seemed a little heavier.  The kids seemed a bit more annoying (ouch! did I say that?) My health got much weaker.  Everything that could go wrong.... did.  And anything that didn't go wrong... I looked at it as if it was hellacious regardless.

Last Sunday.... I found myself doing one of the most unthinkable things.  I went to church and "played along."  During worship... I raised my hand cuz it was the chorus.  I stood up and sat down with everyone.  During the altar call... I went out cuz it was the right thing to do.  Was physically there... but emotionally and spiritually absent. 

Why??? Why am I acting this way? Why???

This is gonna sound sooooooooooooooo stupid.  But it all started with the Superbowl.  Five friggin' yards.... Five friggin' yards have altered my entire being??  Nah.... that sounds too frivilous, even for a fanatic like me. I even went as far as to avoid sports media for the past two weeks.  No KNBR, no Sports Illustrated. No ESPN.  And coincidentally.... no Bay Area sports team have won a game since the penalty on the opening play!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I dunno.... chronologically it fits.  Can the cup be half full here?? Hrmmmm......

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Went to Buca Di Bepo for New Years Eve dinner... Knowing full well the Chinese restaurants will be packed. Ordered the spaghetti and meatball.... The meatball was literally the size if a baby's head. And poor nui nui got scared when she saw it. Ha!

Sunday, February 03, 2013

"Worse than 02??"

"Worse than 02 series?"  Those were the words that flashed on my phone when the final seconds tic'ed away and the Niners were not going to be hoisting the Lombardi Trophy.  I go back into the archives and dig up my post from when the Giants lost in 2002.

"I am out of words...." circa 2002 LiveJournal

How eerie.... you can simply replace some names for other names and the post will fit right in.  Only..... it doesn't. 

"Worse than the 02 series??"



Saturday, February 02, 2013

Over Favorites

Ok....this isn't good.

The whole world is picking the Niners to win tomorrow.  All the sportscasters and sports writers are saying the Niners are younger, more physical, has more weapons.

But it's this overconfidence that usually leads to an upset.  I don't have a good feeling about this.

Tomorrow night is gonna be a looooooooooooooooooong 3 hours.

Friday, February 01, 2013

Overthinking Overdreaming

Last night... I had a dream of the Superbowl.

First part of the dream was the 49ers returning a kickoff.  The kick returner did a stupendous job...but was stopped around the 10 yard line.  But for his effort...the Niners was awarded 5 points!!!

It gets weirder.... the second part of the dream... I was actually a wide receiver on the Niners.  And Kaepernick was throwing me a TD pass.... only the ball suddenly become a paper airplane that floated to me.  I barely made a shoestring catch. It went to instant replay... and to be honest, I wasn't sure I caught it. 

But moments later...I saw the score: 10-0.  Woohoo!! I caught that "pass." 

Hahaha.... can't wait till Sunday.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

3 days more...

"3 days more... another day another destiny...this never ending road to New Orleans..."

Oh geez.... haven't even blogged on the Niners season.  As big a Giants fan that I am, I'm twice a Niners fan.  Can't help it... that's the sport I grew up loving.  Montana, Clark, Craig, Rice....then later Young, Rice, Brent Jones, Watters.  To some extent.... Garcia, TO... and then the years of mediocrity.  And more years of mediocrity.

Earlier I was walking the halls at work talking to my buddy about the Niners, I literally got chills.  CHILLS!!!!!! 

Sunday will be interesting.  I already know Joyce and nn won't be around.  It's just me and Joshua.  Oh geez.....baptism by fire boy!!!!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What is this world comin' to....?

Back in my days...parents had to PAY for us to not play.  Whether it's paying for earning good grades.  Or paying for us to go to Chinese School. 

Yesterday, I bumped into a fellow parent at nn's school.  He said he pays for his son to play soccer twice a week.  It's not really play soccer...but it's to get some exercise. 

Since when did schools got smart enough to have parents pay for their kids to play?  Playing should come naturally...right? I shouldn't have to play for my kid to go kick a ball around.  Or do somersaults on some mats.  I can't complain too much, cuz I'm feeding the system.   

Geez....what is this world comin' to???

Monday, January 21, 2013

Happy Day Part II - If you smeeeeelllllllll........

It's fake.... It's childish... It's stupid.... Yes, Yes...and Yes.  But one of guilty pleasures as far back as 2nd grade has been "professional wrestling." 

Still remember those days when mom wouldn't let us watch wrestling and we 'secretly' recorded it.  Then watched it with the living room door closed thinking we've outsmarted her.

Still remember.... that fateful Sunday in 1986 when we convinced mom and grandma to take us to Cow Palace to watch Wrestlemania III (live simulcast), only for mom to do the right thing as a parent and say "No."  She ended up buying us a program... and big bro ended up crying on the way home.

Still remember.... a year later on network TV, Hogan got jipped of his title on "The Main Event" when Earl Hebner, twin brother of Dave Hebner, counted three even when Hogan had his shoulder up.  I was in the kitchen cooking dinner cuz I was too scared to watch.  Yes... I thought it was real.

Still remember....the rise of NWA, later known as WCW.  Sting....the Four Horseman....Luger.

Then at some point.... wrestling got dumb or I just grew up. 

There was always a constant in wrestling.... for me, at least.  And that was Hulk Hogan.  He left....and came back...left and came back.  When this wrestling icon finally came back...and to rival WCW no less.... it sucked a loser, like me, back into the show. 

But throughout the years.... I've never been to a real wrestling match.  Have never seen how professional or unprofessional the sport really is.  Until the night of the 21st....when I got two free tickets to WWE Monday Night Raw.  Hahahaha....

Everything was as expected.  Over the top acting.  Corny angles.  Loud music.  And I'm not sure what bothered me more....the fact that people actually paid for this stuff?? (It was a full house at the Shark Tank) or the fact that some folks, adults, were really into it.  They were boo-ing and giving the finger as if they really hated the heels.  Hahaha..... 

I never dreamnt of being a wrestler.  I knew I wasn't cut out for it.  I always wanted to be a referee. I always wanted to be the ONE ref....who would run out after the official ref got knocked unconcious.  I wanted to be the guy who won the World Title for the guy who kept getting jipped.  But y'know.... not so much anymore.